Posts by ozweepay

    I just got the Profiler Player today, and I'm quite pleased with it so far. I'm a long time KPA user, so I know my way around Rig Manager. I was able to assign 3 patches to each footswitch on the Player. My question now, is there an external 2 button footswitch that will allow me to access 2 more patches? I did hook up a Boss FS1, but that only allows me to turn effects On or Off. Thanks in advance for any advice or suggestions.

    Picked up a less expensive alternative to the KEMPER bag. Fits the Kemper snugly, not a ton of padding but enough to keep it safe, with a strong shoulder strap. The front pouch holds my expression pedal, and 2 side pouches hold strings and anything else. But am I going to a gig or going fishing? I'll never tell.

    I had a guitar player fill in for me a few weeks ago. He wanted to bring his amp, and I told him he could just play through my Kemper as it's dialed in well with the house PA. He asked "What's a Kemper?"..... ?(
    I told him not to worry, he'd be happy with the sound on stage.
    He brought his own amp out anyways, and the band wouldn't let him plug it in. So he played all night with the Kemper, and was apparently thrilled.
    He called me the next morning and said "Hey, where can I get one of those, I'd like to have a little amp like that for backup......." ;( Some people just don't get it.

    I have only tried your setup this past weekend, but here's what I did. I gave the soundman my XLR main output set at -12 dB, and sent the 1/4 monitor output into the power amp. I unlinked the XLR main, and linked the 1/4 monitor output to the master volume on the Kemper. That way I could adjust the volume for my cabinet without blasting the soundman's signal. My 1/4 monitor output was set to about -10 dB, and I turned up the power amp to the volume I needed. I may have adjusted the Kemper volume a bit more, there's a lot more volume I could coax out if it, but I used the power amp dial to get the stage volume I was comfortable with.

    After 2 years of doing a house gig running the Kemper through the PA, I finally took the plunge and bought a power amp, for a different gig, different bar. ART SLA 1 through a Hughes and Kettner 1x12. I was nervous, but I took my same settings, turned cabs off in monitor out, and sent mains to the PA. I'm so impressed with my stage sound. Took a bit of tweaking with the monitor out EQ, and it was smooth sailing. I'm now selling the amps I always relied on for one off gigs. This is the way to go. :)

    The Line 6 edit program makes it pretty easy to edit the parches through your computer via USB. Tweaking it through the pedal LCD is a nightmare. But I can't believe I used it for a year, before the Kemper. If anyone is on the fence about spending more to get the Kemper, you have to pull the trigger on it. It's so much more enjoyable playing live now for me, with such a responsive and dynamic unit.

    I've been using my Kemper live for the last few weeks. We've got a bigger gig coming up and we're having a fill in band play for our house gig, using our stage setup. So I thought I'd run my HD500x again, just to make sure the fill in guitar player will have some usable sounds, since I will be using my Kemper for the bigger show. Wow. I can't believe how much better and more responsive the KPA is. It was a long and painful night not having it. Funny, considering the HD500x was my main sound for a year before I got the Kemper, and I always thought the Line 6 was more than adequate, even to the point where I thought of returning the Kemper because it didn't seem that much better than the Line 6. You don't know how much you appreciate something until you step away from it for a bit.

    I just find it easier and more convienant playinf live to have all the songs in their own bank and step through vs, chorus, brg etc patches as necessary. Personally I think the biggest advantage this has give me is easy access to unique presets for each song without having to memorize a bank and number. I have it setup so it doesnt matter what song im on, my "special effect" is always on pedal #1, cleanest part of song on #2, od on #3, more present od on #4, and lead on #5. Whatever song I'm playing, I always know what to press to get what I need without thinking too hard. Many songs however I only use 2 or so presets, but it gives me an easy selection of tones if I want to change it up on the fly. Rearranging the set order is a snap also. Performance mode has made my gigs easier for sure.

    I could conceivably try this. I could have, say 5 banks preloaded for Performance Mode. One for softer stuff, one for heavier, on for dance stuff, etc. And scroll through them as the song requires, and have it set up in the same manner as you, with each button programmed to the same effect. This gives me some ideas.

    300?? Good lord!

    Yeah, thats a unique situation that would be tough manage in performance mode! I'd stick with what you're currently doing then.

    You're getting some impressive mileage out of the 10 presets Ozweepay, especially as some of those 10 are wild effects! :thumbup:

    We play three 1 hour sets a night, every weekend. Been doing it for 10 years with this band. The songs start adding up after that long. We don't play every single one every weekend, but we dust off most of them for the sake of variety.
    My patches are:
    More Dirt
    Chorus Lead
    Chorus Crunch
    3rd Up Harmony
    And a thicker, heavy effects Lead for over the top power ballad solos.
    And I have a Crybaby wah set up across all patches, except for the Whammy and Harmonizer

    I haven't set up my Kemper for performance mode. I use a Rocktron Midi Mate with expression pedal, and have 10 patches available to me that I've preset. I understand Performance Mode, but I don't think I really need it. 10 patches is more than enough to get me through a night, and a couple of them are just goofy throw in stuff that I use just for fun (Harmonizer, Whammy). Do any of you use Performance Mode, and am I missing anything?

    Hello, all. Finally received my unpowered lunchbox KPA after a 3 month wait. I excitedly set it up at home after quickly scanning the manual. I ended up really liking one of the stock profiles. I based my entire rig around it, with some gain backed off for a cleaner sound, and more gain and effects for a lead sound, and everything in between. I was so happy and blown away with it all, it sounded so good in my studio through the reference monitors. But I really got the amp to play it live, I front and play in versatile rock/dance/funk band that covers everything from Abba to Metallica to Toto to LMFAO to.....etc. So there's a lot of music and sounds to cover. We're the house band at a casino every weekend, so I wanted the Kemper to be my be all and end all solution for guitar versatility. We normally run Pods on stage direct, so I figured the KPA would be so much more pro.
    To be honest, I was quite heartbroken to hear the sounds coming from my monitor on stage when I finally ran it live. It sounded nothing like the sounds I had spent so much time on dialling in at home. We did have a sound man out that night that was tweaking our mix, and he told me the Kemper sounded really good out front, but I was nonplussed. I was so overcome with the disappointment of the on stage monitor sound, that I thought the Kemper wasn't for me.
    I decided to take the KPA home and give it another shot, from the ground up. I pored over the manual, and spent some more time downloading profiles from Rig Manager. I ended up with a really good 5150 III profile that is my main base for all patches. I also discovered the OUTPUT button and it's versatility. When I set up for the gig again the following weekend, I was able to EQ the KPA for our stage monitors. Wow, what a difference. I can't believe I almost gave up on this, I have such an incredible sound right now, makes playing that much more fun. I also made a harmonizer patch, just for fun, and to give our bass player fits.
    I'm a believer, the Kemper is everything it said it was and more.