Posts by Monkey_coral

    I"m about to pull the trigger on a Kemper and was wondering what's recommended as a foot controller. I have a Voodoo Labs GCP. I think I read that the Kemper does not have phantom power for a controller, so I would have to power it separately, correct? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Looking forward to the day Kemper has its own controller.......

    I have a GCP and use the Rocktron 7 to 7 cable to phantom power it.

    I would love to have a pedal that has the capacity to send an extra patch change message on a separate midichannel.That would allow me to pair the KPA rigs with any fx- patches in another unit,
    directly from the pedal, via midi thru.

    You just need a midi controller that will send different programme changes over each channel. Only problem you then encounter is that there will be a slight delay in the patch change on the second device as the change goes through the first device.

    I got around this by buying a Mult output midi thru box. It has 1 input (from your controller) and multiple outs so that the change information is received by each device simultaneously.

    I had the Same during my Gig two Weeks ago. I Thought it had something to do with the FOH Mixer. I Used a high gain/high volume rig - some van halen of the Free TAF Rigs.
    My setup was KPA Main Out to FOH, and Monitor Out to a 100w FR laney floor Wedge in Front of me, Volume on 6.
    I recognized that Sound from the Video 100%, a Sharp hiss! Two me it Sounded like feedback gone digitally Bad. 8o Probably Out of instinct ( don barzini: don't get started on this :rolleyes: ) I've turned Down the Volume on my LP a Bit, fixed it.

    What did you turn down to fix it? What is your LP?

    Ok if your effects work then all communication is correct it might be the lower 4 assignment switches and numbering. Try to assign 4 rigs 1-4 and restart your GCP. I've messed up the number configuration before and had to go back and change it. The other rigs worked but there was one or two that did not. The assignment switches should be 1-4 with your setting for your Kemper 00 or 01 as the prefix. If you can, look at the rig assignment switches on the GCP and make sure they are in order/sequence. I will start mine up and look at the settings. Let me know what your current readings are on the GCP for those switches or if that was able to fix it.

    Thanks for this, but as you will see in my previous message I have fixed the problem, thanks for your help anyway.

    Don't know why this forum insists on scrweing up my formatting - I will try one more time

    Note: This example assumes you are in 4 presets/bank with instant access mode.

    For the sake of this example I will arbitrarily choose Kemper patch 31.

    1: Press [SYSTEM] and go to the page that says Midi PrgChg#
    2: Assign the patch number you want the rig to be activated on when you press the corresponding GCP button - for example 25.
    3: Press the assign Button

    On GCP (steps 4 - 8 only have to be done once!)
    4: Press both {SETUP] buttons together
    5: Press button 2 - {DEVICE NAME/CHANNEL}
    6 Press button 0 {CURSOR >} until you get to 'STARTS AT'.
    7: Press either button 3 or 4 {DATA NO or YES} as required so that it reads 'STARTS AT 01'
    8: Press {EDIT} followed by button 4 {DATA YES} save

    9: Select the patch 31 on the GCP using the bank buttons and button 9.
    10: Hold down the {EDIT} button
    11: Press either button 3 or 4 {DATA NO or YES} as required so that it reads 31.
    12: Press {EXIT}
    13: Press button 4 {DATA YES} to save

    Hope this makes sense and helps someone out!

    Right I have worked it out, hopefully this is useful for others.

    Note: This example assumes you are in 4 presets/bank with instant access mode.

    For the sake of this example I will arbitrarily choose Kemper patch 31.

    1: Press [SYSTEM] and go to the page that says Midi PrgChg#
    2: Assign the patch number you want the rig to be activated on when you press the corresponding GCP button - for example 25.
    3: Press the assign Button

    On GCP (steps 4 - 8 only have to be done once!)

    4: Press both {SETUP] buttons together
    5: Press button 2 - {DEVICE NAME/CHANNEL}
    6 Press button 0 {CURSOR >} until you get to 'STARTS AT'.
    7: Press either button 3 or 4 {DATA NO or YES} as required so that it reads 'STARTS AT 01'
    8: Press {EDIT} followed by button 4 {DATA YES} save

    9: Select the patch 31 on the GCP using the bank buttons and button 9.
    10: Hold down the {EDIT} button

    Press either button 3 or 4 {DATA NO or YES} as required so that it reads 31.

    12: Press {EXIT}

    13: Press

    button 4 {DATA YES} to save

    Hope this makes sense and helps someone out!

    when you get set your rig-midi # for the bottom switches I believe it starts 0, 1, 2...etc then when you bank up it continues in number. Is this where you are at or have you already set those? You do need to setup the GCP so it uses the configuration you noted (effects/rigs) but I assume you are past that point as you have noted that you set it up acccordingly. The rig portion is a matter of only setting up the Kemper rigs to correspond to the pedal bank. Try starting at 0 or 1 and if needed unplugging your GCP then plug it back in and check it.

