So I bought an Axe Fx Ax8 and I have been profiling my preset as I make them...

  • Yes,, I've heard of Occam's razor, first time I've heard it was from one of my professors in college kept repeating it in a class I took.

    My simple explanation to how Line 6 and Fractal modeled their amps is simply used Paper schematics as no one can verify that these amps even existed as no one saw them. Regarding kemper testing, there are too many professionals in countless video testing the accuracy in the profiling sessions and those amps were definitively connected to the Kemper because

    1- Kemper cannot buy the silence of so many professionals , not even governments or Mafia can enforce the silence of so many people, you can also add those who bought it and non claimed they couldn't profile their amps (KPA is accurately profiling a modeler, is practically the subject of this thread and Kemper Amps, didn't pay deadpan any extra for his public testing, )

    2- I myself tested when I profiled my amp, on some profiles there was a slight difference in the low frequency that I usually manged to resolve with refining to get identical results.

    I also agree with your answer that there's no Bognar or JCM800 in the AXE II (o r any real amps for that matter) because schematics don't count as real.

  • Dean - talk is cheap. Have you taken the Axe vs KPA sound tests and publically posted here in this thread which is which? (I haven't had time to go through all the posts). As someone with so much to say on the subject, I am really curious to see if you can get it right.

  • My simple explanation to how they modeled their amps is other modeling companies simply used Paper schematics as no one can verify that these amps even existed as no one so them.

    Can you verify I'm a real person and not some sort of artificial intelligence? After all, you haven't seen me.

    Regarding kemper testing, there are too many professionals in countless video testing the accuracy in the profiling sessions

    Which professionals and how did they test the accuracy thereof? Link please.

    1- Kemper cannot buy the silence of so many professionals , not even governments or Mafia enforce can the silence of so many people if you add those who bought it when non claimed they couldn't profile their amps (KPA is accurately profiling a modeler, is practically the subject of this thread and Kemper Amps, didn't pay him any extra for his public testing, )

    It's not clear to me what you're trying to say here.

    2- I myself tested when I profiled my amp, on some profiles there was a slight difference in the low frequency that I usually manged to resolve with profiling to get identical results.

    If anecdotal evidence is admissible, there's no shortage of people who will vouch for the accuracy of the Axe.

    I also agree with your answer that there's no Bognar or JCM800 in the AXE II (o r any real amps for that matter) because schematics don't count as real.

    You stated, "Just call the modeled amps something like they used to do a while back. amp 1, 2, 3 or clean, British, American, and give those some numbering schemes, but don't say Bognar XTC, JCM800 when you can't show these amps or demonstrate them."

    If you knew they weren't labeling those amps Bogner, XTC, or JCM800 then why did you imply that they were?

  • Dean - talk is cheap. Have you taken the Axe vs KPA sound tests and publically posted here in this thread which is which? (I haven't had time to go through all the posts). As someone with so much to say on the subject, I am really curious to see if you can get it right.

    I actually did, if you go earlier in this thread you will see that I posted a dry track also of demonstrating the Bognar xtc in the KPA, deadpan reamped using the AX8 when posted,the AXE FX didn't clean up as well as the KPA by a long shot. Everyone thought the KPA sounded rounder and better even deadpan and openly said it wasn't easy to match a profile from KPA using the AXE FX. Hence the obvious conclusion, that for AMP modeling the AXE II still has a lot of catching up to do to be in the same league as that of the KPA.

    Edited once, last by Dean_R (March 6, 2016 at 5:04 PM).

  • I actually did,

    And you forgot to mention that you got it wrong on the previous page.


    if you go earlier in this thread you will see that I posted a dry track also of demonstrating the Bognar xtc in the KPA, deadpan reamped using the AX8 when posted,the AXE FX didn't clean up as well as the KPA by a long shot. Everyone thought the KPA sounded rounder and better

    In the first clip, yes. You but forgot to mention that the consensus was that in the second comparison the AXE sounded better.


    even deadpan and openly said it wasn't easy to match a profile from KPA using the AXE FX. Hence the obvious conclusion, that for AMP modeling the AXE II still has a lot of catching up to do to be in the same league as that of the KPA.

    Strange that you could not pick out the KPA in the last comparion then? Well well. :rolleyes:

  • And you forgot to mention that you got it wrong on the previous page.

