Posts by burenkov

    Hi Serg.I should have contacted you first. It would probably have saved me some time.
    I am new to using performance mode on the Kemper, so part of it is me rethinking how I set up banks and patches.
    I have only a couple performances, 10 slots. I have named them with 1st the number, then a letter or 2 to abbreviate the amp name in each slot... just to help remind me like this (1 F 30 45 FR SO). This way I know at a glance what performance I’m on, and what amp I’m using.
    I’m new in my band and as the second guitar player I’m just focusing on learning the songs. Not many effects and mostly dry amp tones
    In the future I will begin to setup performances for specific songs as I take on more of a lead role.

    With 2 lines on the screen, it would be nice to be able to assign what is displayed ...or more flexibility in patch naming I mean. Is it possible to get slot names displayed in the future ? Even the Kemper doesn’t show the effect name on the display in performance mode, but it does color code the indicator light.

    On a positive note, with all the switches customizable on bj devices, I can control everything on the Kemper with the shift mode feature. I being a noob was able to program it fairly easily. I just wasted some time (ok,. A lot of time) on slot naming. The TB 11 has a small footprint even with the expression pedal built in. Easy to tote around. I can control way more functions with it than the much larger FCB 1010. The build quality is excellent and the switches appear to be of good quality. I really do like the built in pedal over the Kemper Remote. It keeps things simple when I need them simple. I can add expression pedals if the need ever arises..

    Yes, I will try to implement slot names displayed... need some time for investigation :)

    I may be of no help, as I am a midi noob... I have never used a Kemper remote so I don't have that experience to base anything on.
    I have programed the TB-11 to use in performance mode and what I am not liking at all is Im not seeing the rig (slot) being displayed, and I can't see what effect is on other than an indicator. So I have to just remember... Not really what I was wanting.
    I'm going back to the drawing board, and try to get it to work in Browser mode to at least be able to see what rig Im using, and then try to set up my effects in general universal order to help me remember without looking back.
    The TB-11 seems to be great midi option, but as with any midi controller, limited in some ways compared to the remote.
    I would have liked to have ordered a remote, but still unavailable... unless I buy another Kemper... whatever

    I'm sure there are things I'm missing in programing the TB-11, but thats probably why I should be using a remote instead.

    unfortunately you cannot see slots names, at least on the latest firmware. In Performance mode TB-11P will show performance name and in the Browser - Rig name will displayed.
    What did you mean "can't see what effect is on other than an indicator" - you want to see effects names on LCD screen?

    Is it possible to use KPA webinterface in webrowser? I can see KPA get IP adress when it connected to PC, but if I try to enter this IP in chrom browser I see error ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED.

    If it have no web intrface, how I can use information about IP address shown in system menu?

    In the current firmware you able to set any CC number for message which will be send after repeated active precet button push. Usually it used for tap tempo, but no problem to use it as morphing ON/OFF controller. But unfortunetly no any LED indication in this case. Red led indicate active preset in current firmware, green LED is IA state.

    Can you program to tap on the current preset button and have morph activate/deactivate?

    This is how I use the Remote now and would free up a button.

    I am leaning heavily towards buying 11P.

    Thank you!

    Tap on active preset button is already implemented. Don't sure I understand question about morph activate/deactivate, how exactly you want to control it?

    New beta version of firmware is available on our website! version 2.6 Public Beta.
    1. Added MIDI routing feature. User able now pass MIDI messages from MIDI or USB input to any combination of outputs
    2. Added maximum bank number in system setup. User now able to limit maximum number of the bank when switching by footswitch
    3. All expression pedal now have alternate CC number in SHIFT mode
    Find it on your controller model page

    BJ Devices TB-11P with Kemper Profiling Amplifier(KPA). Review by Serg Digin

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    New firmware release is available. Version 2.5 Public Beta. Unfortunately still not with PC editor...
    1. The first release for the new models : TB-6P, TB-8 and TB-11P. Built-in expression pedal with the the backlight was added.
    2. A new type of button - "NRPN_t". Sends NRPN messages, value toggle each push. The custom values can be set for both states (ON / OFF)
    3. New type of button "PC_UP" and "PC_DOWN" - increment or decrement the current preset.
    4. Added setting for Bank Select message. You can now send separate MSB part, LSB part, or both MSB+LSB
    5. Other small changes

    Strongly recommended to install to all who bought TB-11P, TB-6P or TB-8. It is first official release for this models.

    And we are waiting a big English review with all new models! It is in final stage now, and will available soon

    Developers is now able to create commercial firmware for BJ Devices midi controllers!

    BJ Devices TB series Gen2 midi controllers contain DS2411 Silicon Serial Number, and user can see unique ID in the menu of default firmware. Firmware developer able to lock firmware on particular device, using this ID. Firmware just need to compare actual device ID with user provided ID and run only if IDs matched. Here is example of roadmap:

    - User placed order on website, made payment and send ID to you.
    - You can automatically or manual compile sources with ID as predefined symbol, your firmware should compare ID on startup
    - Compiled binaries immediately sends to user. User install firmware without housing demolition via free bootloader. No need to burn physical IC and send it to user. All processes, including purchase, compilation and delivery to user, can be highly automated on web server

    You can see ID reading and comparsion example in library "examples" folder…ercial-firmware