    I have setup the Instant access buttons and these work fine.

    My problem is when I assign a MIDI programme change on the kemper e.g patch 2, patch 2 on the GCP will not give me the patch I have assigned as 2 on the Kemper.

    Hello all, I would be very grateful if you could assist me with the set up of the GCP with the Kemper.

    I have it set up with the for bottom switches to select rigs and the top 8 controlling stomp and effect blocks.

    The problem is as follows:

    1: I select a rig on the kemper and press [system].

    2: I navigate to to the MIDI page and set the MIDI PrgChag# number to (for example 22).

    3: When I hit {22} on the GCP nothing happens, when I search through on the GCP it has actually been set to 52. What am I doing wrong?

    Many thanks in advance.

    This ^ :thumbup:

    I understand this, the point is what IS the purpose of have a variable effects chain sequence if the practicality is that you have to always maintain the same sequence? It is not an uncommon feature to be able to designate a particular effect to a specific midi controller location. This allows you to label each of your midi pedals with the relevant effect type which can prove exceptionally useful when played live and prevents you from (for example) activating a distortion because on the previous track that switch was the Wah pedal.

    I would go along with the additional of the hamonizer and the pitch shifter (inbuilt Digitech Wammy please). One of the most pleasing things I have seen about the Kemper already it that these requests can actually become a reality. Its nice to know that then unit will continue to get better and better.

    It has really inspired me to start playing a lot more than I have for years.

    Hi all, for the past year or so I have been agonising over replacing my rig. I had some fantastic sounding equipment - TC Electronics G Force, Rocktron Voodu Valve, Marshall JMP-1, Sound Sculpture Switchblade, ISP decimator ProrackG, ... to name but a few.

    Trouble was to programme all of those devices to sound good together
    took an age in tweaking, as well as being house in a large, heavy rack and requiring what seemed like miles of cabling.

    I have been slowly selling my equipment off in order to fund the purchase of the AXE FX II.

    Then about a month a go I stumbled upon the Kemper (watch a Keith Merrow Video). I couldn't believe the sounds that were coming out of it. I carried on watching countless videos and reading comparisons between the Kemper, real amps and the AXE FX 2.

    The consensus seemed to be that both were excellent units, but objective opinions are hard to find, with most Kemper owners certain the Kemper is best whilst the opposite opinion is held my AXE FX 2 owners.

    In the face of such opinion at more than £700 cheaper I went for the Kemper (black toaster edition).

    I have had it a week or so now and I have to say - WOW!

    Firstly, my concern when buying was not over the amp sounds, I was concerned about the effects. I didn't want to go back to a massive midi controlled rig again, but had resigned myself to the idea that I might have to get something like the TC electronics G Major 2 to provide me with the quality and diversity of effects I was looking for. NOT at all. I am seriously impressed by the on board effects particularly the chorus' and phaser vibe. I cannot see the need so an additional effects processor anymore.

    In terms of the actual amp sounds I have been blown away.

    I love heavy metal and so have been chugging away, but it is the clean tones that have really captured me. They just seem so full, warm and lush to anything I have played through before.

    The last thing I wanted to say is that the interface is a joy. Far easier to programme and get GOOD sound out of than any of the devices I have named above. Don't get me wrong the equipment in my old rig sounded great (especially the G Force), but programming it was a pain.

    Overall I am very satisfied indeed. All I need to do now is find some patches for Pink Floyd's Any Colour You Like and Echoes and I will be a happy man.

    Hmmm, I think I see what you saying - good question.

    So for example, I press my distortion button how does then Kemper know which stomp that is designated to?

    I do not know how all this stuff works, but my thought process was that you can only have 1 effect active in each slot, therefore if I pressed a footswitch on an active effect it would turn it on/off in which ever stomp location it had been designated to on that rig. If you pressed a switch for a effect what was not active for that rig there would simply be no effect on/off. Again I don't know, just seems to be a pain to have to remember the signal chain, although I do take your point about defining a standard order.

    I am not sure if this is possible but.....

    The way the midi control changes are set at the moment means that you can assign a button (for example '1') on your foot controller to control for example stomp A. Lets assume that stomp A is set on a patch as the distortion. Now I go to another patch and press '1' and it activates the compressor because different effects can be added to each of the 4 stomp pedals. This is not very useful in a live situation as it means you have to know and remember during a song your signals change for each preset so that you you don't for example turn the distortion pedal on instead of a tremelo.

    it would be very useful if each individual effect could be designated its own CC#, so that their position on the midi controller will remain fixed.

    Hope this makes sense.