Posts by Gandalf_The_Blond

    heya Via, kinda got the impression you were writing professionally.... seems like there are a few here

    Don't worry about your english lol... it is pretty good. I have seen far, far worse from "native speakers" who really have no excuse, think post grads etc.

    not sure what got into my head with those marks used for typesetting, neat stuff in a way.

    India is the largest english speaking country in the world, so any accents etc like south usa, all kinds there and canada too, dont forget the auserroo's
    England can barely speak at all, think it is called UK now, or cockney's (living within hearing range of big ben) who are barely intelligible (shot's fired /ducks /jk). A worldwide language with 1.5 possibly even 2 million words by now, fastest growing too.

    Good luck in your endeavour, I'm sure you an T will have things sorted out top notch :)

    Is there any English mother-tongue user

    yeah, i can give it a go over too if you like :)

    Shouldn't be too hard to make a tutorial to help people get lucky on their first date ;)

    but im not English, and i don't use my mother's tongue. that would be weird :P

    I think it would be more useful to use a more cosmopolitan style for this as well, since this is an international site, and will have people from all over with varying degrees of experience
    with english, it can be written in a way that is user friendly to people with very basic english experience. The idea is if you can read a sentence it should be easy to understand, and also if you can't (just some words for example, and terms that will translate easily) it you will still be able to grasp the idea presented. Not as easy as it sounds, because you are not focusing on one grp, but cant predict who will be reading it. its worthwhile to do imo, because it will cut down on basic questions from people who are learning english.

    As far as making the language perfect, that's easy enuff, and i think both can be done at once. is a typical resource for this, used in most countries. there are a few of these style manuals out there, they do pretty much the same thing, with some minor differences. It is a good resource to writing a variety of documents.

    Proofreading... Got me wondering tho, does anyone still use these? Perhaps a school of some sort. Before my time, from some ancient world ...

    even the most basic word processor is better. Like the tiny window I am using to write this.

    most people use print ready pdf now.

    well seems like you settled down a bit pepper
    moving towards happy.
    now put up with the inevitable remarks you will get from that other post.
    ignore it, keep moving to happy. trust me, it is always worth it
    what do you think the kpa team might be doing right now?
    and you are exaggerating the concept of a promise, and the free update.
    do you think they are slackers?
    leading edge programming is not easy, most gurrus would tell you you cant get 3 women to have a
    baby in 3 months. is that the same as you cant triple stamp a double stamp?
    why are you so obsessed with exact release dates?
    first world problems..
    nobody here is particularly worried about timing
    but there is a kind of understanding that something kick ass is in the works.

    also read my post about kpa prrice increases. it actually went up again here, mebbe a day or 2 b4 i posted, or would be uber cool if it was while i wrote that post. and all the major stores an chains here have no stock, mebbe some have online only, prolly low batch, b4 this was 60 day wait. dont think there is any problem with customers...

    Axe and Helix both have better routing and effects than the KPA

    You can have better routing on a kpa, just get a drill, some y cables and toggle switches. a few pimped out vu meters never hurt..
    or get an interface etc...its not a very good comparison kpa was designed to sound good, not multi amp, well you can easily with 2
    so don't complain if prices go up and you waited...


    "Your a true cheerleader." Did you mean you're?

    betrayed by the spell checker that you blamed.... :P

    just put it out of your mind. cheerleaders are hot... dallas has a rep for some stunningly beautiful women... hmm wonder what male to female ratio is here...
    some sites come off as an angry sausagefest, gets weird...

    and one more thing, processor power has been used as a gimmick for decades to sell pc's or anything else, it's a few simple numbers for simple ppl, but only a melted bit of sand without code. s/n leakage @ 10 nm has been the obstacle for a while now. you could use this waiting time to learn more about processors, their architecture, bus rates, tons of stuff.

    and keep working towards happy, you are getting there..


    Gratz and happy NGD

    Maple is always a nice thing, and a white strat with a maple board and pickguard has a very classy, refined and unique elegance to it.

    Looks great beside the VBK, I always loved the baroque inlay in that range of guitars.

    The beauties on the wall, and the beasts lurking behind that door.

    What an excellent gratuitous gear porn picture :)

    Wonder how much those plexiglas boards affect the overall tone. I strongly believe it does a lot in cutting the top end.

