Posts by SwAn1

    I find it funny that sometimes one has to repeat the same sentence a hundred times and some will never comprehend.

    The title of this thread says it all. AX8 Patches are being profiled and in case you missed it, it's very hard to tell the difference between the amp or device profiled with the actual profile, because KPA is that good.

    Dean that has only become your contention once you got it wrong. With your self proclaimed "Golden ears" you don't chose the Axe clip for what it was.

    You mean "kind and pleasant" like in the title of this thread? How many of the people having dealt with KPA support yet would agree it's dreadful?
    [Except maybe that one guy who was a professional successful musician complaining KPA hadn't replied to his inquiry for an endorsement.]

    The OP sent 3 or 4 emails and didn't get a response. He was frustrated and some of that came out here. Big deal. But glad you are on it joesch - you would fit right at home on the fractal site!
    Edit: As an aside more to KPA in case they are not aware. I am not sure if the US distributor listed on the site (located in Evergreen Colorado) is part of the company or just a third party distributor but they are utterly unresponsive. I called them about 10 times and left several messages. Finally did get a KPA but their lack of support made me more cautious about the company at the time. They never responded. BTW, I am sure joesch it was my fault so you don't have to point it out to me.

    Hey, I didn't mean you, @SwAn1.
    That said, I know perfectly well the history of all the Axe jokes (and that they're kinda deserved the way the Axe has been constantly advertised). I have owned the Ultra and the II myself, too.
    All I wanna do as a contributor of this forum here (and this is the forum I deliberately have chosen as the main one I want to participate in) is that it is less 'fanboi-ish', less 'the grass is greener on my side' than other forums.
    Perhaps this is wishful thinking, but so be ist. ;)

    In that case lets just pretend I didn't make that post! :) Thanks for letting me know. I know I can be a pain in the arse ...

    No problem with that in general. ;)
    Still I stand with my assessment that this thread is useless, like all the others before.
    The only reason why this one hasn't gone down the drain completely is because the usual suspects went on to concentrate in this thread: So I bought an Axe Fx Ax8 and I have been profiling my preset as I make them...

    And @Dean_R: C'mon, me a control freak persona and in need of work on my sense of humor? How do you think you know me so 'well', with you being here for a mere 6 months?

    If by the usual suspects you mean me, I was going to start on this thread but when I last checked Dean still hadn't taken a stab at identifying which clips were Axe / KPA on the other. That said, where I do agree with him is that people should be allowed (with limits of the law and those falsely saying v4 has been posted!) to have their say. Even you had a chance to have your say and we all cheerfully listened. I think that community sometimes is glued together with stuff that isn't earth shatteringly interesting or useful but the humdrum of life. I mean how interesting would it be if this site was just limited to helping solve my KPA problems?

    I own an Axe II XL+ and will probably be buying a Kemper soon to add to my arsenal.

    All I can say is, when top artists and engineers are using both units in their studio and on the road, it says something about the accuracy and authenticity thereof.

    That said, I haven't used a Kemper heretofore, but my impression is that the amp models may sound slightly more accurate / authentic right out of the gate, though that isn't to say the XL+ can't be made to sound practically indistinguishable with a little (or a lot) of tweaking. I don't know and won't know until I get my hands on a Kemper. My plan at this point is to run the Kemper into the Axe in order to use the XL's effects with the Kemper's amps, though that isn't to say I'll be abandoning the Axe's amp and cab sims. I won't. It's mainly because Axe-Edit is awesome, and will simplify adding effects regardless which amps I use.

    You are in for a real treat when you get the KPA! While I have been talking about the Axe in this thread, the Kemper is a great piece of human ingenuity and fun to play. I remember just smiling from ear to ear the first time I plugged in and played it. Combined with the Axe it gives you more options than you will know what to do with and once 4.0 lands the combined package is going to be even better and more flexible. The pitch effects in the KPA can't be beat and we may be able to move some of the effects from the Axe to the new KPA effects and free up some process in power on the Axe. What a great time to be a guitarist!!!

    Personally, I believe it will be released when it is still Feb 29 somewhere in the world (and most likely Germany). If they needed extra time I think they would have said sometime in March or April. Is it a big deal if they do miss the deadline? No but there is no indication yet that they will.

    Your opinion of course, it is really growing tiresome, sorry.

    The Kemper doesn't create any sounds per say, studio engineers and enthusiasts create them and the Kemper mimics them, the Axe could not be expected to do this out of the box.

    And yes, I am trying to recreate the Axe sounds in the Kemper and I am not the first.

    Here is a little test clip. Which are Kemper which are Axe?

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    Doing a blind test is a great way to let ones ears do the test and not an artist endorsement. To answer your question, it is abundantly clear - one could say, almost day and night. The Axe clip is the one with the fizz and unnatural bloom. Actually, even though I own both, I can't say. What I can say with some certainty is that you can play. To make this fair you should put a time limit (it's been 2 hours already) on this so that he doesn't spend days analyzing frequencies and looking for some missing harmonic frequency in the KPA clips (or something along those lines) to see which is/are the KPA clip(s).
    Edit: Also be prepared for a litany of excuses (can only tell in a full mix, you deliberately made the Axe clip(s) louder to make it stand out more, you really need the original amp clip as well as to tell which is closer to the actual amp etc).
    Edit 2: Oops I see the last excuse has already been used. Sorry about that.
    Edit 3: Well based on the time stamp of his last post, he has had at least 30 minutes to state which are KPA and which are Axe. That should be plenty of time given the certainty displayed in previous posts. Based purely on the Soundcloud wave forms, one seems to be bigger so going to guess that is the KEMPER. Two and three seem to have very similar waveforms so going to guess Axe and Axe with some very minor variations in BMT.
    Edit 4: Wait, I remember thinking once that the Kemper waveforms in videos online seemed to be smaller than the actual source. Based on this (possibly faulty memory) I am going to say one is the Axe and two and three are two different attempts at profiling it (making them the Kemper).

    Hey deadpan - I never saw your intentions as trying to debunk the Kemper but simply dialoging your experience. My issue is that unbridled fanboy statements actually do more harm to the product than help it. When someone who admits that his opposition to a product is apparently based on watching YouTube clips and then with authority states that the differences between the two products are "day and night" vs your experience with the actual product or statements on a competitors site by a well know and respected jazz musician who sold his KPA for a competing product, it makes the fanboy stuff look foolish. I love my KPA but I also my Axe (mostly for the effects but more and more for its amps and some Vox IR's I just got from Ownhammer that are exceptionally good.) I think that there is a place for what you are doing and a place for others expressing how much they like the KPA and even making fun of the competition - I have done that myself when people bring up the fact that each version of the Axe firmware is "more realer". Some however seem to take every opportunity to bash everything that is not KPA and anyone else's experience with competing products and probably because of your open and honest posts here it just bugged me tonight that people would be so willfully close minded. Should I have said everything I said? No, and for that I offer A more sincere apology than my last one but I don't regret the conversation (such as it was).