Posts by JasperEads

    Ok, admittedly Im not a whiz at this whole programming thing.
    I had purchased a FCB1010 used and it came with the uno chip.
    I have done as much reading as i think i can on the subject of setting it up with the FCB1010 MIDI Editor version 2.99-2.
    After weeks of trying, still, have no clue what Im doing.

    Does anyone have a sysex file I can have?
    Would that even work? :/

    Im not trying to beg but, I would like to be able to control my Kemper and not feel like i wasted the money on the FCB1010.

    I don't think there could be any violation of copyright. If there were, I'm sure they would have tried. Anyway, as Per pointed out, most amp designs (all?) are basically copies of the few original ones.

    This is the mentality that lead to the actions that this thread is about. Passive IDGAF attitude. If this is your stance than the "thief" is justified in it.

    All those boutique pedals? Copies. Basically. maybe some minor tweaks, but the basic circuitry is very rarely original. Is that stealing? No, not in the legal sense. In a moral sense, then? Guess that will always depend on one's viewpoint. Still, Marshall wouldn't exist without "inspiration" from Fender, etc...

    I can't in any way equate profiles to illegal mp3 copies. You profile (the sound of!) an amp at a certain setting, through a certain mic, at a certain mic position. You don't get the whole amp, you get a "snapshot".

    So If a world renowned producer told you that he couldnt tell the difference between a real amp and the KPA, then would that change your mind? I think that would qualify as evidence.

    I have difficulties coming up with a suitable comparison. This is kind of unbroken ground. Maybe a band using the same chord progression as another band??? Nah, still doesn't sound right (though I do seem to remember Lars Ulrich trying to sue some band for using a lot of F# chords in their music...)

    I don't understand this. It seems like some people feel that what Kemper and/or the commercial profilers are doing is morally suspect, but still you have bought the unit (I assume). I'm wondering about this? (genuinely, not trying to be smart)

    Yup, and I love it, but I also love my wife and kids, but that love dosent guarantee that my family wouldnt fuck me over in the future. Just keeping on my toes if you dont mind.

    Words in red are mine.

    I have thought about this topic many times. Kinda off topic but in the same vain...What is keeping major amp companies from suing the shit out of Kemper for what this device is made for?

    Isnt the act of profiling infringing on some sort of copyright?

    Seems like a grey and very blurry line for people to bitch about copies of copies.
    Kind of like a bootlegger telling the cops that their stock was stolen from...

    How much do the people who sell "pro" profiles give to Kemper or the original amp manufacture from their sales?
    I see it like a club playing music and not paying for the license to cover the royalties.

    So, this time Im looking for a great Bass Rig to try out. I go to the rig manager (I usually dont have to use it, I already have fantastic profiles that i'm sure i'll always use, like forever) and i look up a few names of bass amps i have worked with that i know sounds great in person. Next thing is looking at the user ratings and determining what has the highest ratings i could find and start from there. Trouble is, I have no idea how many people these ratings are based on. How do i know that the 5 star rating Im looking at wasnt just from the person who uploaded it? Hell my favorite rigs that i personally use are a 5 in my book, but that doesnt mean the ENGL SE i use on my recordings is your 5. Does this mean i should avoid the 5 Star ratings and only go for the 4.x rigs? What does that mean for the actually exceptional 5's that that have those ratings because they are that great? Im not going to grab every single 5 Star that pops up and take at a minimum 10 minuets to test each one out. I guess im that guy who wants to get in, get what i came for, get out, and focus on the music. Lets be real about this, the 5K+ rigs on the RM is more than any person would ever need to choose from and thats an amazing feature that comes with the KPA. Though, even if you know exactly what amp to choose and how to word it in the search to get the results you want, there are so many to choose from, its hard to tell whats actually going to be a crowd favorite and whats not. Am i just missing where this information is gathered and stored online? Did i miss a memo? Am i alone on this?

    Have you tried Everglade Audios midi control for Windows ?…idi-control-0-2

    That is bad-ass! I think i'm going to wait until its in Beta, but, still great to see someone take the initiative. Who knows, maybe this will lighten the load of Mr.K and get some of the other more requested features we want.

    Maybe this link should be pinned or posted as a resource for users. Any admin who can make this happen?

    Because leaving home without one should be a crime against humanity.

    I would like to report the condition of my KPA after the ungodly US backroads through the plains, fields and desert in a over packed trunk of a small family car. I grew concerned because everything inside my rack case was HOT to the touch and then when i plugged it in [after letting it come to room temp] i wasnt getting any power. I was fucking pissed! Immediately I started to panic. As luck would have it after trying 3 separate outlets I got that wonderful blue screen to fire up and my panic subside. Turns out the first 2 i had tried were wired in with the light switch of my suite.... LOL PHEW!! KPA A-OK! :thumbup: Gotta love that German engineering.

    From reading page 28 in the Kemper Profiler Reference Manual2.3.pdf it makes no reference to my description...

    "Direct Connection of Pedals and Switches
    The PROFILER features two jacks for the direct connection of expression pedals or switches.
    ♦♦ Expression Pedals
    An expression pedal works just like a wah or volume pedal, but is made for digital devices. It only needs
    one cable with a stereo jack, connected to one of the dedicated pedal inputs.
    If you use a regular expression pedal (e.g. Roland), please select “Pedal (Type 1)” with soft knobs 1 or 3. If
    you use an expression pedal with reversed polarity (e.g. Yamaha™), please select “Pedal (Type 2)”.
    You can monitor the changing swell value of the pedal on soft knobs 2 and 4. If you find that the pedal
    does not cover the full value range, press “Pedal Init” on the respective soft button, then perform a full
    swell on the pedal to re-calibrate it."

    I am using a Yamaha expression pedal so from what i understand is that it is a type 2. That is all. There is no mention of settings for the control of various expression on multiple individual rigs.

    Again, i want to use the pedal i have connected into the Pedal 1 input, to control a wah parameter on rig patch 2 and the pitch parameter in rig patch 4. Pressing the system softkey on the front of the KPA and scrolling to System Settings [Page 4/9] Pedals, it allows me to only select one effect parameter for the pedal i have connected into the Pedal 1 input.

    Why can I not choose for it to be a generic expression input that controls whatever effect i have chosen to be controlled by the expression pedal on any given Rig patch?

    Not trying to be rude, trying to be absolutely clear.