Thanks for the Remote

  • Just a message of thanks to the entire Kemper team.

    I know we've all been pretty "trying" awaiting our product deliveries during the early-bird release program. I confess I lost faith from time to time. :whistling:

    In retrospect, launching such a pioneering product in the midst of required system upgrade (3.0) plus addressing interactive defects was quite an aggressive undertaking. But you still pulled it off well.

    All said, I'm nothing less than ecstatic regarding the quality and functionality of my Remote.

    A special shout-out of thanks should go to GString as our diplomatic "ambassador of goodwill" during this entire delivery program.
    Of course the rest of the Kemper team are equally deserving of our thanks too assisting members through any difficulties.

    All told, I'm truly pleased I chose to invest in the Remote.
    And even if something should fall short down the road, I have nothing but utter confidence with the Kemper team continuing to support us with the same stellar class they already have to date.

    A gracious bow of appreciation... :thumbup:

    Happy Kemper