Posts by saltydog3317

    Hi my band just recently released our new Album / CD. We used the Kemper for all of out guitar tracks. My friend said I should post a link here for people to have a listen.

    I think all of the profiles were Michael Britt profiles. Soldano, Marshall, Fender Deluxe, Fender Tweed.... I believe that covers all of the profiles, I think.

    Anyhow here is the Spotify Link but it is on all of the streaming sites. The band name is Deep Fried and the CD title is Love Disease

    People are liking the first track Just Enough and the other one getting attention now is American Politics. If you like Classic Rock you will probably like this music.

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    I want to see more effect pedals profiled. More Drive pedals and more Fuzz pedals.

    The reverbs and delays are nice but I don't use them.

    Just get us more effects. I love the Kemper but that is the weak spot for my needs.

    Since we cant seem to get any new effects like a better selection of overdrive pedals and various stomp boxes it would be nice if there was a way to profile a pedal and add it to the effect library.
    I know they did delay and reverb upgrades but I rarely used either of those effects. In my opinion this is the weakest part of the Kemper, having not too much to chose from as far as stomp boxes go.
    Will they ever get to doing better drives and fuzz pedals or am I just dreaming?

    I just watched a Youtube video and it said if the instrument has active electronics use a passive Di and if the guitar has passive electronics like say a Strat or tele you need to use an Active Di.
    Any truth to this?

    Hi, my friend is recording some guitar tracks for me and I am not really liking the sounds he is getting with a mic on his amp. Would it be possible for him to record his tracks and also record a Di track so I could reap his track if I am not happy with his recorded track from his with a mic?
    I am thinking it should work. Does anyone have any experience doing this? Which Di would be best to try? I saw a Radial Di Pro the other day at the store. Would that work?

    Thanks Kevin

    I couldnt agree more boca76. I would love them to do a Klon and a few better fuzz pedals. I am sure other people have some pedals they would like to throw on a rig. They were supposed to be doing some more work on the effects section I was told a year ago but the morphing and the delays dont really do anything for me. Just want some meat and potato drive pedals more than anything. Kemper seem to be trying to WoW us with all this technical crap with the effects section when more than anything I think most guitar players wane TONE and not gimmics.

    Yes you are right. I have tried just disabling Amplitube and reamping the dry signal but something just isnt right. This is why I want a Di with 2 outputs so he can use Amplitube to monitor his playing on one track and record dry on a second track.There are many Di boxes out there and I was hoping someone could point me to a good one.

    Thanks Kevin

    My friend and I record together quite a bit. He lives about 4 hours away so we use Drop Box to send each other or tracks. He cant afford a Kemper or he would have one. He is using Amplitube and his tracks just dont sound very good. Is there a direct box he could get with 2 outputs so he could record 1 dry track that I could re-amp and the other output to go to Amplitube so he can monitor his playing?
    Is there a Di Box out there that will allow us to do this?
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Hi I have a question about recording a profile from my Kemper through my Universal Audio Apollo Twin into my DAW. I am using Michael Britt profiles. I find a profile in which I really like the sound of and decide to use it to record. After I have recorded my track and I play it back it is not sounding the same as what I was hearing originally. Why can I not get the same sound recorded that I was hearing originally? Why is it sounding a bit different after its been recorded? I am using Sonar X3
    Are there settings somewhere on the Kemper that I should be checking? I am going out of the Left Main output. I am using good cables. Would connecting a different way improve things or are there some settings somewhere that need to be tweaked?
    It sounds fime when I plug the headphones direct into the Kemper also but I just cant get that same sound recorded for some reason.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    I have been using the Kemper to record for a while now and must say it has made recording my guitar sounds much easier than actually setting mics in front of amps and allows me to record late at night while my family is sleeping or watching TV and not getting disturbed by me playing loud. For this the Kemper has been a god send.
    But after hearing some of the stuff other members of this forum post some great sound clips I wonder if I have the optimal settings for getting great sounding recordings. I am using Michael Britt profiles, I am going out of the left main out with a TRS cable into a UAD Apollo Twin in the Line Input on the back of the Twin and not using the Hi Z input on the front.
    I have my clean sense at 0.0 and I am wondering if there are some settings I might be missing that could improve things for me?
    I also would love to know the optimal setting to use for reamping.
    Thanks in advance for any help or tips that could be passed along.


    I would really like to see some new overdrive pedals introduced into the Kemper and most of all a Chicago Iron Tycobrah Octavia. What is taking so long for some more quality pedal/effect patches? I thought I read a while back that Kemper was working towards adding more of these pedals to the list of effects. Or did I misunderstand what I read.


    What is the best way to connect my Kemper to my Focusrite Scarlet 2i2 to give me the highest quality of sound to record? Is a standard guitar cable as good as the XLR as far as sound quality or would there be an advantage to using an XLR cable?
    I am just trying to send the best possible sound to my DAW. Anyone with any experience using a Kemper and a Focusrire interface that has any tips to pass along I am all ears.

    Thanks Kevin