Posts by Robbert

    Of course I would love to answer that I used a Vintage Marshall full stack loaded with pre Rola greenback.
    The truth is very different and also quite funny. I could get a friends vintage Marshall 4x12 for this, but with the G12M20's you only get 80 watt. The owner of the Plexi already told me that this beast was realy loud and that I should be careful with the speakers. So I didn't want to risk my friends speaker. So I ended up using 2 modified 1912 cabs, one loaded with a 65 watt creamback and one with a Vintage 30. So I had this enormous beast of an amp playing through the smallest cabs. :) And it sure was loud!

    It worked fine though. The small cabs direct the sound very well to the mic and give a very well balanced result. This is sometimes much harder to achieve with the larger Marshall cab. I placed the mics in front of the Creamback cab, which was on top of the V30 one.

    The DI was done using a DI box, which is placed between the amp and cab. So no artificial load, just a proper speaker response.

    This amp pack gives you 3 series of the best Marshall Plexi sound + one series of DI profiles for a total of 60 profiles.
    The 100 watt 1969 Plexi used for these profiles was almost completely original.
    Different microphone combinations were used to give you more different uses of the same amp.
    Several volume levels were used to give you the subtle differences in character. Also different jumpered settings were used. Basically you get a digital version of this amp.
    No boosters, overdrives, distortions or other effects were used during profiling.
    I hope you like it and look forward to read your reactions.
    Have fun!

    any chance ?? for a clean fender pack ?

    More Fenders will follow. But I don't know when and I can only make promises for a Clapton Vibrochamp (which is awesome) and a Tweed Deluxe RI. A clean pack is not what I'm thinking of (but if there is more demand, I could change my mind;)) In the future a Fender pack might be possible. But still, this might be at least 3 months from now. The way I do my profiling takes a lot of time (and money;)).

    If you like some different cleans, I would recommend the Princeton pack. You get 5 different microphone combinations; also some unusual ones which work very well. Of course the basic character of the Princeton will always be there.

    Hallan, you absolutely understand what I'm trying to achieve with my profiles! Thanks for your compliments!

    In my experience the character of an amp changes slightly when you change the amount of gain or overdrive. This is something the Kemper can't emulate, because it's different for each amp. It's one of the things I try to capture. Furthermore I use different microphone combinations, which also give a different character. In some case you can give some special effect which is awesome. I use the Reslo microphone to get some real vintage vibe in the profiles. Valco S2 series is done with the Reslo.

    You won't regret the AC-10. The typical Vox chimes are there. But also a real Beatles and Kinks sound with the Reslo microfone. the AC-10 was all original, with original caps and even the original valves. The 2 Elac speakers were also original. In some profiles, you can hear the paper of the speaker working, if you listen carefully.

    Now I am working on an almost original 69 Plexi. I understand you don't like the V48 profile. The 48 means that the left channel was on 4 and the right channel on 8. Both channels jumped together. The right channel is really dark. But in the pack there will be plenty of profiles you will like...:)

    After the Plexi something really special will be next. You're going to love it. If you're curious, please follow my facebook page. I will show it there, before I make an announcement here. :)

    Now available is the Introduction pack at This pack is for getting to know the quality of our profiles, for a very friendly price.

    Please let me know what you think about this pack.

    These are the 15 high quality profiles in the pack:
    50s Valco S3 mV7
    50s Valco S4 V6
    62 AC-10 S3 T V2
    68 Princeton S4 V4
    68 Princeton S5 V6
    69 Plexi S1 V6
    69 Plexi S2 J V48
    70 Vibrolux S1 T V3
    70 Vibrolux S3 N V6
    1974X S1 TL V6
    1974 S4 J V37
    Colonial USP1 V24
    Colonial USP1 V86
    Tinter S2 V3
    Tinter S3 V6

    This afternoon I compiled an introduction pack with 15 profiles. It is available for the very friendly price of €7,50. The pack contains 1 or 2 profiles selected from all available amp packs. As a bonus I included 2 more profiles I made from the unmodified 69 Plexi I'm working on now. The 69 pack will be released soon.

    I hope this makes it easier to try FD Profiles products.
    The pack will be available for a limited time, so grab it while you can ;)

    If you have any more questions, please let me know.

    I may start with one pack and see how they sound in a mix. That 1974x looks tempting.

    Based on the descriptions, these profiles are straight up amp tone: no effects baked into them like drives or boosters. Is that accurate?

    Also, do you add any…

    No effects like drives or boosters included in the current profiles. You get the amp tone as pure as possible. No KPA effects are on by default. So it really is the amp, the mic and the preamp you hear.

    The prices are based on the uniqueness of the amps and you get different microphone combinations. It takes a lot of time to do this;)

    The Vibrolux starts at volume level 3 and goes up to level 7 (sometimes more) in steps of 1. It starts clean and you get a lot of different chunch levels.
    The Princeton has volume levels 3,4,5,6,8 and 10 in most series, which starts clean. You get 5 different microphone combinations plus DI.


    Today I am proud to present my new website for low and medium gain profiles. Starting with 7 great amps, including some awesome vintage amps. And more to follow....
    Almost every amp is profiled with several microphone combinations. Every microphone combination includes several gain levels, because more gain on the amp sounds different than more gain on the Kemper. Professional preamps and mixer are used for profiling (eg Neve, Chandler, API).

    Please have a look at and like us on Facebook:

    Have fun and let me know what you think!
