Posts by studio66

    I've read lots of posts on the FRFR vs guitar cab and I'm cool with the benefits and compromises both ways.
    Just landed a gig where I'll be bass half the night and guitar the other half.
    My Kemper has always just been racked at the studio but suddenly I see taking it out.
    Do you folks think or know if I grab and a FRFR cab can it handle both duties sonically.
    Specific cab recommendations are always appreciated too ;)
    Didn't see a thread quite like this when I searched....apologies if I missed one.
    Thanks in advance for anyone that cares to weigh in

    Just found this quote from CK in another thread from July of this year....

    "The Profiler Head was explicitly designed with the best possible hardware user interface. It was designed for sitting near you on a desktop, on the right of your computer (and of course on a guitar cabinet). We even swapped the input and headphone jacks shortly before mass production, to have the guitar cable not interfere with the computer mouse. The Head has a tilt panel and a small footprint for desktop use. We have the RigManager to overcome the problem of typing names. There is a comfortable consens that for editing this hardware design can hardly be beaten by a software editor.
    For sure an editor would be nice to have, but due to this reasons an editor software does not have the highest priority in our company.
    A rack unit is - by definition - not very suitable to be a center device in a studio, especially since DAWs took over. That is why we released the Head first, to show a new ergonomy of a digital amp that can stand by its own and does not need a remote control. "

    He is certainly not saying no :)
    I find it hard to imagine that the consensus was that its easier to operate without an editor...very hard to imagine...but that's also my bias showing through I guess.
    I think given the exchanges in this thread and a better understanding of the company's philosophy I wont hold my breath....even the last thread on the foot controller by CK is over 2 years old....and that was a consolidating thread.

    Why can't everyone simply agree with the OP instead of hammering him on semantics. Why does that always happen around here? The Kemper would benefit from a full-featured editor covering every single front-panel and hidden parameter. Rig Manager would be a better program if it also handled performances. Is this really a matter of opinion? Does anyone know a touring or studio professional who would disagree? I get it; Kemper may not choose to take it on. But c'mon, it would be great if they did. No doubt about it.

    Its all good :)

    Its a company forum and I can appreciate the staunch defense of a product someone likes.

    I'm more of a "warts and all" kind of guy and these are just tools to me nothing more and I honestly believe that a company will benefit just as much from my approach and feedback. If I didn't think my KPA was a great tool it wouldn't be here. I had my KPA,an Axe Fx 2 and 11R for many months and am fortunate enough to be able to keep them all but the Axe Fx was sold and the 11R is here as a "guest" amp for friends.I like the product and just think it could be that much better 8)

    Much thanks for the correction. I think it's the Axe FX then. :thumbup:

    The Axe Fx 2 always had one as well...they call it Axe Edit. It was great as well when I had mine. At a certain point it stopped working (about a year iirc) and they had to re write a bunch of it when the changed some firmware protocol but its back and working well on my friends unit. I preferred the 11R editor for ease of use but Axe Edit was pretty powerful and deeper. Both editors worked with or were built on the same platform as their librarian/manager....kind of in that "total integration" idea that was mentioned earlier in the thread.

    On a side note I watched a 6 hour or so stream last night put on by Creative Live featuring Cooper Carter and the Axe Fx2. It was a how to session from building patches to routing and tone matching. Axe Edit (their editor) was the star of the show for the tones are still not their in my opinion....but he flew around that editor and created in real time anything anyone threw at him or any idea that occurred to him spontaneously. Their footswitch was featured pretty prominently too...creative ease of was interesting :)

    I see nothing wrong with an editor, but I suspect the reasons against one being implemented in *this* avatar of the amplifier is probably protection of proprietary data. I'm sure Mr CK doesn't want people to realise which bits and bytes are being manipulated in those dinky 4-5 kb profile files, because it could mean decoding his entire profiling technology, possibly modifying it a bit and then passing it off as some brand new invention.

    I've never been one to use an editor though, since I've never had a device that had one. For example, everybody wanted something like that for the GT-8, BOSS said no and that was that. I'm really impressed with the librarian, so I imagine an editor designed by the Kemper team would blow my mind.

    In that respect, I'd like to point out that even though Mr CK says there won't be an editor, perhaps there will be at some date far into the future.Even the editor fo the 11Rack came out years later, if I recall accurately.

    If he said "Editor coming" in some thread, I'm sure there would be a gazillion users baying for his blood and saying "He said it would come, this is why I bought it, yadda yadda yadda".

