S/PDIF Fidelity

  • Howdy folks.

    Recently been trying to track exclusively through S/PDIF for easy of use as well as less conversion.

    However in demoing tones I noticed S/PDIF just sounded different than the analog outs.

    So in an effort to prove it sounded different I set both the Main Out as well as the S/PDIF out to master mono. No reverb or any effects after the stack. Made sure both signals were coming in at the same volume. Two main differences: The S/PDIF signal was delayed by ~74 Samples, and when aligned with the analog output, does NOT phase cancel perfectly.

    Upon visual examination, the waveforms do have some minor differences on a sample by sample basis. It's not substantial, but according to Logic Pro there are some differences. Does anyone have any experience with S/PDIF? Maybe this is unique to my, rather old, unit?

  • The DA Converters sound different, thats why you have a slightly different sound than SPDIF

    but to me the DA Converters from Kemper sounds better than SPDIF.

    According the Delay of SPDIF there was a thread 3 or 4 weeks ago look for that in the Forum