    I think so too, especially since it was moved around a bit in the different videos, and that was being adjusted a lot.

    There is very general rule of thumb for materials or (mats sci) and energy transfer.

    If a given material is a good conductor of heat or electricity, it will conduct sound energy better, especially if it has a higher density. sound travels faster in higher density mediums.

    a general reverse is true for insulators, which plexi kind of is for all 3, but not the best, and being flat it causes reflections in certain ways. shape will affect things like wave cancellation.

    the way those are placed could have this effect, hard to tell for sure,but angle of incidence= angle of reflection and this does roughly fit.

    internal friction is also a very important thing for insulating sound.. pexi has some, things like rubber, dynamat etc have more.

    air is the best insulator that we know of, when it is placed in tiny gaps--things like foam, fibre glass insulation etc.

    the way that plexi is set up could also work with the amp to alter the reflections from the wall behind it.

    0.00 in the vid shows no gap in the 2 plexi sheets, don't think there is a mic there either, but cant say for sure.

    lightbox's idea of snap is direct string is a good hint at where the mic might be, but only saw the first vid, so not sure what kind it could be

    depending how accurately that plexi baffle is cancelling sound it would be in front, center of the speaker, and would effect reverb, pretty much everything.

    a smooth surface with a particular structure could also go a long way to cancel out certain higher frequencies... the darkest material created so far is done by laser etching a metal

    surface with a kind of pattern that are essentially tiny pits that are angled to keep reflected light inside. almost no light is reflected this way. a similar thing could easily work here with

    certain kinds of plastics and sound waves.

    always hard to tell with youtube videos..

    just watched the other 3 vids, got decent earphones, but this laptop is cheap, so i dont trust it that much.

    the first one was definitely the best, and that chord an breakup around 1 01 was really nice, probably the most musical, warm balanced, articulate tones out of all 4 vids.

    the second sounds brighter, but mebbe a bit harsh, third vid he mentions that there was an issue with wiring a preamp tube wrong, but what changed in the circuit?

    he also mentions turning the treble up a lot, and some other gear changes, wonder if re-magnetizing the pickups changed how he feedback worked. amp seemed in a slightly different

    place in vid 4 and it sounded like he was just moving the guitar to control the feedback, it got a bit unruly where he would move the guitar back to stop an restart, seemed like that

    happened a couple of times there is a space of a few years, some pedal changes too.

    If you look at video #4 you can see another Fender amp in the video

    Good call, I would have missed that, when did fullscreen could see it behind the plexi. it says reverb on it, so i am wondering if that is what he used in all 4 videos.

    would explain why the first amp was in a slightly different spot. and I am guessing if that second amp was there it would have been moved, 0 00 in vid 1 also shows a lot of cables

    on the ground in front of the first amp.

    still think the tone in the first one was overall the best, like everything was balanced, in the right place, not to much or little of anything. resonant, 103 is something like a very well

    made and well tuned piano, where nothing interfered with anything else.

    in the other 3 vids i got this impression that it wasnt just gear changes, but possibly a speaker issue. things like a harsher sound in 2, and in another like it could not handle

    the reverb, could have been placement in 4, but he says too much reverb also and it did sound like the speaker was not quite able to get that big sound. it was not as big in vid 1, but

    fit much better. another reason i was wondering about the speakers was at some times the chords were not as articulate, he had presence way up, and treble, possibly to try and

    compensate, but ended up with a bit of harshness.

    first vid also had more of that woody sound in the beginning i think mebbe around 0 10

    this and the chords could be from the speaker/cab resonance caused by luck, age, material changes, dry wood. it also seemed that there was a bit of distortion in the cone, age would

    cause this until it broke. there is a partial truth to the concept of breaking in speakers, if they are paper they are inherently unstable, which is not a good way to design anything.

    anyone else get that impression of a possible speaker issue after vid 1, and tweaking done to try and correct it ?

    also trying to guessing if the back was off for vid 1, which could have made it easier on an old speaker, making it sound more natural.

    still has a really nice sound tho :)

    +1 for tracking him down and trying to get some profiles.. seems like he knows how to dial in and mic, so all that's needed is a kpa and mebbe a bribe of some sort...

    it's obvously amp-in-the-room, and not close mic'ed so you'll need to run a Direct Amp profile into a guitar cab.

