Posts by lillloyd

    Have you tried OS 7.14? I believe this version as a specific fix for this issue. Personally, I never got this issue with OS 7.14

    Thanks, yup I called support and they quickly resolved the issue. It was a bug (I was on 7.1.2 or 7.1.3).

    For anyone with a Stage - if you're locked up and you suspect a code issue, you can try formatting a USB stick with FAT32 and put the new code on there (I went to 7.1.5), and then power up while holding the two soft Page buttons ("<" and ">"). This forces a boot from the USB stick (and also installs that code permanently on the Stage).

    That fixed it for me. Took all of about 5 minutes.

    Having the same issue on my Kemper Stage (OS 7.1.2 or 7.1.3, can't remember which). I've sent in a ticket request to Kemper but am trying to troubleshoot in the meantime.

    I've tried holding down the System Button + Soft Button 1 (as described in a post above) while powering up, no luck. (Also tried holding Rig Button while powering up, and holding System Button by itself while powering luck). Also tried removing power cable for about an hour and trying again...still no luck.

    Is there a factory reset option on the Stage that I could try? I haven't configured this to the point where I couldn't get back up to speed quickly.

    Thanks in advance for any responses.

    It's not so much the 'choosing' as it is the 'lingering'. (Which is another way to say, I really am enjoying *playing* the profiles :) I've just got to discipline myself a bit better so that I'm still getting songs done.

    It was more a general comment about how sometimes there's a paralysis effect when you have too many options. (I guess the same could be said for mixing where there suddenly seem to be a ton of useful and great-sounding plugins). I'm guessing that if I had just a couple of profiles and a couple of plugins, I'd get more accomplished...but then again, it probably wouldn't sound as good (and wouldn't be nearly as much fun!)

    I just purchased both of the Michael Britt profiles and couldn't be happier. Just really strong, strong profiles across the board. Really loving the profiles many others have mentioned (/13, Marshalls, Trainwrecks, VOX, Dumble, Matchless) but have also been playing the Headstrong and Naylors quite a bit.

    Which brings me to a 'problem' (and while I say this tongue-in-cheek, it actually *is* becoming a real problem) -- I've now purchased so many excellent profiles (not just from Michael but some from AF, soundside, etc.) that it's been bogging down my workflow. My KPA 'favorite' and 'star' rating systems are essentially useless as it seems like everything is checked or at the highest rating. ANytime I go to audition profiles prior to recording, I end up 'wasting' (fun wasting, but wasting nonetheless! ;) fifteen minutes or so noodling on each auditioned profile. I can really understand now why people simply cull their KPA down to a handful of profiles just to avoid this...but when I try to do this I don't want to cull anything (lol)! And again while I recognize this is clearly a 'first world' problem for guitar recording, it actually seems to becoming a legitimate problem -- it's very easy to get lost in sampling and playing presets rather than recording actual music.

    Anyway it's quite a fine problem to have :) My Orange TT and other lower watt heads have been collecting dust (they're great! but it takes time to set up for recording, and I have a lousy room for's become a question of why bother when the KPA's profiles are easier and frankly better-sounding given my room constraints). I have a VOX AC15 that I'll probably keep just for when guitar friends come over to play, but I think everything else is gonna go.

    Thanks Michael for the great-sounding profiles!!

    PS - also loved the liner notes for Michael's stuff, particularly the note about how the '72 Marshall was *submerged* at one point (LOL Michael you can't pay your techs enough...maybe I should start dousing my amps with water?!) as well as the origin of the 'assman' model name...


    Just wanted to bump this as I've just started using SPDIF to record digitally. It just seems like a hassle to change the master/slave relationship whenever I use the Kemper.

    Also, a question (and a noob one at that probably) -- is the requirement to slave the audio interface to the Kemper *always* a requirement when recording? Or is it only when using reamping features?

    Thanks in advance for any responses :)