Posts by dach

    I just received a new Profiler Remote and 2 Mission EP1-KP pedals to add to my existing setup.

    I have noticed a problem with calibration.

    Pedal 5 input on the Kemper Remote does not behave like 3,4 and 6, which work as expected.

    I'm using latest firmware release.

    Inputs 3, 4, and 6 display 0% to 100% when pressing the pedal and it only takes a slight pedal movement to move past 0%. This behavior occurs with both Modes: Pedal 1 and Pedal 2, all functions (wah/vol/morph/pitch/etc) were tested. (even using different TRS cables).

    Depressing any pedal fully into Input 5 mode: pedal 1 gives me a scale of about -15/20% to 85/90%. There is significant movement of the pedal before the calibration moves past 0% and never reaches 100%, meaning Input 5 (Mode: Pedal 1) is not calibrated correctly.

    Input 5 Pedal 2 behaves as expected.

    All other inputs (3, 4, 6) including 5 Mode: Pedal 2 work correctly.

    The calibration problem is isolated to Input 5 Mode Pedal 1.

    Of course I have re-booted the Profiler and re-tested.

    Maybe not a concern for some but it is for me.

    The older firmware used to have soft buttons to aid in calibration.

    Anyway, is this a problem with the Remote or Kemper firmware?

    What is the solution?


    Thank you for the response JSB...

    My rig manager has been on a video editing machine (super stable). The production machines here do not touch the internet (unless absolutely necessary) and I do not keep current with updates. I eventually had to do a windows update last time which caused some issues that were eventually sorted out but I have not upgraded the OS since. I was just checking in because a number of people had the same problem last big RM update. I thought since a number of people like me don't do or need updates they would have problems again if the RM system requirements changed.

    I'll eventually run a dedicated computer for the editor/RM but that's another day and another project. thanks again!

    Just checking as I had problems with the previous RM update as they changed the system requirements without notification....

    so, anyone with win7 experience any problems with this latest update?

    Thanks in advance. I hate posting questions like these but Kemper doesn't give any info other than the OS. No info about service packs, libraries needed, etc.

    Looks great! Perhaps a dumb question but can it be used with multi-port midi devices like MTP-AV etc?
    For example I have two and my Kemper's midi I/O is connected to port 6 on one of them.
    Could it just work on that port without having to disable the midi in the DAW?
    Just wondering... I use midi for something, midi or hardware control, etc in every session -also daw controller so disabling midi is not a an option... just wondering - thanks in advance!

    A bit of a complicated question but I'd like to have both hooked up to the Kemper without manually switching midi cables.

    The Toast ME will communicate to/from the computer via a MOTU MTP AV in which that I/O port will feed a port on an MTPII.
    The FCB 1010 Eureka Prom will feed another I/O port on the MTPII.

    Both Toast ME and FCB will be routed to a different I/O port that is hooked up to the Kemper.
    Should work just fine sending data from the computer as well as from FCB.

    However I wonder about the sysex data coming back from the Kemper as it will feed the same sysex data to the editor as well as FCB.

    Anyone know of potential conflicts???
    Thanks in advance!

    Thank you for the response. I'm unable to get any version of RM working at this point. I keep the profiler mostly empty. I'm usually at a console and use RM & Librarian for most tasks as the Kemper can not be located close to me.

    UPDATE: After uninstalling everything and using a few things from Hiren's disk and reinstalling the last version available from your site I have a RM that connects to the profiler but now without Rigs.

    Please post a fix procedure to get that last known config before 2.1.41 or something. I'm sure there's more than a few of us who are not willing to risk applying MS updates to older production machines. I'd rather purchase a computer just for RM if that will be necessary to use the latest OS once it's released. Thanks.

    wow. I've practically been Kemper's #1 unofficial fan until tonight. This RM update should have displayed sys requirements before installing. I'll say that again:


    I consider this to be a HUGE oversight. Sorry to be rude but they should know better.


    After updating updated Rig Manager. Everything about the librarian seems normal EXCEPT the ability to access rigs contained in the profiler is gone.

    There are only Local Library and Rig Pack folders available to browse. There used to be a 3rd profiler folder that contained and allowed access to the rigs stored on the profiler.

    I don't know if anyone is experiencing similar problems. I've tried things to remedy with no luck and I guess the best option is to re-install an older rig manager.

    Posting in case anyone else has similar issues.

    I've had trouble updating the firmware in the past.The Kemper has always seen the stick(s) but never the newer kaos.bin. However after many attempts over time by accident I noticed I could get the Kemper to see the update if I quickly turn the unit off and back on before it has time to initiate a shutdown. Posting this in hopes it will help someone. This finally worked allowing me to get to 2.7 but still can't get to 3. Update: I'm finally updating the latest 3 but there is definitely an issue with the Kemper addressing USB drives.