    I have a question about this. Speakers can be the most perishable part (tubes an caps , and other components can last much longer if low heat, and used gently).

    I would be curious to know if that is the original speaker, reconed, or a modern reissue of some kind. Lot of ppl with old amps like this will use a new one, especially if the original

    one is in good shape. I am also wondering what the best cab / speaker would be for a profile like this, a similar modern combo with a repro speaker, bypass the amp completely and

    use a neutral amp to power it?

    This whole ethics thing started with a bad approach, almost with the intention of some kind of trainwreck.

    ya pussy is a much better word (has a nice ring to it), but i still
    don't get the rationality behind such concepts are profane or dirty or

    If someone told me that pussy has to be a bad word, i would respond with something like

    If loving you is wrong I don't wanna be right
    If being right means being without you
    I'd rather live a wrong doing life

    example is a word for someone who performs fellatio as an insult.
    Ridiculous. The ethics of fellatio : An activity intended to cause
    pleasure on various levels. Most girls I know enjoy doing this, watching
    someone freak out from feeling good when they lay down a heap of
    pleasure on someone they care about. This outlook has lead to many
    positive experiences ;) A negative view is mistaken, but it is out
    there, why would anyone want to insult someone who likes pleasing
    people? Mean ppl suck ... hmm or mebbbe they dont ?( but i digress... no need for insults--it is free to be polite.

    far as ethics here is a really simple answer. Crying to lawyers because
    someone made a better product is pathetic, and a hindrance to

    It helps to view ethics as belonging to all living
    things in some capacity, based on ability to understand. Simple animals
    are not unethical for trying to survive in the way they know how.
    us, darwinian evolution has ended many thousands of years ago, and we
    now have a new set of ethics being part of a civilization, and the
    dominant species here.

    As far as the KPA goes, there is nothing
    inherently unethical about it. Henning's arguments relate ethics with
    money and loss (not even with a solid basis, but i only watched a bit of
    the first video, not trying to put him down, just got the sense of
    where it was going). He also loosely implied that ppl here were
    "stealing " ip and causing $$ harm. Firstly it would be copyright
    infringement or patent etc. not theft. he is intentionally misusing this
    word to be controversial, lets give him the benefit of the doubt, with a
    positive motive of generating interest. still could have been done in a
    better way.

    All he is saying is any tool is a weapon if you hold
    it the wrong way. I could take a KPA toaster and totally brain someone
    with it. It has the ability to be a dangerous weapon. Who knows, there
    might be some sketch ppl buying and returning amps after profiling.
    Individuals may act unethically anytime, but this is not the same as
    ethics within a group, or the whole concept of ethics.

    definition? it is the study of what is the best possible way of doing
    things that results in the best result for every one. this is
    idealistic, and is still the best direction to look to, even if it may
    not be possible now or ever. It will only lead to making things better.

    for a better technology replacing a worse one, this is completely
    ethical. I would think this is so obvious that it does not need to be
    mentioned. Yet Henning's argument seems to lead to a kind of
    protectionism for amp builders. This is both unethical, and anti
    civilization/progress. I am all for amp builders doing well. If new and
    better disrupts this, it is due to the nature of reality, and this
    applies to everyone. Someone does something better than you? Simple
    answer, respond, adapt, compete.

    I think it was a kind of unfair
    cheap shot to imply that the KPA was remotely intended to harm anyone.
    It was conceived by a very creative and talented individual, who has a
    healthy pride in doing what others said was impossible, and making the
    product the best it can be, and even attaching his own name to it. Shows
    a very good ethic imho. Sure money is important in the real world, but
    it only goes so far, and there is a lot to be said for aiming to do your
    thing in the best way you can. this is ethical, and benefits everyone.
    Fire was invented not too log ago, and it has also caused its own share
    of harm, but you dont see any canted arguments about it being unethical.
    electricity replaced it, and is one of the top single indicators of
    quality of life today. to not use electricity and stick with fire
    illustrates things simply--it also can be dangerous and has been

