Posts by satriaulie


    Yes. I’ve seen that you commented.

    It’s been quite a while since I sold my previous Kemper, but I was so certain that I corrected this issue with the cab volume.
    If it really is the same thing then I’m obviously remembering wrong.
    That also means there has to be a way to get the levels evened out, since it worked perfectly last time around. I will have to work more with the profiling process and see what I can do to remedy my problem.

    That being said, I can’t really understand why it should make things to complicated for users to have a possibility to balance these levels.

    • So I still think that a cab volume is needed, but it needs to only affect the cab of course.

    I’ve been trying for a while to make profiles of my Mesa F-30 without any luck.
    The clean profile seems to be almost dead on both as studio and direct profiles, but my drive channel profiles really doesn’t even come close.
    I’m using a Sennheiser e-906 directly to the Kemper and not using a mixer or mic-pre. For the direct profiles I use the Kemper D.I.
    For listening I use a Sennheiser HD-25 that I’ve been using for many years both in studio and live. It’s a headset that I know very well and that I’m used to hearing my amps through. It also quite efficiently shuts out sound of the amp in the room.

    When the profiling process is done the profiled version sounds more mid boosted and harsh, and it seems to be lacking quite a bit in the bass register. Still there is absolutely some kind of resemblance to the reference amp.
    When I then run the refining process it ends up getting further away from the reference.

    The amp is not running very loud, but quite close to what I would normally play.

    I’ve got two identical amps and have had the same experience with the both of them.

    So what could be the problem in my profiling process?
    Are there just some amps the Kemper can’t profile correctly?

    Thank you!
    I’m sceptical, but I’ll give it a try.

    Thank you Paults!
    Just knowing someone understand is a good help.

    So what du you suggest should be my next step in trying to resolve this problem?
    I can’t seem to find a solution in the current software.
    So downgrade is an option of course, but is there a way to ensure even levels in the profiling process?
    I mean, I can always make new profiles.

    To all others that have tried to help. Thank you for the effort! I apologise getting frustrated.
    English is not my main language, so it takes quite a bit of energy to try to explain something that is so simple to say in Norwegian.

    Seriously? It really doesn’t matter if I adjust clean sens with headphones or cabinet.

    This makes it impossible to balance the rig levels when using both guitar cabinet and direct out at the same time.

    When there was a volume parameter in the “Cab” module it worked.

    In how many ways do I have to say this before anyone understands what I’m talking about?

    There has always been one unique volume parameter in the Stack Section. In the beginning it used to reside in the Cabinet Module. We migrated this same parameter into the Amp Module, when we introduced Direct Profiles, which have no cabinet by definition. We wanted to make this parameter available for every type of Profile. The values were maintained so that there were no sound nor volume changes affecting any Rigs. So, just one parameter which moved from one Module into another one.

    If you want to balance the volume of FOH with cabinet simulation and physical guitar cabinet on stage without cabinet simulation you should do that using the output volumes, which are global by definition. Adjust the level of Main Output Volume versus Monitor Output Volume once. No need to adjust and store every Rig. This is what output volumes are here for.

    Am I seriously the only one who has encountered this problem?

    Try to follow me.

    I’ve made 4 studio profiles and 4 direct profiles of my 4 basic sounds in my normal tube amp rig.
    I’ve done all profiling with my original sound in balance and on the overall level that I would normally play live.
    Then I’ve merged the profiles so that I’m left with 4 merged profiles.

    Then I’ve set clean sens, using my headphones, to a level where my clean and drive sounds are in balance.
    This part works perfectly.

    Then I connect my guitar cabinet and turn off the cabinet simulation just for the “Monitor” output.
    When I listen through the same presets again, this time through my guitar cabinet and WITHOUT cabinet simulation, the clean preset is much louder than the drive presets.

    Any level change I do within the preset/performance slot will affect all outputs and thus not helping me.
    Any level change I do in the output section will affect all the presets/performance slots and thus not helping me.

    A volume parameter in the “Cab” module will affect only the outputs using the cabinet simulation and also only that specific preset.
    Thus solving my problem.

    Why not plug in amp for the guitar cabinet at the monitor output? Then you'de have possibilties for different setting.How is your routing?

    Finally back from work and able to concentrate on the problem.

    What do you mean by “output preset”?

    First of. I’ve got the Powered Toaster and Kemper remote.

    I plug my guitar in to the front of the Kemper.
    “Monitor” is going to the built in power amp, and is in its turn then feeding my guitar cabinet. This output is of course set to be WITHOUT cabinet simulation.
    Further on I’m also using headphones and sending a stereo signal to F.O.H. These outputs are WITH cabinet simulation.

    If I balance the levels between my rigs when listening to my headphones it will be unbalanced when playing it through my guitar cabinet and vice versa.

    Earlier, when there was a volume control in the “cab” module it was easy to fix this balance problem. The way it is now it ends being unbalanced either in the “Monitor” out (no cab) or in the “main/headphones” out (with cab). Can’t seem to find a way to make it work both ways at the same time.

    A volume control in the “amp” block is not the same as having it in the “cab” block.

    In the “cab” block the value of the volume control will only become relevant when “cab” is active.

    In my case I can get even levels between my clean and drive profiles when going to F.O.H. No problem so far. When I then connect my guitar cabinet to the power amp and turn “cab” off on monitor I end up with a to loud clean sound. I can’t have it both ways.

    So the only option is to downgrade then?

    The user is having a problem balancing clean vs. distorted, with different needs in the FOH and Monitor Outputs.

    The user wants the Gain sounds to be the same volume in FOH and Monitor, with the clean sound louder in FOH, compared to its volume in the Monitor Output.

    I want to even out the difference between clean and drive since there becomes a difference when I turn of cab.

    Is my English that bad?

    The problem isn’t adjusting volume on the different outputs.
    It’s balancing the levels between presets that is the problem.

    I’m sorry my English just isn’t good enough to explain the problem in another way than I already have.

    The Cab Volume control that used to be a part of the cabinet block solved the problem.

    I’ve recognised that “Cab Volume” has been removed since tha last time I owned a Kemper.

    I’ve made 4 direct profiles and 4 studio profiles of my Mesa rig at balanced levels.
    I’ve then merged them to be able to run “Monitor” without Cab sim to my guitar cabinet and “Main” with Cab sim to F.O.H.

    This used to work perfectly in my previous Kemper, but now, with the missing “Cab Volume”, I’ve run into some problems.

    When all profiles are running on balanced levels into my guitar cabinet the clean sound becomes to weak into F.O.H.
    If I’m running balanced levels into F.O.H. then the clean sound gets to loud in my guitar cabinet.

    Cab Volume would solve this problem easily.

    Is there another way?
    downgrade maybe?

    I only have the profiles of my normal rig. No point in keeping the others.
    The problem is due to the removal of a volume control in the cab block.

    When I balance the patch levels in the signal going to F.O.H. the clean sounds becomes to loud in my guitar speaker cabinet on stage. When I balance the patches in the signal going to my guitar speaker cabinet the clean sound becomes to weak in the signal going to F.O.H.

    This used to be easy to fix by adjusting the level in the “cab” block. Then only the signal with the cab simulation would be affected by the the adjustment.

    All the volume controls I find in the Kemper now will affect the sound no matter if I use the cab sim or not.

    So, am I missing something or has the flexibility of the Kemper been compromised with the latest updates?