Posts by DAngerbear

    Hey OP, get any joy on this? I am having the same exact problem. I recorded with this same setup in July and had no problems, but since then I have updated firmware on both my Kemper and my Apollo, and now it's there.

    No.. Kinda strange. Sometimes its there sometimes its not. I leave S/R convert OFF at all times because.. Well the kemper is clocking, no need to convert. I really only notice it on the DI's if ever. But it's inconsistent. If I had to guess, I'd say its the kemper.

    Howdy folks.

    Recently been trying to track exclusively through S/PDIF for easy of use as well as less conversion.

    However in demoing tones I noticed S/PDIF just sounded different than the analog outs.

    So in an effort to prove it sounded different I set both the Main Out as well as the S/PDIF out to master mono. No reverb or any effects after the stack. Made sure both signals were coming in at the same volume. Two main differences: The S/PDIF signal was delayed by ~74 Samples, and when aligned with the analog output, does NOT phase cancel perfectly.

    Upon visual examination, the waveforms do have some minor differences on a sample by sample basis. It's not substantial, but according to Logic Pro there are some differences. Does anyone have any experience with S/PDIF? Maybe this is unique to my, rather old, unit?

    Did youplay with SPDIF volume?

    What drivers are you using?

    Don't think its related to signal amplitude, happens when the signal is very far from it. OS is 7.4.1

    Is the problem new or did it work flawlessly before? If it worked before then what changed in the set up in the meantime?

    I trust you have a correct and high quality cable in use. Appropriate for digital connection.

    Fingers crossed that you'll get it sorted. I absolutely like to use SPDIF as it is so convenient and assures high quality in the signal chain :thumbup:8)

    I reamp with s/pdif exclusively and it works most of the time. This is however the first time I've recorded through s/pdif directly.

    Have you tried at 44khz?

    No, current session is at 48, I'll try that. But the kemper is supposed to support up to 96!

    Howdy all,

    Weird issue. Recording S/PDIF stereo tracks into an Apollo X6. Pops and clicks galore.

    The obvious checklist:

    Project sample rate is 48k, Kemper is at 48K

    Apollo is getting clock from S/PDIF/Kemper
    Probably not related to buffer size. CPU is under any load/I've tried them all.

    Any ideas?

    One area to check is really this "bridge mode" versus "one channel", which seem to contradict. If you bridge a power amp, you normally need to connect your cabinet differently e. g. to both red banana plug sockets. The iNuke seems to require a special Speakon-Y-adapter. I see a hint on its back plane, that in bridged mode you need to connect your speaker cable to +1 and +2!

    The other thing is ... you seem to be using Monitor Out, but then refer to Master Out at 0dB!? There is no Master Output. There is Master Volume, but that doesn't follow a dB scale. Assuming that you are using the Monitor Output, where is Monitor Output Volume in dB. That's what counts.

    I figured a Y-Cable might be implied, but I was still thinking that the wattage I was working with outside of bridged mode would be more than sufficient.. Not the case! Seems a bit ridiculous I need a Y cable to pump 1000 watts (supposedly) into a 4x12.. Somethings not adding up, no one needs that kind of power HAHA

    Maybe my wording was off, but my master volume is cranked. But regardless of the master volume (I could set it to -6, -12) the power amp is clipping when I try and bring it up.

    I'm half considering bringing the rig to a music center and hopefully find employees cool enough to let me A/B some more stuff.. I'm not trying to slave my 6505+ (although it sounds awesome) around with my rig.

    Howdy all

    Currently the live rig is Kemper rack monitor out (cab sim off)> Behringer iNuke 1000(bridged) Output A @ 4 ohms> 4x12 cab 4 ohm input.

    It's not quiet by definition, but given how much power should be going to that cab its very quiet. I have the amp cranked, basically clipping!

    I'm A/Bing this with a peavy 6505+ 120 watt head :evil: which is tearing paint off the walls with post gain set @ 3, significantly louder than the iNuke.

    Any ideas why my iNuke sounds like a tiny little girl of a power amp?