    Progress will always have growing pains, often
    impossible to predict, but development and growth of our civilization is
    far more important in the long term. How things are done is another
    matter, and is so broad. It is also up to all of us to think and decide
    how things are done, because it will define the reality we live in. This
    also includes Henning and his ideas, the first post here described him
    as a rising internet star, and I wish him all the success, and that he
    rises up to his star also, refines and improves his methods, keeps on
    asking, learning, and most importantly doing things in a positive manner
    that are progressive. he will have to if he wants to be anything close
    to a serious journalist, and not limit himself to some guy with a camera
    on youtube. if he does know better and is aiming to cause harm, it is an amusing
    irony that he tries to talk about ethics to do this. either way if he does not improve
    he will become known for being narrow, and lose even more credibility, with people concluding
    there is little value in his outlook, and not waste time with his statements.

    i guess we all solved henning and his question of ethics, so can rest easy now...hmmm wait a minute...

    I built a radio telescope. Recorded the sounds of the universe, played them back to people , have i pirated the universe, omfg. Im a nice guy. Not a criminal. I wont survive prison , mercy please.

    im worried. has anyone seen him lately? he should not be talking about such things. do you have any idea what they do to ppl who build radio telescopes in prison?

    Couple of thoughts on this...

    I would not be surprised if there is a price increase, and in my opinion it could even be justified and appropriate for a variety of reasons.

    Firstly prices on about everything went up past while, there talk of some fender (guitar iirc) increases too, possibly here. So those hankerin to buy a second one have near zero cause for complaint because they almost certainly know there already was one. Get one now, or don't complain if it goes up later. New buyers may not be aware of this, but also a different metric applies to them, it is up to them to research gear and make choices. KPA is out there, but they don't seem to spend as much on marketing (ads endorsements etc) as others. We all want this,it means more for better features, which I will get into in a bit. A controlled marketing and planned sales figures can do very good things for a company if done right, especially long term, and this will be good for everyone, Kemergmhb, owners, and buyers (price increase good for buyers? how, right?)

    I am assuming that KPA and KFC are made in Germany. This also affects costs for several reasons. Eu is big, and currency problems in one place affect others, not trying to put down any country, but the cyprus bank issue had more serious consequences than most realize. Many feel this is why UK stipulated GBP as a condition of joining. But money doesn't seem to go as far the past few years no matter where. Low interest usually means money is cheap. A equal price zero interest buying is a no brainer, free money, and helps your credit record. Low value currency in general is one thing, not to be confused with exchange rates.

    What this means for KPA is not unique. Germany is an advanced tech and manufacturing country, with a very good standard of living, a solid infrastructure, good work/life balance etc. KGMHB happens to also be one of the more advanced tech companies almost any country you could look at. This means they need unusually skilled and specialized people to have such a good product. Such individuals are generally aware of the value of their skills, and know where opportunity is, meaning they will need to be paid more. Contrast this with the negative publicity with EA video games for low pay, overly long hours etc. Easy to find labour. Kgmhb needs more experienced programmers, probably with a strong background in math, and music. I remember an interesting comment by Timo, regarding shutdown procedure of the KPA and that he wrote the code for it, so you can also add forum maintenance/moderator to skillsets. Cost of living is a factor, and better places to live generally cost more. If KPA's are also made in Germany, those workers will not be cheap either, even if that is their only task. I don't get the feeling that it is only about money here, that would mean a different style of management, which may or may not be healthy.
    Many people who are lucky enough to choose between a job they like or more salary often opt to be happier, especially at certain levels. Programming is also a strange thing, where more, even properly skilled people may not help with quality, or completion times.

    Perhaps another factor is certain countries have a reputation for better quality, real or not it would be a hard to measure factor. Another intangible asset is goodwill, which can actually be listed as an asset in some countries. It is essentially a metric of how good is the relationship between a company and its clients, image in their industry etc and sometimes suppliers, etc. This is quite above average here. Free updates, and regular new features along with a well made long term strategy help this too. It creates confidence in the value, tho not that many used kpa's. Means people want to keep them.

