Looking for a good Di Box

  • My friend and I record together quite a bit. He lives about 4 hours away so we use Drop Box to send each other or tracks. He cant afford a Kemper or he would have one. He is using Amplitube and his tracks just dont sound very good. Is there a direct box he could get with 2 outputs so he could record 1 dry track that I could re-amp and the other output to go to Amplitube so he can monitor his playing?
    Is there a Di Box out there that will allow us to do this?
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

  • If he's using amplitube, whatever track hes's using should work for you to reamp. He can mix down by disabling Amplitube and other effects on that track or simply export the DI guitar tracks one by one as long as Amplitube is disabled.. I don't see a need for a DI or am I missing something?

  • Maybe he's going through a subpar interface hi-z input with passive pickups!

    I learned that lately. Passive really need a good DI box to sound right

    Actives doesn't need. I have already tried with EMGs and couldn't a single difference between DI tracks from Kemper, Radial J48 and my Tascam interface built-in hi-Z input.

    But with passives I think a DI box like the Radial is needed for the right impendance.

  • Yes you are right. I have tried just disabling Amplitube and reamping the dry signal but something just isnt right. This is why I want a Di with 2 outputs so he can use Amplitube to monitor his playing on one track and record dry on a second track.There are many Di boxes out there and I was hoping someone could point me to a good one.

    Thanks Kevin

  • I personally don't get too exited about DI boxes. Unless you are using them to add something, like filtering or distortion, I don't hear much differences, especially when later reamping the signal. As mentioned before, the only caveat is that some passive DI's or line level inputs can dull the signal a bit by presenting too low of an input impedance for a passive guitar. This is easily fixed by buffering the signal being fed to the DI, with a boost, or any buffered pedal (any non-truebypass for example).

    I really like the Behringer Ultra-G, because it's cheap and has a nice speaker sim that sounds great on piezo pickups for live use. It takes the quack right out of them. And as for a regular DI, I wouldn't care if I was handed the Behringer or a Radial. Both will sound great. Plug the guitar into the input, run the pass-thru 1/4" to an unbalanced instrument input on your recording interface for Amplitube, and run the DI out into a balanced mic/line input to record the clean guitar for later reamping.

    I hate emojis, but I hate being misunderstood more. :)