Posts by MaFunk

    Just thought that I would chip in as I saw this thread had resurfaced :)

    Recently bought a camplifier 290 and am running it in bridged mono to a zilla studio pro 2x12 with creamback celestions.

    Sounds really really good ! - I am using Guidorist profiles which are very good, but surprisingly I am finding that I get the best results by leaving monitor cab on.

    Respect Tillman.


    I have a non powered toaster and would like a 2x12 for convenience. I have tried a qsc k12 and it's a bit odd at higher volumes .I suppose the question I need to ask is , is it worth dropping say 600 on a Mesa 2x12 to use with a power amp ? I am currently going into the effects return of a blackstar stage 60

    Hi all

    i have read previous posts regarding this subject but still am hitting a brick wall.

    yamaha fc7 exp pedal plugged into port 4 on the remote - system menu set for wah on pedal 4 - wah effect settings set to heel off yet it is just not working.... I have tried other wah settings like toe off or just pedal on etc.. Still nothing :cursing:


    Fairly new into the world at is Kemper but loving every minute :) Greetings from the UK!

    I know that tone is clearly subjective, but thought that it would perhaps be nice if people could chip in with what they think is the definitively best profile/rig for different categories/guitars.

    I play a 1995 LP standard with stock PUPs and would love to hear what people consider to be the best marshall/Vox/Fender/ /13/ ..... etc for a similar guitar.

    I know I sound lazy but when you work 2 jobs, gig at weekends, jazz jam week days and are in the middle of home improvements - It leaves very little precious time to try and get my performance slots on the Kemper sounding the best they can be! - The little time i do get is spent playing with a smile on my face when i am supposed to be auditioning rigs and trying to settle on that killer setup :)

    I have bought MBritt pack no.2 which is great , so I am not averse to paying for good high quality rigs - but if this kind of quality can be found on the RE then even better.

    Many thanks,

    Matt B

    awesome many thanks :))

    One last question lol - We have established that rigs that get put in performance slots bring over their associated settings AND effects.

    What happens when i set global effects in a performance for my remote to switch on and off. Will the rig effects take prescedence in the slots and overwrite my 'master' effects as such?

    thanks :)