    And then, after it came out on Windows, there would be a gazillion more Mac users complaining ^^

    The Eleven Rack always had an editor and worked as a plug in within Pro Tools....a bone of contention with many who wanted a stand alone version. Avid all but ignored this "market cry" for 6 years iirc and finally came out with the stand alone last year. Avid is a big company with lots of resources but just didn't care and made the 11R an orphan...,then a resurgence was felt and poof a stand alone editor appeared.

    I have owned my 11R since release and used the editor within Pro Tools since version 7.... a crazy level of integration including embedding your rig settings into the track for instant recall at any having to save a preset of the uber tweaked session....its built into the track for instant recall.

    I'm not suggesting anything like that just a visual representation on the screen of whats going on with the available parameters accessible to adjust. I liken it to looking down at my amp and pedal board....I visually take it all in and base my next move off the audible....and visual....clues I get....that's an editor to me....see it all at once....adjust...rinse and :)


    Do not take me wrong, not that I'm against an editor, but...
    ... you're kidding, aren't you? Do you realize how long and how much of resources does it take to design, develope, debug, maintain and update a piece of software, not to mention the double version dor OS and Win? If you're a small company this might mean that 50-100% of your software developers are committed to just this for years...

    Not kidding at all...and I have no idea whats involved in creating one but the KPA is competing in a market that similar products have these features...almost without exception...Let me also state that the KPA is so good and dare I say revolutionary that I don't feel it really has any competition....but the reality is that it does in a market that lumps these all together.

    If they don't have this as part of their be it. If they are that small a company and cant allocate the resources or personal to tackle be it but these are pretty basic market requests and discussion. Maybe its just a "careful what you wish for" scenario for them...I don't know....might explain why something like the undo/redo button has now finally been implemented after how much time since release....performance mode etc...

    I'm not picking on a consumer my choice to stay with a product is mine....I have all the power. I don't think about or consider how big a company they are or whether they are nice guys or not or really much of anything about them....(I'm sure they are nice guys....I've watched a few CK interviews ;) Its a product and tool for me and in a "feature request" section of a forum....and yes I realize its a "company" forum I think these are pretty basic requests and a pretty civil and respectful again....I'm not kidding :D

    ok - here is the thing:

    I don't doubt that an editor is very useful, esp. for studio application, but I have a problem with: "an editor is a must have" .

    if you mic an amp - does this amp have an editor? If you are using classic rack equipment - does every device come with an editor?

    "An editor is a must have" are strong words.

    "An editor is a must have" is in deed a strong sentiment but no stronger than your opposition to it....both are statements of a personal opinion.

    If I mic an amp that has maybe 5 or 6 knobs to adjust then my need for anything but a good set of ears and an opposable thumb are negligible.

    If I fire up my Kemper with 4000-5000 rigs available....dozens upon dozens of parameters and effects in the rig I selected....perhaps I create 2 or 3 effects presets out of that session and a couple new rig states I want to save for later...than editor is perfect and...for me...a necessity for harnessing that kind of power.

    Quite a few...more and more everyday...rack processors are including editors and plugin versions that work hand in hand with their hardware counterpart...the market has asked for this and the companies wishing to stay current to their user base...all of it....responded. Its probably harder to find a rack processor that doesn't have some sort of "on screen: feature than it is to find those that do.

    Again...for me...why not have the tools available to appeal to the widest audience possible....from a business perspective it makes sense or if its built from a point of passion than it makes even more sense.

    These types of "boxes" are so wide open that everyone can find their individual tone and workflow which will tend to lead to "must have" features for some and deal breakers for others.

    I'd like to see further development of RM first.
    Extended search, custom views, updating the OS via RM, maybe managing perfomances at some point.

    an editor would be nice to have but it is definitely not important for me.

    The Eleven Rack editor and (their version) of a Rig Manager are in seamless and simple....dare I say it fuels the imagination and (at least my) creativity. Its the unit I cut my teeth on and miss those features. Not everyone needs or wants an editor but what harm including one for those who do :) and is easily ignored by those who don't want it...I'll bet they wont though...its addictive when its that easy ;)


    I have the exact same desk as OP.
    Before I came to Kemper I used an AxeFx Ultra for a long time and I had it in the upper right rack, just like where OP has his Profiler.
    Reaching over there to edit it was a major pain and I welcomed the editor software (which was really mandatory with that kind of UI).

