Posts by stevel1953

    $1600 obo
    Mint condition. Used in church and at home. Includes commercial profiles by M.Britt, Top Jimi, Pete's profiles. Includes carrying case. Hate to sell my baby but I'm on disability and need the money for expenses. I know I will regret it but maybe I can replace it in the future. I have an amp and some pedals to get me by, so I need to dust them off and get with it.

    +1. Everybody loves it! I play in a worship band in a new church and all the guitar players want one. They can't believe that sound is coming out of that box. Haha. They love that retro look. I too have been playing over 40 years so the look fits. Use my HD500 to change patches and my Atomic 50w tube amp and now I have the Holy Grail of sound. Never thought I'd ever find it but the Kemper made it all possible. Thanks Mr. Kemper.

    I'm using the variax 69 with the HD500 and it works real good. I just set up one patch with the midi configured and just copy as many as I need to each patch. Just make sure you have a,b,c,d with some stomp in it on the KPA or else thr KPA tells you there a slot not filled. Be sure to assign a midi # to the KPA for each patch. I've been using this about 2 months now and finally got the hang of it. Steve

    I got 4 patches for our set (50+ songs) : clean, crunch, drive and lead all based on same amp (Diezel Vh4 from TAF)

    Controled via midi with my Pod Hd500, 4upper switch programmed like this : C Slot (distorsion pedal), MOD , DLY and X slot (graph eq) as volume and mid boost for solos , expression pedal to control wah, 2nd expression as volume.

    I don't use performance mode, only on browser mode, I'm feeling ok like this!

    Same here. Been using the HD500 and has worked out great.

    Welcome jmilko
    I loaded some patches into KPA from the RE and found it overdriving the output. Made all kinds of tweaks to remedy the problem with no luck until I checked the cab output and found it at +10. Don't know what that was all about but I lowered it to +2 and that solved the problem. I keep the output showing green to slightly yellow to get the best tone. When it hits the red, doesn't sound smooth. I also use the aviom monitor sys and tried going thru the KPA but didn't make a big difference to me. Just found it easier hooking it up the old fashion way. The guitar sounds so much better thru the KPA so it definitely sounds better thru the aviom.

    Welcome Douzable! Have had my Kemper about 6 weeks now. I've really gotten into it the last couple of weeks and I'm totally amazed how easy it's become tweaking your sound and tone. You're can take a profile that sounds so-so and with a little work can turn it into a monster go to tone. I use IEM every week and with the headphone "space" I feel like I'm in the mix. I too sold all my amps and pedals and won't look back. I'm getting old so it's great going to a gig with just my guitar and Kemper. A real back saver. Enjoy the journey. Steve

    I too started out with line6 xt bean and incorporated it into the Atomic 50W tube amp. I accepted the limitations of the pods but once I hooked it up to the Atomic it came to life, sort of. Sold the xt and got the X3 Live and recently sold that. I have the HD500 and basically using it as midi foot switch and powering my JTV 69 Variax. The USB on the hd500 stopped working right after I got it. The Atomic was too bassey for my taste so I opened the back up and replaced the speaker with the 90w Celestion shadow and sounds awesome with my KPA. The HD 500 gives me more flexibility since it has so many more stomps and effects than the Kemper. I saved some of my patches in the HD 500 for backup. Been doing it long enough to know you always need a backup. ;)

    :thumbup: Just downloaded JimiH profiles excellent with little tweakinig needed. I use one of you profiles the JMT50MK with a chorus for a nice clean sound. you have some really good profiles which I need to check out. steve

    Hey Joptunes. Ran the aviom thru the KPA at both services today and it did sound better once I got the volumes adjusted between the guitar and aviom. The main 2 reasons I wanted to run thru the KPA is the better tone from the guitar and to use the headphone space. I'll be playing again the next couple of weekends at the church so I'll be tweaking away. The signal coming out of my guitar was too hot for the Soundman today so I'll have to work on attenuating them. Once I do that I'll be able to blend the guitar and aviom better. Got a lot of compliments on the guitar tone today. So I think I'm in the ballpark. Got any favorite patches used in the worship services? How long have you been using the KPA in church? This was my second time, the first didn't work out so good. Was a lot better this weekend after spending a couple of weeks with the KPA. Had a software problem in the beginning that made the patches sound pretty bad. After the last upgrade it changed big time and now I'm a happy Kemper. Any advise is much appreciated. I use a HD500 to change patches and guitar sounds. I also have a Line 6 James Tyler variax that has worked out great.......Steve

    I'll be using it Sat and Sun. The Aviom does sound pretty lo-fi so I'll see if it's something I can deal with. Hooking up the ipad thru the aux with my good headphones sounded really good. So I'll give it a try. Thanks for your interest.

    Hey Bman. Gave it a try using the aux and return inputs like you suggested and it works! Didn't use the aviom but plugged my ipad and with a little tweaking got it to sound pretty good. It's nice to hear a good tone from the guitar. Thanks for your input! :thumbup: Steve

    I found this in wiKPA under sculpturing tones. I was looking for a way to fatten up the bridge pup on my strat and found this little secret not only to work on my strat but the fatness it gave to the profiles was great. I don't know why it works but for me it added that little something that was missing in my profiles. Give it a try and don't be afraid to tweak to your liking.

    For lead tones, using a bridge single coil often sounds shrill. One solution is modifying your Strat and connecting one of the tone controls to the bridge pickup, but even for those who have done that mod sometimes it's desirable to have a single patch that takes care of setting the guitar tone control for you. Fear not, Low pass pedal in the Profiler to the rescue! Try it with the following settings before the amp block:
    Manual: 7.3;
    Peak: 0;
    Mix: 83%.
    Leave the remaining settings at their default values. The level control enables this effect to be used as a boost by itself. The mix control is key for allowing some of the direct signal through and thus emulating the real life imperfections inherent to this kind of filter.