    They were also out of stock in the larger stores here for a while, and still are in some with preorder & various wait times. This has happened a few times, means there is demand, as awareness grows, I just checked a couple sites and now there is another increase of around 15% and still preorder/online so possibly limited supply. One factor could be timing with namm feature announcements. Early kpa buyers may have had a lower prices, but they also did not have the same features. This has been consistent, if not exactly predictable. One thing I am wondering about is how well the new features will be perceived. If they kick ass, and history indicates there is a good chance of this, price might go up again. One consolation for new buyers is a more mature product, with not as many bugs, something which is unavoidable for a complex, advanced and unique product. Nobody to look to for info, so has to be fixed in house. Also safer to keep a stable, long term staff, and do the IP work in house, and not farm out assembly etc. Ip infringement is a real thing, music seems even more so, I always seem to think of the whole floyd rose thing. Not exactly complicated--a lever and some new fulcrum ideas. That was copied mercilessly because it was easy to.
    Security and stability also cost money, especially when it is seamless and elegant, vs some kind of global user lockdown.

    For a digital device to regularly increase in price is very rare. With things like Pc's , consumer electronics etc. regularly dropping in value, becoming obsolete by slowly not being as capable or even planned, intentional to continue sales is a general rule. This creates a valid perception about depreciation in electronic/digital gear. Some early adopters do not mind, others wait, personal preference.

    Naturally this will extend to the KPA since it is also digital.This is an incorrect way to view things. Instead of any obsolescence, it is the opposite. Every year it improves, and is able to do new things. There are different meanings to new here. One is something that did not exist before. Another is new features, generally popular one requested the most. Even if some of these are decades old, they can be implemented in new and more useful ways, generally integrating pretty well with the existing system.

    A more accurate way of looking at things is you are buying into leading edge innovation, that has every indication of continuing. There is a comment in this thread that KPA is a better investment than gold. It does have better tones. I don't think it is an investment in a traditional sense, but I did see a sketchy ebay seller asking 2x retail price. Has a 100% feedback rating, and all kinds of very expensive items, some seemingly overpriced. 1300 people feel otherwise. Obviously something unusual with the rating, but nothing new with gouging and arbitrage, especially when interest and demand is there. This does nothing for the KPA community, and possibly harms it. If prices are driven up it is better for kgmhb to see that revenue, because it will go into more development instead of some strange ebay store.

    Looking at a KPA makes more sense if you plan to keep and use it. It does not matter if it is for a hobby or professionally. Terms like return on investment, or total cost of ownership are more accurate and sophisticated. They apply as a value assessment typically done on a corporate level. It can reflect both a positive or a negative value depending on what conditions are. One obvious factor here is cured amp gas, and the cost, time etc. of buying and selling them. This applies the same to new buyers, even after price increases. Obviously early adopters will have a better value from original price, but stable resale values also benefit new buyers too. If the KPA continues to get better it will also be very likely to increase in price even more. Also benefits new buyer, owners, kgmhb, since the cycle of innovation continues. Everyone benefits.

    ya relax, it will come with time, best thing to do is not stress it too much. if unsure take a break

    if you get in the right headspace, things will start getting sorted, and you will be enjoying yourself.

    hope you got your headphone thing sorted--no highs no lows, must be bose...
    get a pair of sen sd 180 or 280's or about a hundred bucks. nothing fancy,

    or if another brand, for some reason i find that freq response is a good indicator of things,
    something like 10-25khz . debatable if you need or can even hear that range, last time i tried
    could do 25k :) but it does depend on volume, and higher freq can be dangerous since there is more
    energy density.

    my guess is if they can do that range, chances are it will do the middle well, i like the sens because they are pretty run of the mill,
    a kind of standard, found almost anywhere, so a good reference when you get used to them.
    one of first uses of kpa with em i played an amp i had. was a while ago, and the impression i got was
    decent, sounds just like what i imagined these settings would be like thru these headphones

    as for moving files around, make sure you have a few usb drives, so youcan back stufff up.

    then try diferent ways, only real answer is finding a way to manage them that is easy for you, drag drop, cut paste, you can use usb stick too, but that is a pain. it is handy to have all your rigs on one tho, in case no pc

    need and want 300 profiles are 2 different things... the reason thre are so many is to get the best settings, and the range of the amp too, because best depends on what you like.

    dont stress about a right or wrong way, right is experiment , and find what you like. if you have backups you dont have to worry about messing anything up, reset is easy to do. so no reason to fear trying things to see.

