Posts by jiben

    Hi everybody!

    I'm trying to convert this IR from this Pack and this message shows up (pics attached)

    I was thinking about importing the IR as a wave file in Cubase, resample it to 44.100 and export it, but i'm afraid to ruin it ... :/

    is it a problem that it comes from the Axe-FX?? is it possible to resample it without destroying it??

    oh, and for the import part, does the standard USB-key-in-the-profiler-import-procedure works for IRs ???

    thanks a lot in advance! :)


    -my cab is connected to the powered output
    - "monitor out link" is linked (black), but as Robrecht mentionned, i should try cranking it up as the volumes seems to work in a relative way... just a question... "monitor" output is linked to power output?
    - "power amp" on (black)
    - power amp boost +12 dB yes
    - i think i rehearse on a 8ohm cab, but when i play live i just borrow someone else's cab since it is just supposed to be for a "stage" sound
    -i use an EQ on my preset, but i don't lower the volume with it...

    hello everyone!

    I looked up everywhere i could for some help on my problem but it seems like nobody has it...

    my situation is: I play on Power Rack, brutal heavy stuff (5150, Recto type profiles...) with Bareknuckle Painkiller, on a 4x12 ENGL.

    my poweramp boost is cranked up to max (cab monitor is Off), and even with full master Volume, i can barely hear, or even "feel" what i play, compared to my other guitarist who plays at 3 - 4 (volume knob) on his EVH3 50W head...Now, I know tube power have more "balls" but i'm speaking about a real hell of a difference!! I literally sound half his volume :/

    At first I thought the KPR's Power rack was not designed to be very powerful, so i wanted to switch on a unpowered version of KPA and buy an external poweramp. But when I look at the specs, i see it has a 600W power!
    I don't know electricity very well, but it seems to be a good amount, considering all the traditionnal ampheads have 100/200W power...

    Plus, i've seen a lot of posts in this forum saying that the KPR Amp is very good, very powerful etc...

    Am I missing something here? [Blocked Image:] or could it be an internal problem??

    My outputs are set like this:
    Main out - master mono
    Monitor - master mono
    Direct output - master mono

    But still not working

    Seems like you can only activate or deactivate the cab sim but you can't choose on which output you want it on / off
    I remember reading something about different ways to mute the cab in the operating manual, but I can't remember... Could it be the problem ? Am I muting the cab the wrong way?

    Hello everyone

    First Of All i would like to apologize for my bad english.
    I will also introduce myself when i ll have a bit more time, i m kind Of writing in à hurry hère

    I m in my rehersal room testing my KPA powerrack for the first time!

    My basic idea was to have my kpa connected (via speaker output) to a physical orange cab, FOH(via main output L because mono) and my inear monitor ( monitor out)

    My problem is that I can't manage to have speaker sim activated on *main out L* and *monitor out*, but muted on *speaker out* so I can have a full rig (amp+virtual cab) on *main out /monitor out* (thus having the full simulation) but only the amp without virtual cab on *speaker output* in order for my physical cab to sound correctly.

    My questions are:

    Is it possible?
    What am I doing wrong?
    How to achieve it?

    I hope I have been clear enough and you guys will understand what I m trying to say, I am currently writing this on my french phone in the middle of my rehearsal room with ugly guys blasting death metal around me :p