Posts by ewrath2


    This heap of stuff is the next experiment in controlling the Kemper - using Expression pedals and switches via an Amelia's Compass Controller8 MIDI hub. I mainly enjoy my cumbersome Kemer Remote for the expression pedal inputs and honestly that's really all I use it for since I stay on the same base tone and just use Wah, Volume, Delay, and Morphs pedals....The MIDI hub has eight inputs for switches or pedals - for a long time I've looked for a similar product but this company has finally produced it.

    I foresee having a much lighter pedal board, with buttons I might actually step on (Tuner Mode, Tap Tempo, Rig up/down). Had to learn Pro MIDI Designer app to program to assign the inputs, CC# values, etc. The owner was super helpful, e-mailing me a template for Kemper application, and working out the bugs (mostly user error, as usual). If anyone ends up with one I am happy to give tips on the above - a couple very non intuitive "features" in software.... Anyway, looking forward to putting it on the floor.

    PS they build a tight expression pedal, too!

    Hi just fooling around in rig manager.... is there no way to save / rename an effects module Preset after you have done some editing? I could only do it with the cumbersome interface on the Kemper itself. My newly named delay module (MORPH DELAY) doesn't appear on "presets" pop up menu in rig manger , altho it does display the name in lower left hand corner when am in editing view in rig manager...

    Just curious if this is limitation or I am missing something. - Thanks!

    If the recording is fine, then it is the acoustic sound of the guitar strings you’re hearing and nothing to do with the Profiler. They can’t do anything about that!

    Since I had only used the transpose with headphones or at loud rehearsal I thought I was going crazy! Stupid physical reality tricked me!

    The embarrassing scenario : I was fooling around with a newly acquired bass head and couple guitar cabs, and my kemper... Somehow (like a bad comedy routine) i plugged speaker out of bass head to speaker out of the kemper . Then wondered why there was no sound. Bass head imploded, completely dead. ?

    Hi trusted kemper community! After 7 years of outstanding performance, i did something super stupid ? and killed the power section of my power rack :(:(:(. I have email in for advice on repair but wondering if it might be cheaper / easier / more fun to replace the power conditioner in my rack with with a separate 1 rack space power amp... Seems like there are some options under $500. I've always thought hearing my kemper in stereo would be a thrill... ?????

    I appreciate all thoughts/ recommendations / experience with repairing power amp. Thanks all!

    My Marshall 4x12 is rated less than that (30 watt speakers) and A) hasn't burned up (yet) and B) is pretty darn loud with master at 30-40%

    It used to sound way quiet, tho, until I found a little check box in output "power amp boost" or something. Search forum because others have gone thru this low volume thing...

    here's someone's check list I found:
    After you have reintialized Global settings, first check volume levels using only Master Volume. If for some reason, you need more volume output out of your Speaker Output, first got to Output Menu, and boost the Monitor Output Volume.

    Next, If that still isn't enough, turn on the Power Amp Boost control in the Output Menu, and adjust.

    Make sure you have "Monitor Cab/Off" activated, if you are connecting directly to a traditional guitar cabinet.

    Another possibility, is to check any connected volume pedal (if applicable). You may need to recalibrate your volume pedal.

    My first Warmoth project. Alder Velocity body from the sale bin. Roasted maple neck (they messed up and put the dots on it so I finagled $100 off the price). Mike Morin modded SD Custom PU. Kerry King Kahler, FR locking nut, spare tuners, Dunlop Strap Locks and a left over knob (from an oven, maybe?) complete it. Put together by Seth Mayer at CA Vintage Guitars in Van Nuys, CA.

    Inspired by my Jackson Soloist - less than half the price and plays / sounds comparable.

    Once I had a similar issue with the remote. Thanks heaven it was only rehearsal.Later at home I found out that the cable made this problem.
    I changed the cabel and since that time I always have some spare in my tool case.

    Thanks for the reminder - (did you check the cable stupid? or DYCTCS)

    I'm using a liquidfoot for my MIDI control. I did sort out a problem with my wha - TRS cable going into liquidfoot was sketchy. Surprising since it just sits all tied down in a flight case but I guess they don't make em like they used to. I have a back up PedalSnake (basically 4 MIDI cables) that I will employ and see if the problems persist.

    My Kemper has been acting buggy lately, taking forever to boot up, not responding to midi PC changes, or responding slowly, freezing up , display looking weird, etc... its also about three years old. Multiple attempts at start up are now the norm. I am on current OS, which I believe to be the problem - I didn't update for a couple years since it was working fine. :(

    I had a similar experience and was advised to hold the rig button on whilst powering up to clear the edit buffer, which, if corrupted, throws these kind of problems. I didn't know at the time and resolved it with the longer alternative of restoring a backup. Not a comfortable scenario mid gig

    Thanks for the tip - I will try tonight. I'm dreading a gig with this type of uncertainly.

    Hi all - I'm getting intermittent problems with my KPA. I think it has to do with my Liquidfoot JR +, but not sure where to begin... Both pieces of hardware have latest firmware, Kemper on latest OS. I actually think that's where the issue is since I've been using this set up for over three years with no significant problems.

    Problems include: Kemper freezes on start up, sometimes doesn't seem to "find" the Liquidfoot or a long time to find it, only will respond to program change 5 after I send PC4, screen backlighting turns off, freezes on shut down, "locked" stomp boxes / effects" not activated or turn off on PC change, sluggish rig load / display update when in Browse mode... a bunch of small bugs. I can usually get things working OK after restarting the KPA a few times. I tried different orders with power up but it doesn't seem to help the bug filled landscape.

    The two way communication was faulty on the tuner display on liquidfoot (note would display but sharp / flat indicators wouldn't). I did post on Liquidfoot forum and a firmware update fixing this seemed to be available almost immediately - not sure if just coincidence or the FAMC guy saw and fixed ...

    Anyway - curious to know if any other users of Liquidfoot are having problems. I can limp along but miss the confidence of my set up working the first time I fire it up. This behavior will be very stressful at the next gig! ?(:(

    It's been a while - I sold my ESP Roope (actually broke even!) Just picked up this cherry ESP NV, about the same late 2000's vintage as the Roope, same maple neck thru, alder body, etc. but I find the body shape / balance, neck access all better. And I'm a Kahler guy so perfect - no need to install one! I did Kahler recessed a bit so action could be optimized. Sounds and plays wicked!