Posts by rastry

    This is not a very comfortable solution for me. I don't have Kemper right next to me, I would have to go around other musicians every time I change my guitar. The best way would be to switch the rig to set Low and High Cut. Just like Kone. I use the Remote pedal for control. We have already seen several times that the programmers at Kemper have dealt with more requirements. I think they can handle this easily.

    It's nice that we understood each other. I guess I confused you with the example of Kone. I meant that with Kone it was also possible to solve it by changing the speaker or turning off for a single rig. I think that could also go for Low and High Cut in the main output.
    Unfortunately, I don't speak English, so I translate the text into google translation, and the meaning of the text may change there. I speak only Czech. :( But we will agree that yes. :)

    I always use electric guitar and electroacoustic guitar at live events. This is my main output. I don't ask for it for the monitor, but if it was, I wouldn't be angry. This is important in the main output.

    Version No.1: Low Cut 90Hz and High Cut 10000Hz. Suitable for electroacoustic guitars, but High Cut is high for electric guitars. The sound engineer will have to look for compromises.

    Version No.2: Low Cut 90Hz and High Cut 6000Hz. It suits electric guitars, but High Cut is very low for electroacoustics. So this version is unusable for me.

    Version No.3: I set the main output to 90Hz and 10000Hz. Ideal for electroacoustics. In the individual rigs for the Crunch and Drive electric guitar in the Cabinet, I set On / Off Low and High Cut, either I use the main Low and High Cut, or I adjust it for the given rig as needed, for the Crunch electric guitar at 90Hz and 6000Hz. Low Cut and High Cut only trim the bass and treble, and most importantly do not affect frequency bands like Graphic and Studio EQ, even if everything is set to 0. The best solution for me.

    I don't want it in the Monitor, but in the Main Output. A normal electric guitar normally plays up to 6kHz, but for an electroacoustic guitar it is too low. When I set High Cut in Main Output to 10kHz, the electroacoustics are great, but the electric is more flowing. That's why I'd like this feature. I use both guitars for one Kemper.

    Please, is it possible to do that Low Cut and High Cut in Output, would go for a single rig preferred in Cabinet? Something like Kone Imprint Select. For an electric guitar it is good to set High Cut 6 / 6.5kHz, but for an electroacoustic guitar I need it higher at about 10kHz. Is there anything that can be done about it? I apologize for my English, I only speak Czech. It is translated in google translation.

    Please. Make it possible to set a low filter and a high filter in the Cabinet. I need a lower high filter for the electric guitar and a higher filter for the electroacoustic. In Cabinet, the setting should take precedence over Output. Something like the speaker settings in Kone.

    I have the monitor output on the “Master Mono. The sound in the monitor is bad with the Delay Widener active. It is necessary that this effect can be turned off for a mono monitor. If it is a stereo monitor, then it can be active, and with mono not.

    Good day. I have two questions.

    1. Wouldn't it be possible to do an on-off for a cabinet in Kone for an individual rig? I use a MART45 pulse for the acoustic guitar, and it is activated in the Cabinet. When another speaker (in Kone) is assigned to it, it does not sound good in the monitor. And if I deactivate it in the Cabinet, then of course the impulse will not be there. Is there anything you can do about it?

    2. Try to consider reassigning the Widener function (Delay, Phase, Stereo) to the Output section so that it is possible to exclude these effects from the Monitor. If I use a mono monitor, and I activate a delay widener, for example, the sound changes phase in the monitor, and it plays poorly. Yes, it can be removed, either by a stereo monitor, or by activating a stereo monitor and using one side, but in this case one of the sides of the stereo effect is missing. Assign it to the Output page for the Space effect.

    Good day. Wouldn't it be possible to put Delay Widener, Phase Widener and Stereo Widener (Global settings) in the main Output (just like Space)? Or in Rigs you can change it just like the speaker in Kone? If I don't have a stereo monitor, then wideners can't be used. It should be a bypass for the mono monitor.

    Dobrý den. Je to velký problém nastavit ve Stack Cabinet On Off cabinet v Kone pro konrétní rig? Něco podobného jako při změně reproduktoru? Mám impulz (3Sigma Mart45) na elektroakustiku, a ten se aktivuje právě v sekci Cabinet. Pokud chci hrát s akustikou přes Kone, tak potřebuji u akustického rigu vypnout cabinet v Kone. S tím impulzem se přes Kone nedá hrát, a když vypnu cabinet v rigu, tak mi samozřejmě nehraje kytara přes impulz, pak je mi k ničemu. Děkuji za odpověď.

    Good day. Is it a big deal to set up in the Stack Cabinet On Off cabinet in Kone for a specific rig? Something like changing the speaker? I have an impulse (3Sigma Mart45) for electroacoustics, and it is activated in the Cabinet section. If I want to play with acoustics via Kone, I need to turn off the cabinet in Kone for an acoustic rig. You can't play with that impulse via Kone, and if I turn off the cabinet in Rigs, of course my guitar doesn't play via impulse, then it's useless to me. Thank you for answer.

    Dobrý den. Nyní je super možnost přiřadit kterýkoliv reproduktor k jednotlivým rigům v Kone. Za to moc děkuji. Nešla by ještě udělat možnost u jednotlivých rigů (stejně jak změna reproduktoru) on a nebo off cabinetu v Kone? Je to z důvodu, že můj rig na elektroakustickou kytaru má vyplý amp, ale zaplý cabinet, který obsahuje impulz. Ten když nyní v Kone vypnu, tak zvuk není moc příjemný. Je jako kdybych hrál na aparaturu pro elektrickou kytaru. Chápu, že Kemper je určený především pro elektrickou kytaru, ale hraje dobře taky s akustickou kytarou. Nešlo by to zařídit třeba funkcí bypass?

    Good day. Now it's a great opportunity to assign any speaker to individual rigs in Kone. Thank you very much for that. Wouldn't it be possible to make an option for individual rigs (as well as changing the speaker) on or off the cabinet in Kone? This is because my electroacoustic guitar rig has a fitted amp but a switched on cabinet that contains a pulse. If I turn it off in Kone now, the sound is not very pleasant. It's like playing electric guitar. I understand that Kemper is designed primarily for electric guitar, but it also plays well with acoustic guitar. Couldn't it be arranged by the bypass function, for example?