    you can use it b4 reading the manuals if you like, but at some point read them, and wikpa, and take your time, there are a lot of things you can do
    nobody here learned everything about it in a week, and probably everyone is still discovering new things. this is a good thing. may feel uncomfortable because it is new, unfamiliar, but once that passes, you will be fine.

    and learn the way that is best for you, reading, doing, hearing, it doesnt matter, as long as it works. also starting out a lot of questions
    are easy to get answers for using search or google, the kind that take 1 or 2 min to answer. that way if nobody around who can answer you get info
    without waiting.

    only real serious thing to be mindful about is the power amp in the kpa, it can bust some cabs, and never hook the power out to an navtive speaker, interface .

    as for redundant ones, that can also mean 2 of the same in a place you dont want.

    make a fav folder.. you can even make a small txt file to put down settings, questions etc. for later.

    as for duplicate rigs?

    Kemper Duplicate Finder - free program to detect duplicate amp/cab profiles

    is pretty handy if things get disorganized

    to put it in perspective, this has been developing for 4 or 5 years , and who knows how long before release

    5 days and you will prolly know your way around it to do a lot of things

    key is to have it work for you. most ppl here will tell you its the best single bit of gear they ever got


    sounds like a good plan, tho it's better more than once, and while can be a long time for some.

    I think mank has it right, sounds more like a troll of some sort, the tone and poor language skills , and lack of anything really intelligent either negative or positive and some basic heuristics seems to support this. I dont like labelling people, but was invited to chime in, another troll tactic...

    no point in another trip to the crazypants rodeo. besides feb has 29 days this year. reading viabcroce's stats about users, studios etc... there needs to bea careful balance between releasing betas, and minimal buggy offficial, since that could cost studios money.

    fairies dont have tails, they wear boots tho, ya gotta believe me...

    kgmhb does not lie as ar as i have seen. they may be tight lipped about things, but i can see the reasons why, so can most. even if they miss feb, so what, that is not a lie
    dont think anyone else was suddenly enlightened by your allegations of lying. That is libel if you can't prove it.

    why call out one person, then say nothing. thats shabby. i havent spoken to burk, so dont really know him, but from what i remember he seems fine, dont know if he is a programmer, but if he is, my guess is he is probably pretty good
    i remember reading some of his posts, and was left with the impression that they were to the point, and often helpful, kind o like the theme around here, ppl help each other, have some fun. i feel happy that i finally have a bit o downtime to post a bit. been reading when i can and learning a lot plus funny stuff.

    jump ship? do what is right for you, but i cant see how you are able to speak for others... even if it is true, how would you know?

    doesnt seem like anyone here is pissed, and who really gives a shit if there is a delay. bugs sure, shit happens, debugging is not easy, right?
    taking time to make kickass features > meeting predicted dates. that could be one reason they don't like to get into too many details, they do music, not drama.

    blows? lol, man reading your post is a bummer on its own. if choice studios and top artists are ok with waiting, what could possibly be so important in your life that you need to
    have some features you probably never seen before right away? even if true, go to a good studio an get what you need done. if i had some good, urgent work i would not waste time complaning, i would find a way. that's what pro artists do. and there is very little tolerance for not delivering, so big acts would be long gone.

    settle down, take a chill pill, or a chill pharmacy...
    why are you trying to be such a downer? either you are insincere, or if you are genuinely upset, here is some good advice--work on being happy, life is a LOT better bein happy

    I wonder what is this or what this was supposed to be


    curious is just the word for it imho. and that leads to making more observations, which usually leads to getting better at doing this, which reduces time needed, leaving time for more

    curiosity and observations. this would make it a particularly curious kind of curiosity. time management indeed.

    my personal observation is this curiosity seems to have a kind of infectious nature to it...

    the top images could be from any tapedeck, reel, walkman, mp3 player etc. very universal stuff.

    even some rewind and playlist symbols, and possibly brackets to select a portion of a song.

    this would make sense, but for a couple of things...

    the nature of curiosity is grealty determined by who is curious about something, and why.

    secondly, why are they all duplicated like that... certain other things in those images have a interesting quality to them.

    not really enough information to reach any conclusions, but one thing does remain, why would skozy be curious enough about these to "find" them,

    then wonder at their meaning enough to post it here.

    more could be said, but it could take up too much time ;)


    Nice setup. Hope you post that in the kemper rigs section, even a b4 and after :)

    And gratuitous guitars shots are always a good thing there too.

