Posts by MichaelRiesenbeck

    I want my Profiler to send out PC/CC to my Helix Effects unit. The Helix works out of the box with other midi devices, but after spending around a full day on the Profiler and not getting anywhere, I'd though to ask here. Obviously I searched and read the manual, but it still does not work.

    What I want to achieve is that when I select a profile, that profile sends out a midi PC or CC via the midi out. But I can't get this set up. Midi is on omni, the ui to midi and pedals to midi I tried, I tried assigning specific PC's to a profile, but whatever I do, the Helix does not receive any data. I've tried another external midi receiver with the same results. I'm probably missing a very simple thing somewhere, but I hope someone here has this setup.

    I am trying to get this working in browser mode. Tried Performance mode too, but I prefer to use browser mode.

    What I do notice is that in performance mode in the video's I've seen in the square to the left of the performance name midi channel and midi code is displayed, but in my screen that square is totally black.

    Edit: I did the midi reset option (booting holding quick and selecting tuner. If I then open a performance, the midi channel etc is briefly displayed before the square turns black again.

    I have made an ‘ir’ of each of the imprints and use them in a Quad Cortex in place of the QC’s regular Cab block to send to a pair of Cabs with Kones.

    With just a touch of eq tweaking in the ir block and then save those tweaks per preset it really improves the sound and makes it a viable way to get away from the FRFR and closer to the cab-in-the-room sound.

    Is it as effective as when I use the Stage into the Kemper Kab ? I’d say not as easy to achieve and not nearly as fast to try out different imprints but the end result sound wise is really close. Well worth doing in my mind

    Would you be willing to send me those IR's?

    I guess you could use it in parallel?

    PROFILER DIRECT OUT with Guit Analog signal to Revolt preamp,
    Revolt Preamp back to the PROFILER RETURN INPUT,

    FX Loop in Slot X and use that to mix the Revolt sound in.

    But I don't really see the point tbh ;)

    It's a cool device, and that tube lights up very pretty, so that will look awesome on stage 8o BUT, there are really cool tones in it as well, so it's a nice addition, since I bring this thing with me anyway :)

    Ok, so I have bought a Two Notes Revolt tube pre amp to integrate with my helix effects unit as a backup rig. But since I take this stuff with me, it's a bit of a waste to not actually use the Revolt. If I want to use that preamp and it's three channels, what would be the way to connect this, while staying able to use the main outs to go to foh in stereo? Maybe this connection is not possible at all since the KPA is a preamp itself, but I'd thought I'd ask anyway :)

    The unpowered kab is LOUD! But having a decent power amp helps. I use a Koch ATR stereo tube poweramp, going stereo into 2 Kemper kabs. I have a huge amount of headroom, even when keepin the KPA output on minus 12 or something.

    I bought ToneX, but I tend to fire up my Kemper instead most of the times. If I play the KPA the feel is just so much better for me. Added advantage for me is also, that I can monitor through my stereo Kab setup at the same time, when I use the KPA, so that definitely adds, but even without the Kemper just feels better, hard to explain. Despite the ever existing KPA compression, which I'm starting to dislike more and more, and for which I think there should be a way to turn that off.

    Initial thoughts: looks good, does what it needs to do.

    Issues so far:

    - Somehow the midi assignment of one of my presets was changed to another one, probably because RM stored the previously used preset into the one I wanted to load up and something went wrong (user error most likely).

    - The loaded amp does not always reload properly in the right hand side of the screen (hence my user error, probably)


    1 - Ability to select the amp through pull down list, like with the effects

    2 - Ability to select the cab through pull down list, like with the effects

    3 - Ability to double the knobs and manually enter a number

    4 - Ability to edit midi cc assignments

    +1 for Meulendijk.

    So, just bought a Kemper powerhead a week ago. I think I must have spent over 20-30 hours of researching all kinds of things about the Kemper and whether it would be a fit for me. I had a ton of questions and had to look so much things up, in the manual and deducting from posts on this forum, reviews, youtube... So I figured: I share what i've learned.

    After all, if I would have found this thread 2 weeks ago, it would have helped me immensely.

    Here goes:

    Question 1: Should I get the powered version?

    Yes, you should, so you can play on a traditional cabinet and it sounds awesome! Really no reason not to, unless you're only planning to use it in the studio or have other options. I cannot imagine a guitarist who would not rather have the powered version. I use it on a 1x12 Jensen Blackbird 100 Watt speaker and sometimes 4x12 Marshall 1960 V30's, both sound great with merged profiles, direct profiles and even studio profiles (with cab off).

    It's MONO. If you need stereo, get a stereo Poweramp. And in my experience a separate (tube) poweramp cuts better through a band mix and has a more 3D sound than the build in SS poweramp.

    Good write up, though and welcome to the family.