Posts by slateboy

    BillyNoSocks as and example, can you confirm what you are seeking to do and what midi equipment do you have at your disposal.

    And, is this for live or studio use? (a DAW with midi may do the trick at home but not practical on stage.

    You wish to manipulate the pitch of the pitch effect? it may be in steps as opposed to a "whammy" style smooth pitch transition.

    Explain further and lets see what solutions can be presented

    forgive me if i have missed this either here or in other threads - can someone explain exactly what functions can and can't be mapped to a midi expression pedal?

    A basic expression pedal is likely to put out CC midi data (continuous control) and the parameters controllable by this are listed in the midi documentation (free download on the kemper site)

    the slightly more "advanced/deeper" controls will need NRPN control (which consumes 3 or 4 CC controls) and not available to something like the CC input expression pedal on any of the kempers, to my knowledge. A slightly more sophisticated midi controller may give you access to NRPN controls, again these are covered in the midi documentation

    Yes, there are many options out there for midi controllers.

    The first thing you need is a USB-midi interface. Take a look here:

    March 5, 2024 at 2:48 PM

    As for which midi controller you choose, you may have a device that allows you to jump multiple-presets (ie bank 1 to 4)

    You can also (if i recall correctly) scroll +/- banks using the buttons on the unit and/or by using the expression pedal input with a pair of contacts/switches.

    Do you specifically wish to "jump" to a particular bank rather than 3 button-presses to scroll banks?

    I use the one from OTraki, I think it was also featured in one of the Players HowTo´s. Its available for a good price at Amazon and works perfectly fine for me.

    yes, i recall one of the admins confirming this as a working option. i can also confirm it works nicely with the player.

    for anyone else interested here is the link. (admins delete this post if posting these links isnt permitted)

    follow up to this message;

    the issue appears to be when connected to a PC/MAC (not necessarily rig manager) where that device has a switch-mode power supply (typical for many laptops). A slight mis-contact from the incoming power-supply may spike the power-source as the PC/Mac may not be referenced to ground as these power supplies often "float". Removing from the MAc/PC eradicated this issue and also removed the electrical noise from the audio.

    This is a common side-effect when using equipment that does not have a proper or common ground.

    Echo Reverb

    The Echo Reverb is a delay combined with a reverb. In other words: a Natural Reverb with a feedback control added to its predelay to create rhythmic repetitions of the reverb tail. So, instead of using a straight delay type for a rhythmic enhancement, use the Echo Reverb for diffuse and soft echo reflections, when you find a regular delay is sounding too concrete or direct for your needs.

    Just been playing with the echo-reverb on the player.

    Can you confirm the pre-delay value please? The time in mS does not appear to be a true value

    a setting of 160mS gives an apparent one-second delay.

    Is this a bug or have i not understood something. Any explanation appreciated, thanks

    Nice that the tempo indicator on the player works (sort of)

    (the tap indicator on the rack has been the source of many disgruntled users owing to the inconsistent flashing, but thats another thread....)


    You tap the button in time with the beat and the LED flashes at that bpm but the LED flash is inverse to how it was tapped.

    I would expect that if i tap to the pulse of the music the LED flashes accoredingly. However, it appears to be off on the pulse and on inbetween

    count & tap

    pulse 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &

    ==TAP 1 - 2 - 3 - 4

    ==LED - & - & - & - &

    IT makes logical sense to me that the LED is illuminated ON with the pulse not OFF on the pulse.

    Certainly checking your BPM with the music is made easier with a flash on the beat not an eighth note later.


    slateboy, this is their official website where DR WILSON's contact information makes it easy to find him personally. Midicaptain is a very interesting product. If you are willing to spend time waiting, Dr. Wilson can provide personalized firmware services based on the specific requirements of each customer service, and it is free.

    In China, we communicate through WeChat. If you have any questions, you can first contact Dr. Wilson via email and then agree on a communication method for one-on-one communication. Dr. Wilson is a person who is very willing to communicate.

    Thanks for that info. Still interested to hear how your experiences, as an end user, are when coupled with your kemper player.

    Hey AppleTreeChen

    following your interest in the system exclusive name retrieval of the Kemper player, i took an interest in the midi captain pedal, which i had not encountered previously. Seems to be a very flexible unit so i'm interested to know how you get on with the further development and customisation for the Kemper devices. Have you any special info or a video to demonstrate some of this "custom" functionality?

    Hi slateboy - I use the midi option at the moment and it’s great but my midi pedal doesn’t have any kind of ‘light’ to say it’s on or off - sometimes it just stays on because I forget lol - after some form of knowing that it’s on lol

    sympathise with your situation.

    The limited visual indication of which FX blocks are on and the "yet to learn" coded "bank-numbers-by-colour" on the player does make it a little harder to use than the rack or stage. Though i appreciate what Kemper have done with a compact unit is awesome.

    Certainly some visual indication on your midi device could prove highly useful.

    Out of interest, sfa_100 what midi device are you using and how are you using it ?

    simplest way is to use one of your FX blocks as a boost.

    You could also control the output volume with an expression pedal and set the working range (ie min = rhythm volume, max = solo volume) to save consuming an FX block.

    You could get an additional pedal that offers a similar function (compressor/volume/boost/etc)

    going a step further, and a bit more technical, you could access the rig volume via midi control, as demonstrated here:

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    thread in these forums-

    March 7, 2024 at 7:11 PM

    PS if you want the sysex code for retrieveing rig names, i posted it here:

    February 22, 2024 at 4:08 PM