Posts by DeanGardiner

    Hi Solo

    I have my H9 running in stereo.It sits in Slot X just after the cab, so it is mono in and stereo out. Not sure if it can run stereo in on another slot, my monitor out is otherwise occupied, so it is not an option for me.

    Out of the Kemper "Direct Output / Send" into input 1 on the H9.

    Into the Kemper " Return Input" and "Alternate Input" from H9 outputs.

    Set the X module to Loop Stereo.

    I use H9 routing on normal, bypass mode on DSP.

    Hope this helps,

    Hi all,

    This is my first attempt at creating a Kemper profile, so any feedback and advice is welcome.

    The amp being profiled is a Richards Blue Mood, a unique custom amp designed and built by my mate Ivan Richards on the central coast just north of Sydney. My Blue Mood is 18W and has an effects loop and a master volume. It has a pair of TAD 6V6GT power tubes and a couple of Mullard Reissue ECC83s in the preamp stage. The amp has a Mercury Brownface output transformer and filter choke. The amp is set to Vintage mode (cathode bias) and the master volume is disabled. Hard to describe how it sounds, I tend to imagine it as a BrownFace Deluxe with a Bluesbreaker preamp :)

    Guitar used was a partscaster Strat with Kinman noiseless pickups.

    My setup is running from the head into a Torpedo Relead and from the Reload into a 1 X 12 with a Celestion v30. The Reload DI feeds into a mixer and out one channel back to the Reload and another channel into a Radial JCR Reamper and finally into the Kemper. The Kemper drives a 1 X 12 with an Eminence EJ 1250. There might be easier ways to configure the Reload, but this way I can audition both the amp and the Kemper at reasonable volumes.

    I did not profile a cab, I have just used the Kemper Twin Clean cab disabled, but it does not sound that great through the monitors. I suggest trying your own cabs. I use the profiles with the cab disabled into the EJ 1250 and it sounds pretty good with that combination.

    Let me know what you think.


    Hi all,

    Hello from Dean in Sydney. In my family room I used to use an 11R with an Eventide H9 and a Torpedo CAB in the effects loop and in the studio I have a bunch of nice amps and a Torpedo Reload. I never felt like I was missing out. That was until my mate Chris Brooks traded in his Mesa Electradyne for a Kemper and I got to hear one in person. No going back after that.

    I tossed up getting the Axe, but to be honest the list of amps included were not all that impressive, whereas the Kemper seemed almost unlimited in potential. Listening to Pete Thorn's tune with the Michael Britt profiles really made up my mind for me. Did not really care about effects that much as I already own a whole bunch of stomp boxes and the H9.

    Finally I bought a white lunch box, a Ritter 25W Camplifier studio and I don't think I have had this much fun on the guitar in years.

    The H9 now resides in the Kemper effects loop and Torpedo Reload is set up for profiling :)
