Rig Manager Win 7 system requirements

  • Just checking as I had problems with the previous RM update as they changed the system requirements without notification....

    so, anyone with win7 experience any problems with this latest update?

    Thanks in advance. I hate posting questions like these but Kemper doesn't give any info other than the OS. No info about service packs, libraries needed, etc.

  • Win 7 x64 works perfectly with the new RM, provided you have all of your critical updates.

    Kemper Powerhead w/remote & Kabinet
    Focusrite 18i8 (2nd Gen) - Windows 10 - Ableton Live - Yamaha HS-8's - DT770 80 ohms

  • Thank you for the response JSB...

    My rig manager has been on a video editing machine (super stable). The production machines here do not touch the internet (unless absolutely necessary) and I do not keep current with updates. I eventually had to do a windows update last time which caused some issues that were eventually sorted out but I have not upgraded the OS since. I was just checking in because a number of people had the same problem last big RM update. I thought since a number of people like me don't do or need updates they would have problems again if the RM system requirements changed.

    I'll eventually run a dedicated computer for the editor/RM but that's another day and another project. thanks again!