Posts by simonXsludge


    So while the hum is gone, it seems like the "hi gain hiss" is still louder than it should be once the Kemper is hooked up to the amp's input, and essentially becomes unbearable once a tube screamer comes into play.

    I'm running both, the Kemper and the amp, powered by my Furman power conditioner. I switched my tube screamer to battery powered to see if that would help, but the problem remains the same. The hiss just gets insanely loud.

    Here's a video where you can see and hear the three stages of hiss:

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    1st guitar straight into the amp's input
    2nd Kemper straight into the amp's input
    3rd Kemper through battery powered tube screamer into the amp's input

    Any ideas?

    So, this actually worked! The hum is gone, only your usual hi gain hiss is still there, as to be expected.

    BUT... I have a tubescreamer type pedal in front of the amp that I wanted to be part of the profile, but now that one is extremely loud - only in conjunction with the Kemper, though. It intensifies the hiss to unhealthy levels.

    The pedal is an integral part of my sound, so I'd rather not do without it. I tried a different tubescreamer, just to see if the issue is still there, but same thing.

    Hi folks.

    I've had the Kemper for quite a while now and made a ton of Kemper profiles at a studio with a friend's Kemper before with no issues, but I finally moved on to set up my home studio to do profiles by myself. I even recently got the KPA DI box so I could make direct profiles.

    So I set everything up by the books, turn on the amp and there is an extremely loud hum. I went through the manual time and time again and read the part about a possible ground loop and what not, but I can't seem to fix the hum issue at all. I played with all the ground/lift buttons on the back and tried several combinations. And it doesn't matter whether I try to make a studio profile with an SM57 in front of the amp or a DI profile with the KPA DI box.

    I also checked the cables and tried all of them with a guitar straight into the input of the amp and everything sounds normal, so the hum is def being sent from the Kemper direct out/send. Pushing the ground lift on the direct out/send makes it worse - so if anything, it goes from very loud hum to very very loud hum. This is the lesser loud hum:

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    Does anyone have an idea what could be causing this? I am running my studio rig as follows: wall plug -> surge protector -> Furman M-8Dx power conditioner -> Kemper. The reference amp is also on a surge protector over in the next room.

    I'm out of ideas. Hopefully some of you can help!


    Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it!

    The point of an 8-string vs. a 6-string with a lower tuning is to not lose the higher range. Playing an 8-string works just fine, and I'm saying this as someone with relatively small hands. Their necks are about as wide as a 6-string bass, so it's not really something totally out of the ordinary and I don't feel like a doubleneck guitar would be less of a hassle in comparison - being that they are bulky and that you would have to shift necks a lot if you wanted to use the whole range, not to mention having to deal with two individual control layouts for each neck.

    I personally do use the lower strings or lowest string especially for single notes more than chords, because big chords can get a bit muddy at such a low tuning. The clarity of lower chords can be improved with longer scale necks, which most 8-strings have.

    I hope that helps.

    I made some clips of the 6534+ profiles today.

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    Hi there, Kemper community!

    One of my very first threads/questions on these forums was if there were any Kemper profiles that are ideal for 7- or 8-string and/or low tunings. There never was anything specifically geared towards extended range guitars, so after working with the Kemper for 2 years now, I felt like it was about time to do something about this. I teamed up with Marc at Dailyhero Recordings in Berlin and we got into it! With that being said...

    I am proud to announce:

    The ERGLabs Kemper Profiles

    Our goal was to create Kemper profiles that would handle extended range / low tunings tunings exceptionally well and offer the newest Kemper profiling features, including DI/merged profiles. We also tried to get our hands on amps that haven't been profiled a million times already. Here's the gear we used:

    -Fender EVH 5150 III 50W
    -Peavey 6534+
    -Soldano SII Preamp through Engl E840/50 Tube Poweramp
    -Orange PPC412
    -Mesa Boogie Rectifier 4x12 Oversized
    -Rodenberg Flux Capacitor Overdrive
    -Shure SM57
    -Ibanez RG2228A w/ Instrumental Pickups SFTY3-8

    Most of you are probably going to want to know why and how these profiles are working better with lower tunings than others.

    The answer is simple: We used an 8-string guitar for the refining process. Using a guitar with an extended range enabled the Kemper to learn how the amps we profiled would handle the lower frequency range of the 7th and 8th string. We made sure to cover the entire range of the instrument, though. So if you were wondering if there are any shortcomings with normal tunings, we can assure you that all we achieved was a higher compatibility with low tunings. These profiles work just as well with 6-string guitars and standard tunings!

    All rigs (except the "noBoost" ones) are profiled with the Rodenberg Flux Capacitor Overdrive and miced up with a Shure SM57. We hand-picked the best sounding profiles of each amp, so some amps come with more profiles than others.

    Every amp profiled includes DI and merged profiles!


    ATTENTION: Special Easter offer - Use the discount code HEAVYEASTER for a 10% discount on the bundle!

    You can check out some clips here (more will be added weekly from now on):

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    I hope you'll enjoy these profiles!

    Any questions? Just ask and I will answer asap!



    For shits and giggles, I just recorded the DI track from the XLR main output of the Kemper. It is also distorted, no matter how low I set the input gain control of my soundcard. That will only lover the volume, but the Kemper still puts out a distorted signal. At that point, it can't be an issue of the SPDIF/Focusrite Saffire anymore. I have the feeling the input of my Kemper might be faulty.


    Just a quick update, everyone. I've been in close contact with the Kemper support and we're trying to work it out. As for the clean sense control, it apparently does make a difference, but for some reason the signal is still distorted, even at -12db. It probably would make sense to try a different set of SPDIF cables at this point, just to rule that out.

    Hans-Joerg at the Kemper support aksed me to send a sinus signal into the front input of the Kemper and that's what I'm going to try and do up next.

    i never used that faders..i have a pro40 so almost similar

    I have a Pro 40 in Germany but I'm currently at my girlfriend's house in the US, where I only have the Pro 24. I have talked to Hans-Joerg at the Kemper support and we're trying to figure out what the problem is, but haven't made much progress yet. It appears to be a problem that no one else ever had before, haha. If anything, people find the DI signal that's coming out of the KPA rather too low than too high.

    By the way... I sent the DI track to the studio and they reamped it real quick. Note how it doesn't sound clean in the breaks at all... very weird:

    no clipping in the mixcontrol? Than its something in your Daw....

    It's not clipping in the mix control, but it does go over 0. It's always between 0 and +6. My DAW has nothing on the channel, it simply gets the signal straight from the Saffire. The distorted channel doesn't appear to have that problem.

    Maybe the "Input Monitoring" in the logic channell? if that make sense..

    It's turned off for those channels.

    By everything you're saying, I guess I have to try to mess with the clean sense again.

    I think there must be something different wrong, maybe in the focusrite mixer settings so that you amplify the DI maybe. Is the kemper inputlight green? That changes also using clean sense. If its green - than it must be something else

    I actually talked to the Focusrite support today to make sure there was no way that this could happen. They said the only way to control the SPDIF level is in the output source, not the Saffire interface.

    The Kemper input light is always green, doesn't even turn yellow. The output is always between green and yellow.

    also with clean sense minimum?? damn..what kind of pickups?
    strange situation..

    Tweaking around with the clean sense doesn't appear to make any difference. The pickups are DiMarzio D Activators, so they are really hot. I have used way cheaper, plug-in modeling solutions in the past (like PODFarm) and never had an issue with DIs being too hot with those pickups. There's gotta be a way to fix this. I can't imagine that something as integral as that feature doesn't work properly.