    Something tells me I might be able to guess what your favorite colour is... and that is a bright and optimistic cave.

    I agree tho, you really need a more modern digital device--it is essential--all about balance.

    There is only one right thing to do... just can't be helped...

    I think the public forum should change the section: Profiler - Questions and Answers to Profiler - Pre-Purchase Questions and Answers.

    Some good ideas here.

    I think it would be better if the public forum remained that way, and add a subsection for pre purchase. This would do 2 things, put what is probably the majority of posts in the pub forum
    into it's own topic, reducing cluttter. More importantly it would keep this site more open to all who want to share something here, not having any risk of giving the impression that people were not welcome to post unless it was only about buying. This is totally worthwhile, since you never know when some random person would post some very interesting/handy/useful info.

    Also I think a kind of backstage sub thread for kpa owners could be really useful here too for a few things, such as people starting posts with not sure where to post, this would be it. It could also handle more off topic tendency threads as well, which would help with organization, and general layout, and threads could be moved there as well if needed. I don't mean completely unrelated things, or some flamewar forum for controversial things either, but it is the internet, and that would be a better place to put any kind of friction, so those who dont want to see it can easily avoid.

    But i think the main benefit of a backstage kind of thread would be more for topics like ethics of kemper 101, or 2+2=5 (someone actually wrote a successful math thesis on this) when is 4.0 coming out. The idea would be a more lighthearted kind of laid back place, but serious if need be. it would be hard to really predict more, since a sub forum lke that would have a kinda of character that would eveolve from the kind of posts that show up over time. Speculative topics would fit well here for example. Funny stuff also, tho that seems to pop up a lot here :)

    The pic's of the rack custom case you guys are talking about are in this thread Link (page 43) half way down, if anyone is interested


    Those are some pretty good detective skills :)

    Since they are custom, making a case for kpa toaster should be nice too.. Something like this if you like maple, no decent pics below size limit so posting this then a couple links to eye candy. The links give a better sense of how a toaster would fit and look.

    better images here :…_FlameMaple.jpg

    and images/120514/MK5-11214-3.jpg

    Even Bill Shakespeare would approve of this.

    LOL ya, i just thought of forsooth, and it reminded me of him... ol shakers would defo have a good laugh, ppl study plays more now, but back in the day

    sonnets were the way to get street cred, and to show your chops... kinda sad that almost nobody reads poetry anymore--my guess is because almost everyone can read.

    These days it's academics, and mebbe some songwriters to improve their skills, kind of a cross training for timing, meter, verse etc.

    I was thinking of doing it in that form, would be running low on 4 letter words with another verse and a half, but i think doable...

    Last time I wrote one was as a kind of penance for skipping the entire first semester (I blame women...) of an anguish class in high school, including blowing off

    essays and exams. Teacher was really nice, but not amused, so i offered to do the work and write her whatever she liked. Made some suggestions

    and she chose a sonnet, even choice of which kind lol...

    It was about me staying out too late the night before, trying to get up, but not being able to, waking up at 5pm, hence not possible to make it to

    class on time. She liked the irony :)

    4sooth me verily thinks 4rier numerology scorned
    4th-shadows the date 2016/4//4
    4ever4now, 4play, 4-3 = fools 4warned
    4'shizzle never 4bears; kemper surprises doth adore
    4lorn 4tune telling, a 4orray 4score&more a4mentioned counterfeit
    4'oments 4sight 4doomed 4evermore uncertain 3rds or 4ths
    4bidden 4gone conclusion, best to 4go, 4saken; 4gedaboutit
    4orged in a 4tress, 4th morph 4tuitous issue 4th, with monstertruck4ce


    all good advice above. cant really go wrong with either. only technical advantage i can see with a toaster is if you get un-powered version, some 3rd party amps fit in the back, there a few of them floating around.

    then there is this
    for man cave themes....
    Head will work better on a desk, at home etc. unless you have rack gear, but even so, it will sit on a rack interface easily too. Either can dim led's and change screen color iirc,
    imho go for toaster since you like that look better, and will feel a bit better firing it up each time :)

    also, recently saw some dude get a custom case for his rack unit, there a company that does this, you can order it how you like,handle, tolex, depth etc.. can't find that link atm, but was from a few days ago, looks nice, so worth checking out.

