Posts by C-4

    It was turned on and in Brower mode.
    I inserted the flash drive and all that came up was the small window stating external drive, which I pushed. It asked me to either backup, install individual rigs or format.

    I got nothing else.
    I had checked on the flash drive at work that the newest OS was on it.

    Sorry to hear and see your finger suffering! Fell better fast!

    I have done the super glue thing previously, including putting a capped tooth back into my mouth. I know you are not supposed too do that, but what doesn't kill you should make you stronger, right?!

    I have also introduced new kittehs into our home when we had kittehs already living there. No problems ever occurred. Maybe I'm just lucky, or so stupid, I didn't notice any problems occurring! ;)

    Hey everyone,
    I tried loading up OS 3.3 last night, but my Kemper would not take it.
    I used a flash drive I had been previously using for the Kemper.

    Should I format the flash drive in the Kemper and then upload and try to install OS 3.3 again?

    Thank you for your assistance. :).

    Sometimes when a point is trying to be made, the person tries to be so clear and explicit, that they get off the original point and it becomes rambling. Other times, it sounds as though they are proselytizing.
    I believe Henning talked himself into a hole.

    Concerning stealing, as I interpret Henning referring to it, It's no more stealing a amp's sound then someone using their smartphone to capture a few seconds of a band's performance on it in a club.

    Once a product has been sold into the real world, I don't see how it's possible for the amp company to re-coop against anything the amp is used for. They got their money, and no paperwork needed to be signed prior to sale of the amp, for what it's intended use could be, with limitations.

    Sorry Henning, no cigar this time. ;)

    I have extremely little computer savvy, possibly the least in the forum, which I am not proud of, but so be it.
    I just watched the video with Mr. Kemper and Anderton's earlier in this thread, which not only showed the morphing, but some of the wonderful delays being added, and a new strobe.

    My use for a Kemper is strictly commercial dance music from the 60's, 70's and 80's. This is what we are paid to play in my current living area. No fancy anything in our music, but I try to add things to make it interesting, yet keep it commercial sounding, and not morph into a garage band sound.

    Just what has been given to we KPA users from Mr. Kemper and his team, are imho, wonderful, beautiful, and useful.

    I realize most of you, being light years ahead of me in computer, midi, and the like, may not be as thrilled as I am. That is a shame if you are not, really. Prior to this NAMM, you didn't have these things on our Kemper, and now we are a month away from enjoying the fruits of Team Kemper's hard work.

    I know many want an editor. I apologize for my ignorance, but I don't know what an editor is. I don't own a home computer, either. I do know that using these newly given assets will help me sound better live, and in a studio setting. For me, this is truly a major advancement in what my KPA will be able to accomplish.

    Thank you, sincerely, Team Kemper.

    If I had to wait for several hours before I got on stage to play, and was afraid of someone stealing my Kemper, I would take it with me.

    How hard can it be to arrive and just plug in whatever cables were needed back into it ?!

    Just have the cables marked for their correct input and output places to and from the Kemper.

    Wow! Many really complex set-ups here.
    I will go from guitar to front-end only pedal board to Kemper (with remote), and out direct to mixing desk in stereo.

    If I like the way the remote works, I will by-pass the front-end only pedal board, but would still like my volume and wah pedal from it, without having to remove them from the board.

    Congrats Tilli85! :) Enjoy it!
    Even if a newer version of the toaster came out, I am so happy with what I have in the Kemper now, and know that I will never use anything near that this unit is capable of doing, that it would make no difference to me.
    It's so nice to turn on the Kemper in the early morning, practice for an hour before going to work, and not waking up the entire house, AND have the exact same tone today that I had yesterday, and before. :)

    One thing is to make sure you have everything backed up on two separate flash drives and that everything is up-to-date, if the Kemper has to be sent away to have a battery changed.

    When I do a OS update, after doing the update, I use the second flash drive to copy everything to it as a safe guard.

    Does anyone know where I would send my Kemper from Fort Myers, Florida for a battery change when I need it, please?
    Thank you!

    I don't know how many Kemper users incorporated outside effects pedals. I have tried using my front-end only pedal board with my Kemper and had great success.

    Last week, I found a brand new ultra low-gain pedal that will not change the transparency of an amp, or the Kemper. It's called the "ID" by John Coloccia. This is the most transparent pedal I have ever heard, but it has tone shaping controls that work extremely well in any situation.

    On the Gear Page Effects forum, they have threads and youtube vids about it. I only mention it as there may be players here who could put it to good use.

    I sure did! :)

    Obviously, I am not understanding work-flow as it is being used in this discussion, nor some of the other terms.
    From what I gather after seeing the video on this Bias thing, I gather that it is a computer program and that they are about to introduce a stand-alone unit as the KPA toaster is.

    Since I have no home computer, I cannot relate to the software excitement, or the "hack" thing you all are discussing. What do you mean by "hack" in this context?

    From the idiot point-of-view, I don't understand the excitement of this upcoming unit yet. Is it not some type of copy of the KPA? It looks like it to me. Does it need to be hooked up to a computer to get the Bias toaster thing to work?

    For those of you who have tried the Bias sounds, does it sound any better then a KPA? I cannot imagine how it can possibly sound better then what I have heard from a KPA so far, and I have not scratched the surface, compared to many here. What am I missing?