Posts by misteraxe

    I cannot reproduce a problem. In Rig Manager you normally enter the base sound values of continuous parameters. Holding CTRL on the keyboard while dialing will open a morphing range adn set the morph sound value of the parameters. Base sound vlaue is marked by a blue dot, morph sound value is marked by a red dot.

    Don't forget to store. Then it sticks.

    Thanks! I was not aware that I should use the ctrl key to initiate a morphing range. I will try that. Meanwhile, I have had several crashes when trying to turn effects on and off through morph channels. Not sure if that is even possible, but I am just now exploring morphing and wanted to try it.

    I have the latest OS release as well as the last RM release. I love the ability to edit from my PC, however, I am having an issue with morphing. I noticed that I could not make adjustments between the two channels and get them to stick. I racked my brain trying to figure it out, but couldn't. I searched for answers in this forum and found none. I have since discovered that if I make the changes on the unit itself, they stick, but I still can't make changes that stick from Rig manager.

    For those of us who use the kemper in a studio, a software interface would improve the usable functionality a great deal. I am finding the Kemper to be wonderful, but I have to get up and go to its rack position fairly close to it to experiment with sounds. In a studio you sometimes do that a lot and it will literally wear you out and you often end up settling for something. I now use the open source "Toaster" software, and it can do quite a lot, and it is a great help, but it wont do everything. kemper should be the ones providing this, there is a clear need and want for it, but instead, those of us who want it are waiting for a part time programmer to create an interface (bless his heart) for it instead. Sad that the constant cries for this have always been met with "whats wrong with just using the controls on the kemper" instead of actually filling the need. If a guy can do it working part time, Kemper can to.

    I can see it is not a new question here, but my situation cannot be unique.
    I have a project studio centered around my DAW.
    I have the profiler, and as much I appreciate the depth and functionality of its direct editing capabilities,
    my profiler is in a rack that is not at my fingertips.
    The ability to edit directly from where everything else is being done would take it's functionality to a whole new level for me.
    That is not at all a reflection how well it does what it does, but remote functionality would give the device a great deal more power.
    I know the Kemper was not intended as a studio only device, but that is where it shines.
    I would so love not having to go to the device for every edit.