    In the first clip, yes. You but forgot to mention that the consensus was that in the second comparison the AXE sounded better.

    Strange that you could not pick out the KPA in the last comparion then? Well well. :rolleyes:

    Not being able to pick up the profile from the device profiled is a testament to how good the KPA is.

    I've always said "They all sound good" is irrelevant in the accuracy test, and in accuracy, nothing even comes close to KPA, Fact! I even was part of the proof as I couldn't tell which is which!

  • You can put two identical amps (with consecutive serial numbers) right next to each other, and they're not going to sound exactly the same. So the models in the Fractal very well may sound exactly like one specific amp without sounding exactly like another one. As long as they sound and "feel" good, in most scenarios that is all you could ask for.

  • It would be infinitely easier to duplicate a lobster dinner if all you had to do was stick it in a box and push a button vs. trying to reverse engineer the recipe yourself. But just because a chef has a difficult time reverse engineering a recipe doesn't necessarily mean his ingredients are inferior.

  • And you forgot to mention that you got it wrong on the previous page.

    In the first clip, yes. You but forgot to mention that the consensus was that in the second comparison the AXE sounded better.

    Strange that you could not pick out the KPA in the last comparion then? Well well. :rolleyes:

    Deleted. Sorry, I am having a hard time keeping up with Deans posts now!!! :(

  • It would be infinitely easier to duplicate a lobster dinner if all you had to do was stick it in a box and push a button vs. trying to reverse engineer the recipe yourself. But just because a chef has a difficult time reverse engineering a recipe doesn't necessarily mean his ingredients are inferior.

    Oh believe me the ingredients in the AXE II algorithms are definitely inferior, I've yet to hear anything from the Fractal Camp that remotely resembles the realism in this one of many Kemper clips. I know deadpan has great ears, but the AX8 will never ever sound like this because it doesn't have the ingredients (good enough algorithms to match the Kemper), again this a Bognar XTC and it's found in the AX8 . You know very well that you or anyone cannot point me to anything remotely as good, Google the AXE II EURO BLUE MDRN (based on Bogner Ecstasy) and everything you will come up with will sound inferior to this.

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  • If you don't want to read it, just don't come to the thread. I kinda find it funny that the guy who apparently can't tell the difference in the audio between the two has the most to say about how different they are. I know - it really should go under the musician's joke thread! :whistling:

  • If you don't want to read it, just don't come to the thread. I kinda find it funny that the guy who apparently can't tell the difference in the audio between the two has the most to say about how different they are. I know - it really should go under the musician's joke thread! :whistling:

    Well thanks, what a novel idea, I would have never thought of that on my own . Not reading it if I don't want to and all.

    I never said one thing about not wanting to read it.

  • My mistake. I took your comment that you wanted those writing on this thread to ignore it to mean you would not want us to respond to any posts and hence there would be nothing to read. Oh wait, I think that is what you did mean ... Given you managed to cut your finger off, you need this thread to keep yourself amused for the next week or two!

  • If you don't want to read it, just don't come to the thread. I kinda find it funny that the guy who apparently can't tell the difference in the audio between the two has the most to say about how different they are. I know - it really should go under the musician's joke thread! :whistling:

    I find it funny that sometimes one has to repeat the same sentence a hundred times and some will never comprehend.

    The title of this thread says it all. AX8 Patches are being profiled and in case you missed it, it's very hard to tell the difference between the amp or device profiled with the actual profile, because KPA is that good.

    The fact that it's offensive to anyone to deal with the fact that KPA is better at capturing tube amp tones than any modeler is a big sad joke.

  • My mistake. I took your comment that you wanted those writing on this thread to ignore it to mean you would not want us to respond to any posts and hence there would be nothing to read. Oh wait, I think that is what you did mean ... Given you managed to cut your finger off, you need this thread to keep yourself amused for the next week or two!

    Come on now. No reason to turn it into something it's not.
    I am just giving a bit of advice from what I have learned.

    When things end up like this thread. The back and forth, getting nowhere, sometimes arguments and
    I have found that sometimes it is best to just stop following a thread then you don't know what's being said so you won't feel the need to have a come back. or care anymore. You just let it go.

    But hey, if that's what you enjoy, have at it.

    I will still work my jobs with my finger, but I just can't play for a while.
    I thought the slide comment he said was pretty funny.