Posts by V8guitar

    Thanks man. Appreciated. Love the form factor of that Traveler guitar. It is the theoretically smallest possible being only as long as a full scale guitar (nut to bridge) and not much wider than a fretboard.

    That was irritatingly brilliant!

    I don;t travel enough to warrant a traveler guitar me thinks but might look into it!

    Totally agree!

    IEM's are the ultimate way to go but do carry the overhead of setting up and cost ( for decent earbuds especially).

    I wasn't saying what was best only what around :)...glad you are getting them all ha!

    Can't wait to see what else you end up getting...

    Having had my power rack for 10 years, I started my journey with the Kemper using a 4 x12.....but I have now not used one for about 8 years unless at a festival etc...

    Why? 3 main reasons:

    1) They colour your sound massively - many profiles start to sound very similar which is what you are finding. This is a problem when going direct as well because the sound will be very different.

    2) They do not project as well as you think they do - 4x12's are very directional

    3) So bulky and heavy to transport

    Therefore I would really question why you want a 4x12 as a monitor. If you are playing off the backline then that is a problem in itself and you should avoid that.

    BTW I play high gain sounds ( Friedman and ENGL profiles mainly) and I get more projection and thump for the Kabinet. However, I use this less and less as most PA's have fold back and I rely on that. My focus is FOH sound not on stage monitor.

    Hope that makes sense...

    I actually have that d'addario cable ... although live I have wireless pluged in ... maybe I need to figure this out

    Awesome idea :)

    No idea why I didn't come up with this myself :p


    I think you will find it hard to switch on and off fast enough (because it clicks on and clicks off) , but give it a go. Hope you do get it sorted though.

    Agree that I appreciate the explanation but still struggling to get it.

    If monitoring is that important, why not set up an on stage monitor with the KPA? That's why I have the power rack and Kabinet so if I want on stage monitoring I know its very similar, plus less equipment. Alternatively I've just bought the player, added a £65 Harley Benton power amp and I can run that through any cab or Kab - works brilliantly. I think that solves your problem full stop doesn't it?

    I might be wrong but most pro guitarists I don't believe use a mix of the KPA and amps as you suggest ( although I might be wrong and there will of course be somebody doing it).

    Yes some pros take multiple amps either for different sounds and sometimes ( but not that often) to blend sounds. Most pros would not have a different on stage sound/solution as FOH mainly because they use IEM's.

    Some people also use valve amps as their power amp, so still use the amp sim but use the valves to add warmth - not something I ascribe to but this is more common.

    I bought the KPA so I don;t have to lug another amp around and I think many people are the same, so your use case I think is pretty niche.

    As you say though, if its easy then why not. Perhaps others will disagree and see the need that you do :)

    Now set my Midi captain up and I think it solves 95% of the switching issues. Very pleased and works great with the KPL. Some sync issues - I wanted the bank up and bank down to be on the KPL but that doesn't work as the midi captain resets it back to what the midi captain thinks it is...

    I would change the display and take out the less interesting stuff e.g. voltage and increase the size of the name ( which is the game changer for me, even though its small...).

    TBH I think you will struggle without a toggle or killswitch. Its like a whammy pedal will never sound like a whammy bar (IMO).

    For rage its the opposite of a killswitch because you start off and toggle on, whereas a killswitch tends to do the opposite.

    I've always used a Les Paul type guitar, wired to kill if neck pickup volume off in the centre position...

    It is so obviously un-useful to me....sounds like you want to run your amp on stage and use Kemper effects, but run the full blown Kemper with Amp sims into FOH?

    If that's the case, I think the Kemper is the wrong solution - the whole point is it mimics your amp. Otherwise, why not just run your amp through a PA in the traditional way if the KPA its not good enough on stage?

    Plus they will sound totally different (otherwise you wouldn't want to do it) and to me that is pointless. Yes they will never sound the same but not enough to run a KPA and guitar amp. Tuning the relative sounds would be a nightmare.

    Sorry, I don't get it...

    Damn he's good!!!!8)

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    I really wasn't expecting to like this but....and here is where I upset people....jazz with power, fire and melody! Loved it, thanks for sharing dude!!

    The body shape is quite divisive I know. It is almost a straight copy of Steve Klein's design from the 1980's. The concept is about making the guitar comfortable to play and avoid/reduce back, neck and repetitive strain injuries. Once you've played one it immediately becomes clear that Klein absolutely nailed the ergonomic aspect. As you probably know ergonomics is what drives me so I will always take functionality over looks. However, my challenge now is to come up with my own design that allows Klein's playing position while seated without looking so ugly to the vast majority of players 😬

    Im such a hippocrite because in ever other part of my life I take function over form, but for some reason guitars that get me are the pretty ones ( in my eyes).

    Regardless, thats a beautiful build dude!!

    Never needed this because as mentioned a number of times, there are so many variables.

    Clean sounds need to be at a lower level anyway because they cut more. Frequency has such an impact that it should be done by ear and refined in the band. Changing rig volume takes seconds and a basic balance can easily be done at home.

    Once set, never needs touching so.....

    I have taken a guitar away with me on holiday and I only play when my wife is doing something else, so she is cool with that. She gets irritated with me noodling, even acoustically...

    I also work away every so often so I have a guitar in my car ( I have it today). I bought the nux mighty pro...the sound is not bad, certainly good enough, it is extremely small and light and you can play mp3s back through it.

    The only thing it doesn;t have is pitch shift as I often learn songs in a different key and re-tuning is a pain but otherwise its fab. I use it at home as well when I can;t be bothered to fire everything up.