1969 Plexi Amp Pack (FD Profiles)

  • This amp pack gives you 3 series of the best Marshall Plexi sound + one series of DI profiles for a total of 60 profiles.
    The 100 watt 1969 Plexi used for these profiles was almost completely original.
    Different microphone combinations were used to give you more different uses of the same amp.
    Several volume levels were used to give you the subtle differences in character. Also different jumpered settings were used. Basically you get a digital version of this amp.
    No boosters, overdrives, distortions or other effects were used during profiling.
    I hope you like it and look forward to read your reactions.
    Have fun!

  • Of course I would love to answer that I used a Vintage Marshall full stack loaded with pre Rola greenback.
    The truth is very different and also quite funny. I could get a friends vintage Marshall 4x12 for this, but with the G12M20's you only get 80 watt. The owner of the Plexi already told me that this beast was realy loud and that I should be careful with the speakers. So I didn't want to risk my friends speaker. So I ended up using 2 modified 1912 cabs, one loaded with a 65 watt creamback and one with a Vintage 30. So I had this enormous beast of an amp playing through the smallest cabs. :) And it sure was loud!

    It worked fine though. The small cabs direct the sound very well to the mic and give a very well balanced result. This is sometimes much harder to achieve with the larger Marshall cab. I placed the mics in front of the Creamback cab, which was on top of the V30 one.

    The DI was done using a DI box, which is placed between the amp and cab. So no artificial load, just a proper speaker response.