Posts by tgman513

    I seem to have trouble getting the Rig Manager program to start. It takes a number of 'clicks' on the icon, and seemingly false starts, before it will finally open. I'm running it on an older Compaq desktop that's been upgraded to Windows 10. Once the program opens, it seems to function properly, with the exception of the screen image not quite fitting the monitor perfectly. For reference, both RM and Profiler are latest revisions.

    I'm assuming this is most likely a computer problem, but curious if anyone else has encountered this, or can suggest a solution. Maybe more RAM?

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

    Well the Kemper left for Dallas on a Monday, arrived Wednesday, was repaired on Thursday and/or Friday, shipped back to me in Illiinois on Monday and arrived back at my home on Wednesday 10 days total, most of that in transit. Very quick service from the folks at Audio Electronics in Dallas. I called to check the status, and a very helpful service person checked, found my KPA already on the workbench. When shipped on Monday, an equally helpful person in the shipping department supplied tracking information. They also mentioned they have a special arrangment with Kemper to get any repairs in and out as fast as possible. Bravo on some great service! Oh... and the KPA is back running like a champ... rehearsed and gigged with it this past weekend.

    I've been using the transpose function regularly for dropping everyting 1/2 step, just to avoid switching guitars when needed.
    FYI, you can also set up a second transpose effect in the same rig with a full step drop, to take you down to D... then engage both to take you all the way down to C#. It's sounds a bit funky but works.
    I'm sure you could go the other direction to avoid using a capo, but I don't think you'd get the 'jangly' sound of a capo'd guitar.

    Monitor output is Master Mono

    sorry for delay responding... Busy weekend. Gigged using Mesa MK V to power KPA
    I'm 90% sure the class D power section has failed, as I think I've reviewed all settings and tried everything.
    Also contacted Kemper support last Thursday night... All I've gotten back was an automated reply that a ticket number has been assigned I'm a little disappointed in the lack of response.

    Yup.... As far as I can see, all settings are correct, and yes, speaker is plugged into red output
    Keep in mind, I've rehearsed and gigged with this for a year and a half. Used it Wednesday night.... Didn't touch a thing, booted up on Thursday and no sound. Updated to OS 3.1.4 (from 3.0) just in case an update would help.
    Power amp switch engaged... And I can hear the familiar click when switching it.
    Main output not linked so I get consistent signal to FOH mix. No issue with this or the headphone signal out.

    I found a link to run diagnostics, but see nothing about power amp. Any clue?

    I'm baffled... used my Kemper at rehearsal with no problems... shut down. Went to power up the very next night and there's no output to the speakers. Nothing has even been moved changed in any way. Checked cables, cabinet... all good. I thought maybe it's a 'glitch' in the software, so booted up the newest OS update... still nothing. There is output from the headphone jack, and the XLR outputs for PA. Nothing from the Class D power section.
    I also noted when i bring up the output screen that shows the levels, I believe the one for the 'monitor out' is somewhat 'greyed' out.
    I did a hard boot holding down the system button and turning on. No change.

    Any thoughts?... It worked fine one night, then trouble the next. Am I missing something? Any help is appreciated.

    My Kemper is supposed to be here Wednesday. I will be using my GCP as well. I am totally a midi rookie. Was the GCP easy to set up and set instant access with the Kemper? I got it figured out for my Eleven rack so I assume the process is similar.

    Midi programming is always a PITA... programming the GC just takes some time and patience. The problem I have is when I need to go back and change something a few months down the road, and have to re-read the manual to remember how to do everything.... I'm pretty sure I'll end up with a KFC sooner rather than later, just for ease of use, if nothing else.

    I've had mine for a year, and it's survived being tossed on the floor (in a case with little padding) by an errant drummer. The Kemper seems to be built like a brick ***house. I wouldn't hesitate to buy one used. What really puzzles me is why there would even be a used one available?... It's an amazing piece of equipment, so why anyone would get rid of one, or not like it, is beyond me. :)

    Grab it... download and install the latest update, and you're good to go!

    I'm running a Voodoo Labs Ground Control. I can access more performance slot rigs than I could ever use, and program the additional switches for any of the Kemper effects. I have one switch for a dedicated tap tempo.
    I can program whatever name I want to call the rig, and have it show up on the controller screen.
    I can run 2 expression pedals. Street price is $399 USA.
    With that said, it would be wonderful to be able to plug in and go, with the KPA footswich, and avoid the midi programming.
    Is that worth the extra $200?... probably...

    Ooops... add in a TC looper pedal pedal for $100... .we're getting closer!

    Also having issues with 2.7.. I'm running a GC midi controller, and aside from delays in patch changes, some of the patches are losing volume and crackling/distorting. It's very sporatic.. works fine one minute, then problem. Going back to 2.6... had no problems with that version.

    Have since re-installed 2.6 and everything is back to normal and working perfect.

    Boosting pre- stack only increases saturation, but any boosting post- stack will give you a volume boost as expected. You can do this with e.g. an EQ in the X-slot.

    Thanks so much for this info... I haven't tried that yet! I was experimenting last night with side by side rig patches in performance mode, using a -3db patch for rhythm, and 0db for a lead... giving a 3db boost. I figured the advantage of this would be the ability to bring up not only a lead boost, but also simultaneously add or remove other effects from the lead sound, with a single patch change. I suspect with the available options, there are a number of ways to get the job done (just not the first one I tried... lol). I can imagine having some patches set up at unity volume with a post stack boost, as you suggest, along with special lead patches with a +3db on the volume, to bring in a completely modified lead patch. I was also messing around with volume control via a Roland EV5 running through the GC... not quite accurate or enough control for what I'm looking for, but that may just be because of the EV5.
    Again... thanks for sharing! Greatly appreciated! :thumbup:

    I'm a newbie with the Kemper, but I brought one home a week ago, programed my Ground Control MIDI controller so that I have access to 4 presets, and used the rest of the controllers as on/off for Tap, slots B,C,D, and all 4 of the Stereo effect blocks. I've loaded about 12 favorite rigs into the performance mode, and can access them 4 per midi bank, with on/off control of the effects (and tap tempo). The Ground Control also lets me run 2 pedals (Roland EV5's seem to work OK) for volume and wah/pitch.
    Anyway, jumped into the fire last weekend and tried it live... without rehearsing with the band or running it through the PA. Here's what I found out the hard way. The output signal is WAY hot... I've since read further and see there's a way to cut down the output to the mixer, so that's my first change. I also discovered that the overdrive presets really don't seem to give you much of a 'boost' for leads... I should have made better use out of the volume pedal, but being a Mesa MK-V guy, I'm way to used to stepping on the lead boost switch. Anyway, I'll be experimenting with either some 'lead' volume presets, or get used to using the volume pedal. Anyway, back to the post... The GC allows you to stomp away in any way that suits you. :)