Posts by theplayer

    Hi Burkhard,

    I have some serious problems. If I turn on my Profiler Head with my guitar cable allready connected then there's no sound wse. So I have to disconnect the cable and start all over. Is this normal?


    Trying using a rig RM constantly shows the message: "Rig Manager cannot find a Profiler or connect to the device. Please make sure Profiler is switched on, up-to-date and uses a working USB connection. There's no column for checking a rig too.

    1. The usb connection has been proved working.

    2. RM has been proved to be up to date 3.5.30.

    3. The latest version of my Profiler Head is Public Beta June 24 - 2024 (Windows 10)

    So the use of RM is not possible

    Can you please show a solution for this all?


    (Nuland -The Netherlands)

    I have a Kemper Powerhead. For both home studio recording and live perfomances I use Direct Out and Monitor Out for my 2 monitors. I use the same outputs for my small Soundcraft Notepad -12 fx for recording in my Adobe Audition DAW. The 2 outputs go to the first 2 (guitar signed) inputs on the Notepad mixer.

    I noticed that the incoming signal from the Direct Output, while recording, differs substantially from the Monitor Output. The Direct Output signal is hardly visible or stays blank. I've tried several cables and switched cables between both Direct Output and Monitor Output and tried also inputs 1 and 2 on the Notepad. Every time it's the Direct Outpunt that causes the problem while the Monitor Output shows the full signal..

    Am I'm doing something here? Or am I missing something?

    I finally have found it here...:

    January 3, 2016 at 10:27 PM

    I immediately bookmarked it for never have to search again.

    I haven't used my Boss FV Expression for a few years and now I'm stuck in connecting cables and settings. The profiler's user manual is not helping in this matter because it lacks on clear explanations about cables and settings. And the Mission shows as a completely other model to me with options I don't have. Also the corresponding videos don't describe what I like to know. And now my Pedal 1 Mode screen shows: NOT PLUGGED. I'm sorry I haven't written then the way how everything was connected and working in the right way. It must be a simple job but just one wrong setting or cable can lead to nothing...

    Hi Burkhard, I can't show a video. It happened when I used a midi program change from one rig to the next. I called this popup but as Don indicated, this had to do with two lookalike but different amps and then, by midi change, there's suddenly Middle and not in the previous one...

    Hi Jackson929,

    I'm not familiair with this Zoomu24, but all I can say is that I use for many many years a very old but great DAW: Adobe Audition 1.5. To my knowledge still available for downloading. And to connect everything together I bought me a Soundcraft Notepad 12 fx for about € 170.

    And of course my Kemper Profiler eversince 2014. Delivers me everything I need and I make perfect demo's for myself.

    I never have had any problem with this stuff. Easy handling and great performance. I use Windows 10. I would say: keep it simple. It's not big money you need for recording (maybe except for the Kemper).

    Awesome PETERFR! I don't mind your late response at all! Good things come to those who wait. Thank you again for your time and efforts. I'm sure when I play these songs the crowd will listen open-mouthed to your dead-on constructed rigs...! :) :!: :thumbup:

    I "inadvertently" shut off my poweramp to the my Kone Kab. One night it worked and the next night it didn't. I must have done something wrong when tweaking profiles for the next day. I thought maybe it was blown at first but I still heard an audible hiss to the .......

    Good for you, Bayou! So more users can expect sometimes a strange behaviour without a real cause. Its good to know that an "init globals" can do wonders if you're out of options.
    Still I can't overlook the number of resets for the input and output menu parameters which Kemper Support once stated (if I'm correct) To me that would mean that your have to remember all your parameters for your own customized settings, even in System where I have all gigging rigs assigned to midi numbers for my midi control board.
    Correct me if I'm wrong but if something line this would happen duirng a gig, then I guess you can pack your things....

    Hi PETERFR, That versíon is now accepted by RM ! And I must say: this delay version is awesome for The Streets... Sounds great!! ^^ :thumbup: Thank you for all your work. You're truly a magician in dealing with these sounds....!.

    Hi Peter, here I am again.... Can you explain what delay you must use and let it work for you in the 8" (3/16?) tempo? It's about 8th guitar strokes with a matching delay. I'm referring to U2's song The Electric Co. The 8th guitar strokes aren't the problem for me but getting the delay (with 2 or 3 equally sounding repeats) is...