Posts by Touchwood

    Looking for a 19" rack BAG too, for my rack profiler, with space for remote board (plus the WAY too long recommended cat5, cmon Kemper, some of us play small gigs??) and a few bits and bobs like strings, picks?

    I travel (or did, pre covid) by air quite a bit, and I carry my Kemper as hand luggage as I don t trust baggage handlers after my trusty Marshall JMP1 in a very good known rack case, got trashed at the hands of these imbeciles..........

    So please give us a nice bag to suit the rack Profiler owners.........The Gator offerings don't cut the Green Meanie Look!!!!

    One non freeze reverb in usual slot at end.

    Another reverb (I use Ionospher cos its BIG!) in X position and operate freeze on that.

    I assume you're wanting a drone to play over? Mine sounds wonderful!

    BUT! whats the best way to turn it on or off remotely?

    Perfect scenario for me would be an external foot switch in say 3 on remote.

    What's a good pedal to use and how?

    BTW this on Beta 7.5


    Mines been in for repair and for what ever reason my prized material was gone.

    I don't mind tweaking but to set up from scratch is not clear enough.

    Right click rig window? Yeah right, not on mine, nothing happens.

    Kemper, I've got "the other" modeller too.

    Takes me seconds to get the sounds I want.

    Profiler sounds miles better, but very embarrassing when I'm doing a session and can't get immediate success........

    I am just about to buy the Profiler rack. And need a small piece of advice.

    I sometimes uses Digitech's Mosaic 12string emulator pedal, (so the Ricky 660 TP can stay at home!)

    In my current set up using an older Boss GT8, I run the guitar from input into an internal compressor, come out the loop send, into the Digitech Mosaic,
    and from that back into the GT8 return, then onto the other stuff, like chorus, delay , echo, and master reverb.

    What I'm asking is, can similar be done with the Kemper?, and can its effects be assigned into user preferred order?

    I know its probably covered in the manual?!,
    but I'm in an airport, and could do with some entertainment with designing my new patches on the flight!!!

    Kind regards in advance
