Posts by Tone

    It's a Trainwreck Rocket clone that I built. It's essentially ken fishers version of an AC30, 4 EL84 output tubes, tube rectifier, gain, treble, bass, and cut controls. It gets a bit dirtier than my AC30 when cranked.

    I built all three Trainwrecks, Rocket, Liverpool, and Express so hopefully those other two will follow soon. They are all 3 very different beasts!

    Let me know how they sound, again geared for single coils.


    WoW , you build the amps and profile them, Talented Joptunes! Thanks for the info , and again for the profiles . :thumbup:
    Very interesting amps those clones ,i am eager to try them , i just need to buy new monitors, mine died some days ago, hopefully at the end of this week i got them

    at my age i value a man´s word, and a Man´s Act , So again I thank very Much Mr. Michael Wagener offering this RIG PACK to KEMPER fans !
    who knows maybe the Wizard amp will be profiled too , :D .

    Will wait anxiouslly for this MW lovelly rig pack ! :thumbup:

    Seems too we will have to thank Don , as it seems he was involved in the process , but only in the Future MW should clear that thing .

    apart note: people we all should stay on topic , a few members in past who wrote Impossible and bla bla the kinda piss on the wind comments, should focus now on great rig pack discussion coming for Michael Wagener , and advertize less other i never heard of people .

    Nice to know , new versions are coming . Yes its true with my Les paul they sounded a litlle dark . And good to know about the Bass amps profiles coming too !! Thanks in advance for your effort ! Cheers :thumbup:

    i voted now 5 stars on all your profiles, cant understand why someone voted 1 star on your awesome profiles, but again i think its the same spammer of past, theres one guy that always does that to everyone profiles .

    Have a litle patience .


    Glad you dig them! I have a bunch more - I took profiles at every gain stage I personally consider useful (I didn't do any completely clean though, as I very rarely play with a 100% clean sound anyhow and have tons of good usable clean profiles already). I will upload a bunch this week.

    Great news! anxious to check the new bunch . I tried lowering gain on the fender and vox profiles, and they clean well . But cleans are always welcome :D

    Well , i tried today your profiles ! and all of them were turned into favorites . I love the XITS X10 , and the 3 monkeys one , the FENDER is really sweet as well . ..To be true, i like them all ! hehe , these are new gems on the rig exchange !

    i notice these profiles have a top professional touch on them . Users only need to spend a litle putting DEFINITION to taste , and fine tune the gain . They are mix ready too !

    Would love some more profiles of those sweeties ! with more variations on the gain ( clean , on the breakup, crunch , full , lead ) :thumbup:

    Hi it seems its a protools configuration problem with your audio interface?
    Have you tried to record via SPDIF? maybe its easier? For reamp its better using the analog outputs, as the apollo does some kind of conversion on spdif output .

    What is the apollo interface that you have?

    p.s. Eu sou portugues , se precisares de ajuda envia mensagem pessoal :)