    Fun fact: probably THE most often voiced request in the Axe forum was a way to control the unit with hardware.
    people wrote scripts for things like the Behringer BCF or BCR, and kept requesting a more 'analog' UI, since the former approach didn't really work out.

    I also have a masterkeyboard on the main part of the desk and the Profiler sits happily on top of it. When I play guitar in my fav monitoring position I can reach all elements easily and intuitively.
    The point is: the Profiler was specifically designed to be interacted with, the request for a rack version came mainly from heavily touring guitarists, that wanted the Profiler to fit in effortlessly with their other gear.

    With OP's setup, I would have chosen the Lunchbox version, as I know many, many pros with similar setups have.

    Interesting points and history...thanks!

    I would have picked the Lunchbox version but the surface of the desk is highly sought after real estate by many other things that contribute to production...the many pro's must have bigger desks :)

    I also would have thought the profiler was "specifically" designed to capture the soul of the amps that it profiles and then offer us a multitude of ways to manipulate it. I love the knobs for a quick on the fly adjustment but for the serious work I would much prefer an editor.

    Given the editor in the synth, I just learned about in this thread, I really don't see the opposition to it from a company standpoint...but its their company and its a great product....just feels a little incomplete to me.


    This strikes me as particularly odd, given the amazing integration of the Virus synths. With the Virus, it's not just an editor, the hardware acts like it's a plug-in. I have a Virus TI2 Polar and it works like a dream. Why would the company, who is famous for this technology (Virus TI - Total Integration) leave it out of what seems to be a flagship product? One of the sales points for me buying a Kemper was that it was the same company as the Virus. I thought I'd be able to have a comparable technology for my guitar. Alas, this hasn't been the case. The Kemper is clunky at best when it comes to real world integration. It's not designed whatsoever to work with a DAW. If it weren't for the tone I'd have been long gone.

    Am I missing something? Are there plans to go to this TI route? Will the Kemper ever be comparable to the Virus?

    I didn't know that....interesting.


    I agree with everything that's been said about workflow, I was just taking up your point about creativity. Of course, everyone's workflow is different and whatever is most comfortable for you is probably what keeps you at your most creative. Sometimes though, it's worth investigating your own workflow, as even drastic changes that at first feel alien and uncomfortable can end up freeing you up to be even more creative. I'm talking more generally now, of course. The reason I say this is I was at one of SSL's workshops a year or two back and some of the concepts seemed totally whacky to me, to the point where I didn't believe them, even though they made logical sense. Against my own will, I forced myself to implement a few small changes sequentially over time until I ended up with something that resembled something from the workshop and it turned out to be quite the eye opener!

    The basic mantra was have everything that you use regularly and is most important to your creative process within a distance so that you don't have to reach. As close as possible. Anything secondary you can put in the next zone (maybe where your Kemper is now, haha;-) where you maybe have to stretch a little to reach it, and anything you use rarely in the next zone. I took the whole thing about tactility to heart too (I used to always EQ using my mouse and with spectrographs up) and have found it quicker and easier to get where I want to be.

    Just food for thought!

    Edit: sorry, I realise I'm totally off topic here!

    Not off topic at all :) I take your points as intended, they are appreciated and it is food thought...Thanks!

    Its funny as I often suggest to people to get out of their comfort zone in various situations and here I am trying very hard to stay in my own. I sometimes think as musicians we get ritualistic about method and a wee bit spooked when that method is challenged.

    definitely food for thought!! still would love an editor :)

    C Kemper categorically stated that an editor wasn't going to happen. Whether this influences your decision to drop the KPA is up to you.

    It's funny you believe that using a mouse and keyboard sparks creativity. Studies have shown exactly the opposite! Mice and keyboards force you to use hand/eye coordination, putting your brain into a state suited to that, which happens to be at odds with the brain's best creative state, especially with regards to audio. Having tactile knobs enables you to simply turn them without having to use your eyes, leaving you to focus all your sensory perception on to your ears and what you are hearing. Solid State Logic (SSL) have done a load of studies on this, one of the main reasons why they created their Nucleus control surface for controlling DAW operations and plugins.


    I'm sure those studies have some validity but just not on my desk ;)

    I like knobs as much as the next guy...yikes!....but 5 years with my Eleven showed me I like mice just as much. I knew the KPA did not have the editor, footswitch (and at that time ) the librarian but in all honesty I thought they would come. I could have bought the "toaster" version but it would mess with my studio feng shui if that makes any sense :)

    I agree with the poster above...its about workflow and that's as distinctive with each user. perhaps I'm in the minority (not the first time) but I don't really think so...but even if I am what would it hurt to offer such a feature and expand the user base possibly even wont affect the "knob turners" in an adverse way. Most modelling units have some sort of editor so I'm sure from a programming standpoint its doable.

