Posts by jabromusic

    Before i got the kab i was running a pair of accugroove javas. Absolute killer frfr and SO lightweight. I loved those alot but really prefer the meat of the 'amp in the room' sound.

    Very interesting. I tried a Kab but couldn't get it to work for me. No offense to Kemper, but my Accugroove Latte just destroyed it on every level.

    No public announcement, but apparently their customer service has already accepted product swaps and their sales reps have admitted it. Yes someone took one apart and it had the new OP amps. Mime is from the first series and the hiss is absolutely negligeable even at low volume, but apparently they are not all the same

    Gotcha! Thanks for the info. I have one on order from Sweetwater but they are backordered and are most likely waiting for Fender to finish upgrading the new units.

    Right on. I actually have one on order but still wouldn't mind hearing some clips with the Kemper in the meantime. I currently have an Accugroove Latte that I like very much but am always open to try something new and different.

    That's how I do it. I have two Yamaha DXR10 powered monitors connected just as you describe. Works great. I don't do it for more power (one of these is astonishingly loud all by itself) but more to get a bigger sound stage. I migrated to Kemper from a Soldano head with two 4x12 cabs. One 10" powered monitor wasn't gonna cut it. Two does the job nicely.

    Ok, thanks! Just curious- have you done gigs with this setup where you aren't running to FOH where you are totally relying on your rig volume onstage to fill the room?

    I was hired to sub on guitar by a bandleader last night for a corporate gig and decided to use my Kemper rack through an Accugroove Latte FRFR enclosure. I've done corporate gigs before where a pro sound company is hired and everyone has an individual floor monitor for their own mix. Last night was not that. LOL. The bass player and keyboard player had their own amps and the drummer had a full acoustic kit. Nothing was mic'd up. We were all relying on our stage volume to be loud enough to fill the room. The bandleader had a very small PA system for the two vocalists with one little floor monitor for both vocalists to hear themselves.

    I had my Accugroove Latte enclosure behind me tilted up, pointing at my head and it sounded pretty fantastic. The thing is that this type of enclose is very directional, so while it sounded great to me, the bass player and drummer (who were off to my side) couldn't hear it as well as I could.

    Has anyone else run into this type of situation and, if so, what did you do? I'm guessing that one solution would be to bring 2 FRFR enclosures and point the other one in a different direction but a lot of these stages are on the smaller side so bringing more gear is out of the question.

    ckemper was pretty clear in that thread that he sees no valid use for Hi and Low cuts on the monitor out. I have to admit that I pretty much agree with him.

    I totally understand (and agree with) the point that users are making about on stage sound often being seriously compromised. This means that separate EQ for onstage would be a VERY useful feature to compensate for poor room acoustics. I have played on some truly awful sounding stages which needed a totally different EQ for on stage and FOH. However, the right tool to deal with this isn't Hi/Low cut filter but a GEQ or Parametric EQ to carefully target specific problem frequencies. A Full 31 band GEQ or a full parametric EQ would be much more reasonable request to handle the specific problem that everyone in these threads seems to be highlighting.

    I love that idea. It would totally work! Just as long as it doesn't effect the signal being sent to FOH. There's just no reason to have the same Hi/Low cuts (or GEQ/Parametric EQs) for both the FOH and monitor outs. They shouldn't be tethered together.

    Right now the HP & LP work on all outputs or nothing I believe. I thought as well that it would be nice to have them separated from mains & monitor too. That way for instance you could leave the mains alone if they are fine but if your stage monitor cab got a bit woofy you could filter it without changing the main signal. I realize there are other ways of doing this, but a lot of times I like LP/HP filters for quick "global" type fixes for different rooms. With all the amazing controls on this unit and the ability to separate main and monitor sounds I was surprised this wasn't implemented.

    Agree 100%. I'm hoping that this is something that Kemper adds to a new firmware update. There are certain rooms where I need to adjust the EQ cuts to my own personal monitor without effecting my FOH mix and it's impossible to do so right now. It sounds like it would be somewhat easy to add, right?

    Maybe I'm a bit late to this party...

    But for me the Low and Hig Cut filter is absolut useless, because it effects Monitor and Main.

    These Filters makes only sens for Monitor (tweaking Cabinet on stage or in the recording room).

    I'm even later to the party but I totally agree. There should be separate output filters for main outs and monitor outs. My personal monitor is different sounding than the FOH PA and our soundmen make their own EQ adjustments depending on the room. I like to make my own overall EQ adjustments to the way things sound on stage through my own FRFR and this shouldn't effect what's being sent to FOH. Please make this a new feature in an upcoming firmware update!!!

    I don't think Pete is much of a Kemper fan. How much do you see him use it? Once? I completely disagree with "wipe the Kemper clean when you get it and buy as many Michael Britt profiles as you can afford". MB profiles are really good, but not the end all. TJ & BM have awesome profiles as well. Did Pete try those before saying that? Bet not. There are many profile that came with my Kemper that are more than just usable. For instance try MB's free EVH profile or his BE100 profiles and then try the one in the new legends pack (Bert's profile BE100) and tell me what you think.

    I've actually tried a lot of the TJ and BM profiles. I'm actually a big fan of BM's profiles for studio work and just playing at home. There's just nothing that comes close for live performances like the MBritt profiles to me, but YMMV. (Also, I'm playing clean to slightly overdriven sounds 95% of the time so there's probably other high gain profiles that would work better in those situations).

    After understanding that a Kemper is as good as the profile you use, not reliant on models or factory settings plus is simple to understand and you can tweek but not much is needed in most cases with good profiles

    This is a very important point! The Kemper can sound horrible if you use horrible sounding profiles. I remember turning my Kemper on when I got it and the first few stock profiles that I heard were pretty bad and I was underwhelmed. Pete Thorn basically said to wipe the Kemper clean when you get it and buy as many Michael Britt profiles as you can afford. He was 100% correct. The Kemper really came to life with those MBritt profiles and I continue to only use his profiles which keep getting better and better!

    Kemper and Fractal do the same thing but Fractal takes you way longer to do it and costs more in the end. Kemper gives you free unlimited upgrades.

    I would have to agree 100% although I had a couple of Axe FX units, not the FM3 or FM9. It would take forever to program my Axe FX's and my patches would all need to be re-tweaked after many of the firmware updates. There were also so many variables to consider (which is a big plus for some people) and I would find myself spending WAY too much time re-adjusting my presets.

    Now, I only use Michael Britt profiles with my Kemper and I'm already 90-95% of the way there tone-wise. Most of them only need minor EQ adjustments and no extra time is wasted going down various rabbit-holes like I used to with the Axe FX. The other thing is that if you do buy an FM3, I guarantee that Fractal will come out with the new and improved version in a year or two. Not so with Kemper. They got it right from the beginning.

    That said, Fractal makes an amazing product and I'm sure the FM3 would sound wonderful and work perfectly for your situation. It just depends how much extra time (and money) you have on your hands.