    If you like the look of it there are lots of options, some ppl make skins for em..

    also check the post your rig thread for info, tons of ideas there, and lots of eye candy :)

    if you can swing it, nothing wrong with both, it does bass 2, can bi amp....

    all kinds of options,

    enjoy :)

    very cool for sure.

    this is a growing scene, lot of interesting ideas from it.

    I am guessing you already saw this, but just in case check this link out, and mebbe link your vid there, this crowd would prolly love

    to hear it--any zelda fan definitely would :)

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    Edit: forgot to mention, that is a very big growing market for music, not that hard to get into, no worries about piracy, just do your thing and get

    paid, get a rep for compelling work, more so... you definately have your finger on the pulse of it.

    George Lucas said 1/2 of the quality of a movie was in the sound, so something similar should apply to tv, and video games--which have the biggest

    yearly revenue now iirc.


    sorry for your troubles d....
    those pictures do look nasty. no wonder andertons was frightened. I would be too. not typical logistic shit happens damage but wtf?
    ups has it's moments, but losing a Boeing 747 wheel? Yes i know how big they are, and heavy too, also very $$... wow. never heard that b4, thats pro talent.... no telling what they can do...

    Looking at the damage, very few if any human beings are capable of generating that much force--even smashing it onto a solid steel floor.
    throwing it off the truck, or even off the top of the truck might not be enough. A moving truck possibly, but then the box would be trashed.
    perhaps it lost a fight with a forklift-- lot of compact energy and iron weight there. or godzilla? monster truck force?

    If people are saying it looks like orig packaging, then you should contact atomic directly, send them pics and let them know what is going on, send em a link to here. I dont think any company would like to see their top selling items arriving DOA and only refunds.

    I have a feeling there is more going on that is NOT being said. Highly unlikely that they would blame you in any way, huge shitstorm there.
    Also going via 6 countries, as much as they may try, it would be hard for them to find a throat to choke. An even bigger shitstorm if they blame atomic or ups.

    My guess is it is not the only issue, and andertons, atmoic, ups, and some others are having a quiet wtf conversation about some more than usual carnage. The fact they dont want to/cant risk more shipping, and a quiet, unusual response is telling here...

    On the bright side...

    1 You should ask what andertons suggests you do with the wreckage. disposal fee? -do so in writing ..fax
    2 your time wasted etc. mebbe a 2 way plane ticket to get one yourself ;)
    3 check the speakers if you can for any damage. since you have a refund you can see if you can get it fixed--if speakers are ok worth a look.
    4 any amp repair shops around? if its powered, don't try to fix it yourself, unless you know what you are doing, could be lethal volts/currents inside
    if you are not sure about even one aspect of it, dont mess with it... knowing /= winging it or learning etc.
    4 if not powered, a lot safer, take a panel or 2 off and make sure wires are all connected properly. get a cheap amp,one with short circuit protection, test it out,

    what i would do is see if the speakers work, then fix it, @ pretty cheap repair cost. think ~20 bucks wood glue and spray paint--at least you will never worry about scratching it....
    mebbe even get atomic to send you a free unit, ... it would show goodwill on atomic's part even tho it is very unlikely they had anything to do with this. good pr for them too.
    most solid companies dont mind turning disasters around to a positive message like "no matter what we got you covered"

    even if no help
    a cheap / free sub par clr > trash bin,

    who knows, they might even send you one themselves, they have a bit of a rep of hiccups, some delays, but making things right in the end

    as for packaging, if it is standard, and arrived ok in so many cases, why add more. some very tough packaging would be needed to stop this savagery

    Seems new that atomic is working with retailers again, they have not in ages here, but only from what i heard. There will defo be issues. My guess is they dont send units to andertons, but use a kind of drop ship method, andertons relays order, atomic ships, but who knows...

    legal stuff:

    1 copyright those carnage pix, could make some decent $$
    2 contact csi Bulgaria. this was no mere accident.

    hope you get it all sorted out, try an not let it get to ya, laugh about it if you can

    another idea would be to sell a "UPS Reliced Atomic CLR" on ebay to match those 8k gibsons and fenders