    I look at the KPA as the easiest way to get great and accurate amp tones, effects etc....why not make it the easiest to use for the widest market possible. I have friends, recording junkies like me, that use the AF2 strictly on the basis of workflow (MFC 101 and Axe Edit) they love the tone of my KPA but don't want to sacrifice their process of creativity.

    It just seems a reasonable feature in a unit of this caliber and price...IMHO :)

    I've made this request before and I'm sure I'll make it again....

    I think the KPA is arguably the single best piece of gear I have ever bought...I have the rack since its release.

    I'm in the recording camp of users whose (KPA) life would be far more enjoyable with an on screen editor. I have my rack mounted in a recording I'm sure many do...and sit with guitar in hand. Given the limitless tweaks an imagination can have with the KPA I find myself reaching across the desk...banging my guitar...endlessly fiddiling with my profiles.

    My set up...

    [Blocked Image:]

    We operate most everything else in our recording set ups with a mouse and some kind of visual representation of gear...mixer, plugins, drums etc...

    I fire up my Eleven Rack every once and a while and I'm reminded of the ease of use the onscreen editor gives and the creative spark that comes with that.

    I spent the weekend contemplating a switch back to the 11R and possibly even back to the Axe Fx 2 but I just love the feel and tones I get with the Kemper too much :)

    An editor (and footswitch...wink wink) would make the KPA in conjunction with the already brilliant Rig Manger the single most complete and accurate guitar system available. I also strongly believe this would be a great way to improve sales (not that they need it....but who doesn't want more sales) and start swinging the AF2 crowd over. Don't under estimate the Mouse Army :)

    I use plugins a lot but I treat the KPA just like I have been doing a real amp for all the years. I would record pretty much dry and use EQ, compression, reverb, delay later on during the mixing process if I need to.

    I would refrain from using EQ for tracking because you only know which frequencies you want to cut or boost much later down the line. It depends on how you mix your rhythm section and other stuff you have going on in your song. You also wouldn't want to much compression for distorted sounds as they are compressed anyway and you have not much dynamics to tame (clean sounds are completely different in that regard). It can be great to add a bit of compression with something like a 1176 or a LA3A even with highly distorted tracks just for the sake of the tone but as with EQ I would do that at a later stage during mixdown when you know what you want.

    Of course there are always exceptions from the rules but unless you know exactely what you want from a guitar track I wouldn't print the takes with EQ and comp. Otherwise you might find yourself trying to undo later what you did at record stage.

    All great points...I've always more or less viewed it the same way :)
    Nice thing with the Apollo is it offers all those great plugins at mix also...just started thinking about tracking and thought maybe I was missing something.

    Hi studio66 I mainly have my KPA running through waves SSL channel along with some tape saturation Kramer tape for me. The KPA sounds great on its own but sometimes I like to sweeten it just that little bit with these plugs :)

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    The KPA is such a great "delivery device" that I suspected the need would be low but its also so amp like and raw that it could be beneficial.
    My KPA is loaded with great examples of historically significant amps that I started thinking they would work great with a little secret sauce from some historically significant hardware emulations.

    Thanks again!!

    I'm considering a new interface for my recording set up.I have a Digi/Avid 003 and just run my KPA mains into it.
    I've been looking at the UAD Apollo Duo and salivating over the tracking with plugins facilities it offers.
    This has me thinking about my KPA and whether or not it would benefit from the same tracking method.I've had the UAD Powered Plug Ins years ago and they seemed to help anything I put through them but that was all pre KPA.

    Anyone tracking with plug ins or having your KPA go through anything before it prints?

    Most likely a stupid question but its been playing on my mind lately...Thanks!

    I really like my KPA Rack.I've had it since it was first released.My way of working is helped immensely from an onscreen editor/librarian.
    I come from the 11R (still have)and the Axe 2 (sold) so I know the benefits of this type of set up.
    I just read back a bunch of pages and am not seeing any info recently so just throwing it up again for use users that really need this :)
    I'm actually considering reverting back to one of the other units I had....ease of use plays a big role in my selection.These units have lots of parameters and that requires (or allows for) endless tweaking...a mouse click is a dramatic time saver to a reach :)