Posts by Jammer1


    I have both the Kemper and AX8. Both are great pieces of gear. I also play primarily in church on a modern worship team as well as recording in my studio. I have found the AX8 to be the most "friendly" as my live rig and I use both for recording. I can get quality amp tones from both with some tweaking. I do agree that editor gives the AX8 a significant edge when it comes to building and editing presets (sure wish the Kemper had something similar). The FX in the AX8 are better IMHO. However the recent overhaul of the delays was a big improvement in the Kemper. Rumor is the reverbs will soon follow.

    I find myself using both for various applications and am really glad to have the versatility of having both. There are also times when I still pull out my full amp rig and pedalboards just because I still think there nothing quite the same however because of the set up/tear down time and hassle of hauling all of that it's not as often as it used to be. Cheers.

    Kemper user for 2 years now and have loved it in my studio. I recently purchased an AX8 for using live and it is a stellar piece of gear. I was able to dial in some great amp and cab combinations and the effects are very good. The software editor makes editing a breeze (this is something I've really wished for the Kemper). This all-in-one solution for live gigging works extremely well for me. I've been using my Suhr Badger 35 amp and two speaker cabinets and two pedal boards but was getting really tired of hauling all of that and the set up and teardown times involved.
    I have used the Kemper for recording and been very pleased with the results. For live use I am using the AX8 and it's working out great. I think we're very blessed to have so many good options to choose from these days as musicians.

    Something changed recently (maybe with a firmware update). Upon startup previously my last used rig would be loaded and I would be at that rig in my list of rigs in my favorites. Now, it starts up with my last used rig but when I go to choose another rig it is always at the very beginning of my rig list and I have to scroll towards the end to get to my most used profiles in my favorites. Not a huge deal but kind of annoying. Is there a setting somewhere to change this? I couldn't find anything when searching here or WiKPA.

    I have had my Kemper toaster for about a year now and I've used it exclusively for recording in my home studio and I love it (mostly Trainwreck profiles)! I play live a few times a month mostly in church and still use my Suhr Badger 35 with a large pedalboard. I've been considering trying to go live with the Kemper and my DXR 10 considering the remote pedal now available and how many are doing that with seemingly mostly good success. Here's my dilemma though. I don't think I'll mind giving up my dirt pedals, boosts and compressors because I think the Kemper would work great, however I can't see giving up several pedals which I use heavily including my Strymon DIG, Strymon Big Sky, Neunaber Stereo Wet (used mostly for shimmer reverbs) and my EB volume pedal which I use primarily for swells along with the reverbs and delays for ambience and the freeze function in the Strymon's. In my current setup I run my signal through xotic sp compressor into dirt pedals and then to ep booster to volume pedal to amp. In the effects loop I have various modulation pedals and then the final pedals listed above in that order. If I go live with the Kemper and want to keep the pedals mentioned what would be the best way to do that? I currently have my volume pedal after dirt and right before amp input so it doesn't affect my gain. Would there be any problem with using a slot in the Kemper for a stereo loop with this setup? EB volume -> DIG -> Big Sky -> Stereo Wet? I would like it to be after any dirt like I have it now? Any downside to doing this. I'm thinking maybe by getting a Kemper remote and having a small pedalboard with these pedals this might be a good solution for me. Your comments greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    Love it for recording! Not so much live. It just doesn't seem to have that organic feel and responsiveness that oozes from my Suhr Badger. I'm glad others find it works well for them live. That's just not been my experience. I don't hate it live but just much more prefer my Suhr.

    I have most of those on my to-do-list so all looks good : )

    Regarding the 2Rock. - Ive already (just) profiled a very rare and early tworock, (the JM sig was based on it) the ToneMerchants one.. only 2 was ever made, and I have #1 of 2. - its a dumble style amp structure, similar to that of the JM Sig amp. - so you might find that as a good option too.


    Is this two rock currently in the store? I couldn't find it.

    After several months with my KPA and searching for the right tones, exploring many profiles (including picking up some TAF profiles) I find myself mainly grabbing my Fender American Tele and dialing in the Trainwreck profiles from TAF. These are killer with the Tele! My absolute favorite so far. I find myself playing for hours instead of tweaking. It just sounds so damn good!

    I've found what many others have said about certain guitars better for certain profiles. My 335 also works well with the Trainwreck and also the Evil Robot and Blackstar Artisan 15 Profiles from TAF and the Fuchs (Pete Fisher) and the famed Morgan AC20 . My Strat also seems well matched with the TAF Vibroverb and Lindy Fralin profiles.

    How fortunate we are as musicians to have so many amazing tools available to us! :thumbup: