Posts by spottydog10

    Regarding acoustic guitars, dunno what your budget is but the Martin DM is fantastic.
    I got mine about ten years ago, perfect neck, plays beautifully and sounds like, well, a Martin even though it's a cheapo compared to the D28's of this world. To this day the neck is spot on and never needed adjusting.
    I'm about to move to a new house in the next couple of weeks and there's an outbuilding for a studio (not looking forward to soundproofing/treating, I'm shit at DIY) and I'll have to sort security out.
    I have five acoustic guitars including a Gibson J45 and I can honestly say if the other acoustics got stolen I wouldn't be that bothered, I'd just claim on the insurance but the Martin is staying in the house until it's needed as finding as good a replacement would be very difficult.

    On a cheaper scale I had a lovely toned Yamaha acoustic which cost £100, neck wasn't great but it sounded fantastic on a mic.

    Per, you could get a vocalist or you could work on your voice which I'm sure your capable of.
    Maybe lessons but I think more useful would be going over and over where you think your voice needs attention as you are singing.
    Better control of pitching and phrasing and pushing or pulling certain timbres.
    Don't try and cover things up with double tracking, use it sparingly if at all.
    I have exactly the same issues and spend a stupid amount of time getting it right when recording (as much as I can, I also have a limited voice and quite damaged with overuse) but you may not have the time luxury that I have.
    Saying that, I have no problems with your vocals :)
    Track sounds great BTW

    After another dither day, pulling a back muscle and being diverted by trying to watch the snooker final I've ordered the Roswell Mini K47.
    I've scoured online resources for a bad review of this mic and cant find one, so fingers crossed.
    Should be here Wednesday. Phew.
    Thanks to all for their contribution, much appreciated.

    I wish I could sing like Bob but I'm stuck with what I've got.
    I've boxed up the Lewitt for return and my finger is hovering over the buy button between the AKG and the Rosewell.

    I'm dithering like a bridegroom on his wedding night.

    I've owned the SE Z5600a mic for about 15 years and it's just not right. Capsule looks clean but the circuit boards or even the ridiculously expensive cable might be dodgy. To get it fully looked at and repaired is not going to be cost effective I think, plus I'm bored with it, hence the search for a new mic.

    I've had the Lewitt 440 here all week and it's nice but I think I can do better and the AKG and the K47 seems to fit the bill.

    Obviously I cant really tell which mic is suitable until I do a full days vocal with it so I'll probably order one or the other this week and send it back if not the right fit.

    I'm looking for a vocal mic and have narrowed it down to an AKG C214 or a Rosewell K47 both of which have great reviews and listening to sound tests I agree.
    Have any of you folk used either of these two for vocals? I understand there are other options out there but after listening to a bunch of mics (online, I hasten to add) I don't want to get further confused.
    I don't need multi cardioid patterns or a pad switch.

    I understand I cant send the pre recorded track.

    I am trying to send the plug ins I used to copy the sound of the track (amp vst and tone match info) in to the KPA for profiling.
    That track is then sent to mono 3 which is Line out 3 on the UR44 (UR44 mix2L) and connected to the KPA Return Input.

    I then send the Direct out/Send to input 1 of the UR44.

    Hi Don,
    Just to clarify. I'm trying to match a guitar sound from a previous track for which I don't have the original patch anymore.

    I've recorded a similar part, added a vst amp as an insert and tone matched it using Ozone also as an insert.
    That track is then sent to mono 3 which is Line out 3 on the UR44 (UR44 mix2L) and connected to the KPA Return Input.

    I then send the Direct out/Send to input 1 of the UR44.

    Thing is, when I play the part on Cubase there is no input light flashing on the KPA which I presume is what would happen.

    I know the instructions are in the manual but I cant get it to work.
    My setup is a UR44 and Cubase 11.

    I have the input set as mono 1 (UR44 input1) and fed from Direct Output on the KPA

    The output for the track on Cubase I have set to output 3 (UR44 mix2L) and connected line out 3 to Return input on the KPA.
    This is what I get when trying to profile:


    These are my KPA out settings:


    I'm missing something here, anyone have an answer?
