Aviom In ear mon

  • Are you talking about routing the output of the aviom into your kemper as an aux in and then using the headphone out on the kemper? I use mine with an aviom system and I actually route the monitor out on the kemper as a separate output into an in ear system so I don't use the aviom for my guitar signal. I mix the kemper monitor out and the aviom main with everything else in it. I have compared the tone and quality of using the aviom signal without using the mix and it is not good.

    One of the things I really appreciate about the kemper is it's ability to preserve the natural guitar tone and quality and I found the aviom removes that. I'm no expert but I would be glad to help if you have any questions on my setup.


  • Thanks for your input Keith. I've been using the avoim sys in the church band for about 6 years. When I got the Kemper bout a month ago I didn't want to sacrifice the tone of the Kemper thru the aviom. I've always felt I was playing in a box with aviom but when I used the headphone space on the Kemper I got spoiled and want to somehow go thru the Kemper and like you pointed out just have the other stuff in the aviom without my guitar. Tonite I hooked up a sound source to the Kemper into the aux input and selected the aux>headphone on the output. Problem it's not stereo so I was getting only one side on my headphones. Tell me a little more about your setup. I may have something around here that I can incorporate to make this thing work. Thanks. Steve

  • I have never really considered it but you could bring in the feed from the aviom in stereo into the aux in on the kemper, I think it's the auxiliary input and the return input on the back. You would need a stereo to mono splitter cable because the inputs are mono and the aviom is a stereo feed if you use a stereo cable. If you use a mono cable on the aviom it will automatically sum to mono out.

    The control of the input signal could be a little tricky to get setup but once you did you could control it from the aviom master. Probably best to get your guitar volume in the headphones where you want it and them blend the aux input level to match. I'm going to give that a try because I've been using my in ears in mono mode because I was feeding it with one signal from the aviom and the other from my monitor out on the kemper. I would much rather use in in stereo and pan a few things for a better sound overall.

    I'll let you know how it works out and you do the same if you try it out, it's a great idea! Thanks :D


  • Hey Bman. Gave it a try using the aux and return inputs like you suggested and it works! Didn't use the aviom but plugged my ipad and with a little tweaking got it to sound pretty good. It's nice to hear a good tone from the guitar. Thanks for your input! :thumbup: Steve

  • Stevel1953, Have you used your Kemper with the Aviom yet. I used mine last night and it was not what I expected. The guitar tone(Not my playing) sounded great as usual but the feed from the Aviom sounded really LoFi. It was like the guitar was not mixing well at all with everything else. Didn't have time to eq anything but I was curious if you have noticed the same thing. I was disappointed because it was a really compact and easy to pack. I'm going to play with it a few more times before giving up on it.

  • I'll be using it Sat and Sun. The Aviom does sound pretty lo-fi so I'll see if it's something I can deal with. Hooking up the ipad thru the aux with my good headphones sounded really good. So I'll give it a try. Thanks for your interest.

  • Glad this thread is around. I totally missed the update feature where you can monitor the alternate input and feed it to the headphone mix and keep it out of the master outputs. I play at church each week and we have the older aviom system. Guitars have been ok in the IEMs I use, but changed it today to feed aviom into KPA and monitor from KPA headphone jack. WOW, what a difference, not only did my guitar sound better, but it seemed that everything in the aviom was a bit warmer as well! Great improvements and only takes one cable to setup.


  • Hey Joptunes. Ran the aviom thru the KPA at both services today and it did sound better once I got the volumes adjusted between the guitar and aviom. The main 2 reasons I wanted to run thru the KPA is the better tone from the guitar and to use the headphone space. I'll be playing again the next couple of weekends at the church so I'll be tweaking away. The signal coming out of my guitar was too hot for the Soundman today so I'll have to work on attenuating them. Once I do that I'll be able to blend the guitar and aviom better. Got a lot of compliments on the guitar tone today. So I think I'm in the ballpark. Got any favorite patches used in the worship services? How long have you been using the KPA in church? This was my second time, the first didn't work out so good. Was a lot better this weekend after spending a couple of weeks with the KPA. Had a software problem in the beginning that made the patches sound pretty bad. After the last upgrade it changed big time and now I'm a happy Kemper. Any advise is much appreciated. I use a HD500 to change patches and guitar sounds. I also have a Line 6 James Tyler variax that has worked out great.......Steve

  • Been using it every week at church for about 6 months now.

    Popular rigs are:
    Morgan AC20
    Marshall Plexi from Soundside
    Diezel Vh4 from Soundside
    Two Rocks from TAF
    Boogie mk5 from Soundside
    fenders from TAF
    Marshall JTM50 Blackflag-my profile
    Fuchs in factory rigs
    Bogners and Evil Robot from TAF

    I'm using a Liquid Foot controller and it's been great.

    I only had one issue playing, or at least I thought it was a KPA problem, so I did a system reset, didn't fix the issue, but it went away 10 minutes later. Patches were sounding ugly and distorted. Ended up being a bad channel on FOH board.

    I constantly get comments from the sound man and others about the tones from the KPA.

    Wouldn't trade it for anything.


  • :thumbup: Just downloaded JimiH profiles excellent with little tweakinig needed. I use one of you profiles the JMT50MK with a chorus for a nice clean sound. you have some really good profiles which I need to check out. steve