Posts by carsnguitars58

    Folks... there is no "one is better then the other"
    It'll always be a personal preference thing which each of us has to decide/resolve for ourselves.

    I submit the real question here all boils down to WHY as opposed to WHAT.
    i.e. What is it you're after in your stage setup. Is it: Variance? Response Feel? Sonic Purity? etc.

    In a much as I have respect to all those who prefer an actual cab, one of the reasons opting for a Kemper/FRFR setup has to do with some points illustrated in the following:

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    I don't share the above as a Bose commercial.
    This video simply hits on some fundamental points akin to any FRFR setup.
    So, fast forward/filter/ignore the commercial sales portions in the above video and focus on the points relative to stage setup comparisons. (Volume Wars, Linear projection)

    Personally, I really favor having the ability to experiment with amp profiles using different cabs so I guess I hopelessly stuck leaving my Kemper CAB sim on.
    Call me spoiled, but I suspect I'd get very bored, real fast with a single cab selection nowadays.

    Granted, choosing an incorrect FRFR blend can result in unreasonable harshness, so awareness is necessary.
    Still the overall benefits of FRFR IMO far outweigh the limitations of a standard set up.

    I fully subscribe to the points Bose is illustrating and don't miss for a single second the stage clash experiences of old before FRFR.

    Again... There's no right / no wrong. It's all preference. As it should be.

    Hey hey hey... I got notification that I am scheduled for Week 31 (July 27th) for my remote shipment... :thumbup:

    That'll make it arrive with in a day or two of my birthday....

    You too? What a coincidence.
    Mine arrived precisely on my B-day. (The best B-day present ever)

    Whether it's just good fortune or exceptional Kemper timing, I know you too will be very pleased. Congrats

    <p><span style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26); font-family:helvetica,arial,sans-serif">Does anyone know of a pedalboard that I can buy in the US that will fit a Kemper Remote and two Dunlop DVP3 expression pedals?

    I searched for this as well too and ended up with the following:

    All other options I found offered way too much height to my liking.

    Folks... Everyone is entitled to their opinion and to explore, but come on!
    Something like this isn't even in the same league as what we already have.

    Yeah it's cool to look, but to me, it's simply the same old porridge in a different flavor.

    Granted, it looks pretty sexy, but for $1500 it had better sound pretty darned outstanding as well which I highly doubt it will by comparison.
    Listening to their "modeling" and "simulations" jargon and these 40-something patches will all-to-soon grow to be very limited and old.

    I continue to take issue with this very design. (To me) I much prefer to keeping the processing at the base unit level allowing any controller to operate as a supporting slave and not any type of add-on processing engine.

    Moreover, The TONE! I much prefer the organic vibe of the sonic DNA array's Kemper offers to anything else.

    I couldn't find much info on the separate controller, but (to me) it'll pale in comparison to our existing Remote.
    Mostly for it's lack of display features. So, the cost vs. features seems about right to me.

    Guys.. Our futures will always reveal some johnny-come-lately product to compare against, so it's all good.

    But for me, I'll be sticking with the "Frank Zappa" approach of product evaluations (an internal joke made with all the best of intent) and continue to work with/make it happen with what I already have.

    Another advantage which comes to mind is the ability of future advancements (yet to be recognized/introduced) which could be seamlessly delivered through existing means. (a dreamers paradise)

    A devoted happy Kemper

    As possible alternative would be to drive the signal with a Volume/Expression pedal.
    During start-up (Tuner or Otherwise), keep the pedal reclined. Output is suppressed until you're ready.

    I know it's an extra piece of gear, but works for me.

    This is why I absolutely adore this forum.

    I wasn't even looking for anything like this, stumbled across this thread, check into them and decided to try some. (Been using the Orange Tortex's for ages)

    Wallah... an instant replacement.

    Beyond the grip and texture variances, I also notice less transfer of energy during strokes.
    It's kind of hard to describe, but still a remarkable improvement.

    Thanks for the posting and the "heads up" on such great product,

    @whippinpost - That's a great point! I forgot about those. A logical and appropriate compensation.

    My main point of mentioning the above was to raise awareness of these various values, since not doing so might lead to "funky" results to some without even knowing why. Various caps would also fall into that category as well.

    One thing I haven't read in this discussion would be the associated values of the guitar pots.
    Typically single coils are 250K while hums tend to be 500K. (some variations/exceptions apply)

    I could be way off, but to me, much of the reason a split coil doesn't get that same single coil vibe is attributed to the value of the existing guitar pot.

    Compensation methods exist, but sadly it's a constraint which we can never truly get away from.

    Just a message of thanks to the entire Kemper team.

    I know we've all been pretty "trying" awaiting our product deliveries during the early-bird release program. I confess I lost faith from time to time. :whistling:

    In retrospect, launching such a pioneering product in the midst of required system upgrade (3.0) plus addressing interactive defects was quite an aggressive undertaking. But you still pulled it off well.

    All said, I'm nothing less than ecstatic regarding the quality and functionality of my Remote.

    A special shout-out of thanks should go to GString as our diplomatic "ambassador of goodwill" during this entire delivery program.
    Of course the rest of the Kemper team are equally deserving of our thanks too assisting members through any difficulties.

    All told, I'm truly pleased I chose to invest in the Remote.
    And even if something should fall short down the road, I have nothing but utter confidence with the Kemper team continuing to support us with the same stellar class they already have to date.

    A gracious bow of appreciation... :thumbup:

    That looks like a good stand. I need to check into that.

    Yeah... Beyond the aforementioned, there were (2) additional advantages I valued:

    1) Height: Other stands peaked out around 38". This Karaoke stand extends to 56" if needed.
    2) Shelf depth: All other stands I saw were way too deep for the narrow depth of the Kemper.
    Even the Karaoke stand with it's shallow 10" depth has a small gap. (but still manageable)

    The specs on it's weight capability were higher than others, but I don't put a whole lot of confidence in it supporting 140 lbs. Still, I have loads of confidence with it supporting what I'm using it for.

    All in all, I think it's a great and functional stand.

    Am I missing something?
    When I go to register, the Kemper site drives me to the same page as if as I were registering a Profiler.

    Is it as simple as loading the info in this same page with the serial number keying the product differentiation?

    I actually was expecting separate registration pages for the Profiler and the Remote, but perhaps not.