Posts by Dorrus

    Going back to Cabs again is a nice move. The Profiler is made for this.

    However, before switching, did you try the new Pure Cabinet function?
    It will significantly improve the perceived sound quality when using linear speakers and eliminate the "harsh-trebly-jingle bells" effect. (Which is the perfect description for the close mic effect.

    It would be great if you could give a feedback about Pure Cabinet on this thread.

    Yes, I did try the Pure Cab function and its a great improvement ,
    What I personaly don't like are the high's with FRFR , a guitar cab doesn't do this ( there are no tweeters in a guitar cab of course )
    And I can dial the high's and presence out in the monitor EQ, but when the're gone, its sounding a bit flubby and unpronounced to me

    I tried frfr but after three gigs with them I'm going back to a guitar cab.
    Most of the time I 'm using five or six profiles from clean to overdrive and my Bogner cab is much more "guitar" like compared to the harsh-trebly-jingle bells Frfr sound to me.
    A lot of users like the MBritt profiles and if I'm correct, he is playing live also with Classic 80 cabs ?
    I guess I'm not the only one that;s having problems with FRFR ? I can't help myself keeping on tweaking knobs instead of playing guitar .
    Its not sounding bad but just more natural and more easy with a guitar cab to me...

    8o Thanks for your comparison !
    I tried them both and at first thought the dxr12 sounded a bith better at low bedroom volume, but I liked the dxr10 more at live gigs and at higher volumes.
    The DXR12 whas a bit flubby and boomy in the lows and I had to reduce the low freq a lot to avoid this at higher volumes.
    At higher volumes the DXR10 sounded better to my ears and I had to reduce the low freq still a bit on the dxr10 to get rid of the boomy low's ( but not as much as with the dxr12 )
    I dont think the DXR10 sounds boxy at all, but had to reduce the monitor precense a lot because I dont like the frfr hars highs :thumbdown:
    Now I like my DXR more than my Bogner 1x12 and 2x12 os Guitar cabs!
    By the way, using two DXR10's ( in mono) sounds much bigger and better to my ears than just one 8o

    Hello JH-2 What's your home country?
    If your volume isn't high enough turn "power amp boost" to 6.0 db that should be enough. Its under "output " page 7/7
    Do you use a 8ohm cabinet ? because a 16 ohm cab will decrease the volume by half ( i think ?)

    Owned 27 amps and still have a Bogner Aniiversary shiva and a Fishman Performer.
    bought two Kemper power racks and didn't use my Bogner since, but I'm not going to sell it.
    I personaly didn't buy the Kemper in search for tone because the Bogner is the winner over the Kemper to my opinion. But the Kemper is much more conveniënt overal ^^

    My second Power rack does exactly the same, so I'm sure now that this must be a firmware bug witch started with version 3.1.4 , updating to 3.2 doesn't solve this.

    Again, The problem step by step :
    Open Performance mode and select the third slot.
    Shut the KPA down and start it up again
    Open Performance mode and you will notice that the last slot you shutted down with, is the first slot that opens ( thats good )
    But now hit the first slot button (by hand on the KPA itself- not with the remote ), and you'll see that the rig you see and the sound you hear is NOT slot one- but still the Third slot the Kpa started up with !( so you've got the rig of slot three, playing in slot one )
    The only way to get the first slot right again is to choose another Performance and back to the first again.

    I think it could be a bug wich started with firmware 3.1.4
    The problem is totaly gone when going back to firmware 3.0.2 and is back after loading firmware 3.1.4. again

    The problem step by step :
    Open Performance mode and select the third slot.
    Shut the KPA down and start it up again
    Open Performance mode and you will notice that the last slot you shutted down with, is the first slot that opens ( thats good )
    But now hit the first slot button, and you'll see that the rig you see and the sound you hear is NOT slot one- but still the Third slot the Kpa started up with !( so you've got the rig of slot three, playing in slot one )
    The only way to get the first slot right again is to choose another Performance and back to the first again.
    Very strange to me that I'm the only one that notice this , am I the only one with this problem ?(

    No, Paults, Its not recalled by pushing the first slot, the wrong rig moves to the first slot in that case.
    If the last slot when shutting down whas for instance slot four, than this fourt slot comes up at the first slot after starting up again.
    pushing the number one doesn't bring anything,The name in the first slot is the right one but the rig that comes up doesn't match that name, it just keeps holding the fourt rig in the first slot, only when switching one time to another performance- and back solves this.
    I did a reset and a restore, but it isn't solved
    The only way to create a good start with the right slots in the first performance seems to push the first performance slot before shutting it down, I can live with that off course but never discovered this before. Is there something wrong with my Kpa ?
    I'll check my other one tomorow ( haven't got it at home )

    I use the latest firmware ,
    After starting up and open performance mode, the first Slot is often a wrong one, its not the slot I saved the actual performance with.
    I have to switch to the second performance and back to the first performance again to get the right slot rigs.
    The rig that comes up in the first slot is the latest one witch I used before shutting down, So if I used a Cranked Marshall rig from the fourth slot ( and the first slot is a clean Fender )
    This Cranked marshall Rig will come up in the first slot after starting up again.
    If I switch to the second performance and back to the first, its gone and the usual planned clean Fender rig is back again in that first slot
    It doesnt happen every time, what could cause this problem?
    Changing System 3/17 Perf.load settings doesn't help, Could this be another setting ?