Posts by Michael_dk

    Absolutely Nothing seems to make sense within the Kemper mindset. It's all too confusing for me and I have neither the time nor the inclination to figure it all out. Perhaps it's time to go back to using real amps?

    It's a function you can use, or not - totally up to you. I don't get why it upsets you (this particular thing)

    It's once again (like the output menu) poor design, a waste of screen space, and confusing to boot.

    I would expect to assign the effects block to a footswitch rather than assigning the footswitch to an effects block.

    The minimum expectation is to arrange the buttons in a row so that you don't have to scroll unnecessarily.

    It would be better to have an assignment button under each effect block where you can assign the footswitch (I-IV).

    Can't you assign multiple fx slots to each footswitch? Then the proposed layout doesn't make much sense to me.

    I kind of like the idea, but share most of the "reservations" that have been shared in this thread.

    Another reservation would be that EQ and gain information like this only tells part of the story anyway - e.g. what is the character of the gain when considering the EQ curve, is the overdrive/distortion especially driven by the low frequencies, or the high frequencies? That sort of thing.

    Though you could argue that "limited information is better than even more limited information" :) On the other hand, it might be more misleading than helping, I don't know.

    I use quad ought (#0000) steel wool for all sorts of stuff, but never on a neck.

    I'll have to give that a shot.

    Might be a good idea to put painters tape (masking tape) on top of the pickups, wipe it after it's done, and then place masking tape on top of the first layer before removing, sealing in any loose fragments of steel wool (to prevent it getting into the pickups due to the magnets). But I have no idea if that is at all relevant when just sanding the neck (much more relevant when polishing frets, surely)

    There seems to be a logical disconnect in the expectation of functionality for Kemper products. The products had a specific set of functionality when we purchased them. There was no contractual obligation, guarantee or promise of any additional functionality. If you bought a toaster, rack, or stage expecting something different , you made an illogical purchase. If you bought a Player expecting that it would do something different, you made an illogical purchase. If Kemper provides improvements then consider yourself fortunate. Otherwise, and to be frank, this all sounds like a bunch of entitled whining. Kemper 'owes' us nothing. To be honest, if I were making decisions at Kemper, I would view this type of complaining as 'no good deed goes unpunished'. I would be motivated to discontinue the updates as a result. These types of threads present a danger IMO. How about using the product that you bought and being happy if it happens to get upgraded?

    Umm... What?

    This thread seems pretty sober to me, not whining at all.

    Of course the previous history of updates - and the continuation of this to some degree - is a factor in deciding whether to buy or not. That's basically "goodwill" (or reputation) for the company, which they also profit from. No, there's no contractual obligation, guarantee or promise. But some expectation of continued improvements is absolutely reasonable. Whether the company decides to fulfil such expectations is entirely up to them - and their evaluation of impact on the perception of their brand.

    And do you really think a professional company such as Kemper would be butthurt about some users on a forum wanting more updates, to the degree that they decide to just not do them anymore? That's ridiculous.

    I'm sure they love what they do and are excited about the new features they bring forth, but come on. It's a business. They wouldn't develop new features if it wasn't deemed profitable.

    I agree that things are moving slow. But that is how it has always been, at least while I've had my KPA. Almost glacial :)

    When they DO put stuff out, in my experience it is very well thought out and often exceeding the expectations of many (with room for disappointment for some, of course).

    I've also thought about whether they are stretched a bit thin since liquid profiles announcement (which included 4-5 other new things). But if I had to guess, they're not MUCH more stretched thin than normal. I think they simply prefer to have a smaller development team than a large one. It certainly impact how quickly they can roll out stuff, but it probably has other benefits, like a better fit for their company culture.

    I will say, however, that I don't think they ever announced a profile store, although that was how I interpreted the facelift of the rig manager re. the kemper-provided (free) packs from commercial sellers. Upon re-read I decided that they simply added a page for each of the vendors in rig manager.

    I think if you ask here, the majority will say that there's no real tone difference. Some people will say that the kemper is almost there, but not 100%.

    I will say, though, that "solid state" (from the thread title) is not really the correct term for modeling amps (or profilers, if you want to use the official term for the kemper). Solid state at least originally referred to physical electronic components, not firmware/software stuff. Overdriving these solid state amps (i.e. overdriving the electronic components/circuits) supposedly sounded super crappy (no experience with them myself). So the term "solid state" has some very negative connotations to many people that is not really "fair" to the sound of profilers and modelers. Whether any specific modeler or profiler is on par with a tube amp is of course a separate question :)

    EDIT: I think I completely misunderstood your comment/question :D

    Is the profile a very distorted one? In that case there will not be much in the way of peaks and valleys :)

    I wonder also if you've accidentally zoomed in on the waveforms as described in this video:

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    Very true. Our auditory perception of any sound is strongly influenced by the part of the sound that arrives first to our ears which will be the pick attack - which is particularly prominent at modest SPL. Enclosed headphones help (to some degree at least) screen out the pick sound which gives the sound a bright attack before the processed sound from the monitors or even the sound from of an amp some meters away arrives at the ear.

    Huh - I never thought about the immediacy of the pick attack being a factor in this instance, I mostly thought about it in terms of attack and frequency, but it makes a lot of sense. Especially considering the Hass effect.

    first of all thanks for all the answers :)

    Michael_dk I used the monitor function included in cubase. I switched later between the monitor function in cubase and the direct monitiring from the focusrite.

    Bakersounds I tried that in the very beginning but honestly I couldn´t mke it happen. Maybe I have to dig a little deeper in how that works... Dou you have any helpful links to threads or videos for that?

    BayouTexan I´ll try that, the gain on fhe focusrite was off to very low and the gain at the profil was like 5-7/10. I´ll try changing that too.

    DonPetersen so you think it´s something different than the conversion? I´m sorry for asking, english is not my mother language :D

    Bu are you monitoring on headphones, or on speakers? When recording, or when playing back?

    Thanks for all the help guys. I've re-done my rigs to have all distortion and clean sense set to zero, and then just rebalanced the gains and volumes as needed. Took a little work, but at least now everything is set up right. I created the 2 input presets that I needed and everything now works as I'd hoped. It was worth it in the end.

    Great to hear!! :)