Posts by EdRaket

    OK, after some more reading, my conclusion is that my Kemper has done a System Restore (Factory Restore). I do not know why, but this explains the fact that I had to do the "Startup Dialogue" again + that I lost settings for my expression pedal, as these were set in the SYSTEM menu settings. I gues there was no detection of a new Remote pedal, this is how I misinterpreted the Startup Dialogue in combinnation with me Remote acting weird.
    I will go and check all my settings in the SYSTEM menu and than I should be fine. Except for the fact that I can't explainwhy this System Restore happened.
    Thanks for your support on this.

    Hi Sharry,

    thanks for your response. I have a spare CAT5 cable with me, so shall use it when this occurs again.
    The thing is: I can not remember that I ever saw these questions on my Kemper where I had to enter date, time and my name before.
    Also, the pedal setting in my Kemper were gone/changed. I had to set that right again. I wonder how the cable between the Remote and the Kemper could have caused that...
    Anyway, let's see what happens.

    Has someone seen this before? When I started my Kemper + Remote+Mission pedal, I noticed that my Wah setup on my Remote and Tuner showing up with heel on my Mission Pedal didn't work anymore.
    I used it the day before. So restarted a few times, same thing.
    Than I noticed a dialogue window on my Kemper, indicating that the Kemper witnessed a new Remote Pedal or something? I had to type in date, time and my name?
    I have never seen that before.
    Than I had to change the pedal setting in my Kemper, to setup the mission pedal right to get was and volume behavior as I had it before. Fortunately I had it written down.
    Anyway, can someone tell me what just happened? I have not installed anything new and have no clue what I witnessed and why my pedal settings were gone.

    I profiled a Unico acoustic amp. I think it sounds great. Use it with Martins and Piezos...

    i didnt find find profile I had liked, had the amp so tried it... Very pleasantly surprised... I put it on the exchange... Under user JoeR or joer43 can't remember....

    Dear Joe,
    I tried your profile for my 6 and 12 string acoustics and it is brilliant. Without any tweaking the acoustic guitars sounded so good. I used to have a separate line with DI box to the mixing panel. As of now I will go through the Kemper with the rig you made. Thanks a lot!

    I guess this is one of those questions that have a simple answer, just can't figure it out myself.
    When I go into tuner mode (by pushing my volume pedal to heel), the tuner works as expected. At the same time the sound is muted. Fine.
    Now when I mute all strings of my guitar with my hand, while being in a room with lots of noise, my tuner signal jumps in all directions. It seems to react to the noise in the room.
    It looks like the tuner picks up s sound signal from another source than my guitar. Uh? Where does it come from? Is there also a microphone in the Kemper that picks up noise?
    When I hit a string, tuner acts normal.

    Now it is not a problem in itself, but I am curious to understand what is happening here.

    Thanks for your support.

    Best regards,


    I know it may seem like a chunk of change...but when you think of the amount you have invested in your KPA as well as any other rack devices, this becomes (IMHO) a no-brainer. Get yourself a Furman Voltage Regulator. I am NOT talking about a run-of-the-mill "Power Conditioner(s)", but the full-fledged automatic Voltage Regulator. The current model is the Furman P-1800 AR. Note the "AR" on the end of the model name. The Furman automatic voltage regulators have all the circuit protection and power conditioning of the lower models (inluding SMS Series Multi-Stage surge protection), as well as true RMS voltage regulation. If you are playing clubs with questionable power, this device may just save your bacon.


    Hi John, I looked into this, but that is so costly here in Europe. 1600 euro, about the same price as the Kemper itself...

    Well, to close this topic of - I received my new Kemper today, covered by guarantee. Installed the latest firmware and did a restore of the last backup I made. After the restore, all settings, rigs, presets and so on were the same as on my last Kemper. So the backup-restore gives you back everything! Great. It all sounds good so I assume this Kemper will not give me any problems, topic closed.

    Has anyone screwed their remote pedal to a case or other surface?
    I'm thinking of removing the rubber feet in order to secure the remote to the case using the rubber-feet screw-holes.
    Not sure how deep the screws could safely go.
    It should be better than velcro. Anyone done this?

    i think this is the way to do it, however would recommend to keep the rubber feet at the same time. I bought small iron strips with small holes to accomplish this. See
    [Blocked Image:]

    For the pedal you can use parts of bicycle chain, but they did not fit right for my remote.

    :( Latest status update. Unfortunately the problem is back. I am now 100% sure it is the Kemper itself that causes the problem. Guitar in at the from input, headphone out at the front and I still hear the all distorted sound. There are no XLR cables or other components involved.
    I am now arguing with the shop where I bought the Kemper that I want to replace it. The are reluctant to send me a replacement, which I think is ridiculous as I bought it on Februari 25th. I did make a small movie of the problem occurring and will try to post that later today to this mail. To be continued.
    Oh yes, I have also logged a ticket with Kemper a week ago. I send them the movie showing the problem. My first priority is to get a replacement before the gig I have coming Saturday... ;(

    Not sure what your cause is but i had a similar issues several times that only ever occurred in the practice space and managed to resolve it.

    The symptoms were:
    Every few hours a Rig would get noisy with a static digital sounding crackle/hum that would grow in volume over 15 seconds or so until it was as loud a s the profile volume. Turning guitar volume down, switching wireless body pack off, switching to silent tuner mode (via kpa remote) all silenced the guitar signal, but not the growing crackle/hum (which made my clean patches appear distorted when playing). Output signal chain was simply: KPA Main out (mono)> xlr> to mixing desk>desk main outs to PA

    The cause:
    After going through everything I could think of (ground loops, wireless interference, KPA memory refresh, FW downgrade/upgrade, different power circuits etc, etc) the issue was solved by simply replacing the xlr I was using to go from the KPA main out to the mixing desk. I still don't understand how a bad xlr would cause the symptoms, but swapping it out fixed it. ?(
    It only occurred in the jam room as we have permanent cabling that is always strung out at the jam room and a second complete set that is used for gigs. Safe to say that particular XLR got cut into tiny pieces for being a jerk and promptly thrown in the trash.

    Possibly not the cause of your noise, but the description of your problem sounds damn close to what I was fighting. Hope it helps!

    Hi Greenly,

    what you described was exactly what I experienced. You described it better than I did at the start of this item. So you you so much for taking the effort to help me. I will change the XLR cables in my rack from the KPA to higher quality and am hopeful this will do the trick.

    Note: I hope it is not because we both play a Nick Huber, love your guitar :) (I actually changed the guitar yesterday to see if it mattered...)

    My excuses for this silly question, want to make sure.
    I have put my KPA Rack (non powered) in a rack, and as a result, can not touch the ground lift buttons.
    My assumption is that, as a default, I should not have them pushed in. Can someone conform me that this assumption is right?
    (I understand it is better if you cab use them selectively in case of ground hum)