Posts by mschribes

    Has anyone tried the following cab with the Kemper Power Amp?

    Seems a bit steep for a 212 but if it provides an excellent experience for studio profiles for chuggy metal rhythms as well as chimey cleans , to dirty blues profiles, it might be worth it. I have not been able to find any you tubes on it. There a few good reviews on Sweetwater but no videos that I can find. Wondering if it will be the same boxy and honky sound that I felt the Gemini 2 had? Anyone have any exposure to this thing? Thanks again.

    I have struggled to find a solution for a cab for the Kemper as well. Although my goal is maybe a little simpler as I just want something that sounds great like my cabs do with real tubes when playing at home. I do not tour so I just want to have something with some chest thumping feel. I have the powered rack version and can seem to dial in direct profiles with with some tweaking. However, the majority of profiles out there are studio packs. They are becoming more available but it would be nice to have a great solution for both studio and direct. When it comes to the home user.

    With that being said, I normally run studio profiles into some 8 inch studio monitors. That is okay and generally do not have to tweak much to get a good sound provided the profiles are good. However, I would like to run a cab or something comparable to a 212 or 412. So I thought to give a FRFR powered cab a shot. I tried a Mission Gemini 2. I thought the cleans sounded great but the chug rhythm tones were crazy to dial in. I found myself twisting the knobs quite a bit but at the end of the trial it was a no go.

    The Gemini 2 FRFR seemed very boxy sounding as you moved back from it. Upclose it was had some punch and then as I backed up it just felt honky and lack of low end. I tried adjusting the EM Power dial as well to dial back some harshness which helped but still left something to be desired. Unfortunately I was trying this unit at someone's apartment. The room was very sensitive to standing waves which may have ruined my experience as I am used to playing in a treated home studio without subfloors as in an apartment.

    The point to all this is I do not know if there is a good solution for a Kemper to give you that tube amp feel thump in the chest as a cab will with tubes. I am hopeful to try the Friedman ASM 12 or the line 6 power cab to see if they are any better than the Gemini 2 was. I also hope to get another shot at the Gemini in my own environment . Although seems like a lot of money for a unit that might not perform well in multiple environments. Maybe I am using the Kemper not the way it was intended. It works great for recording and I can imagine FOH situation. I want it to shine in a home studio when I try to raise the roof as well. Nice to have options of amps with the Kemper when I get bored of a certain tone. Just be nicer if when I do change tone that the Kemper can set me back in my chair like a tube head does thru a 412.

    I am hopeful that maybe the Kemper Cone Cab or whatever it is that might be released at NAMM in a week, might be the solution for people like me that want to be able to run studio profiles at higher SPL than studio monitors. Maybe get an empty 212 cab and stick in two of the new celestion speakers that Christopher Kemper mentioned during last years Winter NAMM preview of the Kemper Cab. Sounds like the speakers were going to be offered on their own. Let the Kemper's DSP do the work thru the new Celestion made exclusively for Kemper?

    Tone is in the ear of the beholder. So I might be way in left field on all this. My ears just have not found the solution for the Kemper yet. I have been a Kemper user since not long after they started showing up on you tube and think it is amazing. Just looking to have my cake and eat yours too! Thanks to anyone that might have some suggestions. \m/

    Found this with the latest OS release update. I did report it to Kemper support

    PreConditions: Output Section Master is linked for all outputs but the direct out is grayed out or non selectable

    Steps to Reproduce:
    Start in Browse Mode and set the master to any volume.
    Turn the Master to 0.0 and then switch to Performance Mode
    At this point sometimes the volume locks at 0.0 and sometimes you can change the master volume but it does not respond immediately
    This happens when going from Performance Mode to Browse Mode as well.

    Work around:
    Go into the Output Section and adjust the main out volume and then the master volume will respond again.
    Reboot system

    There might be other cases but I have been able to reproduce in the steps above

    Okay I tried some of the merged profiles and normal studio profiles.
    1. If cabinet is on in the stack but the monitor cab is off in the master section, there is a bit of difference when the cabinet in stack section is on vs off when playing thru a real cab via camplifier 290. More importantly, note that the cabinet section if left on and the user plays monitor out to a cab and main out to FOH, the changes made in cabinet section translate thru the monitor output into camplifier into real cab. Maybe I missed some setting. I thought that if using a merged profile, that the stack cabinet section would be isolated to the main outs for FOH with all cabinet adjustments on the kemper only applying to the main outs. The monitor out then just sending direct profile with no association to the cabinet section of the stack on kemper. Provided the Monitor Cab Off is checked in master section. So as of now I have to keep the cabinet section off and monitor cab off in master which means no running FOH or reference speakers on the mains at the same time as real cab via monitor out. Thank you for your time.

    Wondering if there is a time frame when this might be fixed?

    Okay I tried some of the merged profiles and normal studio profiles.
    1. If cabinet is on in the stack but the monitor cab is off in the master section, there is a bit of difference when the cabinet in stack section is on vs off when playing thru a real cab via camplifier 290. More importantly, note that the cabinet section if left on and the user plays monitor out to a cab and main out to FOH, the changes made in cabinet section translate thru the monitor output into camplifier into real cab. Maybe I missed some setting. I thought that if using a merged profile, that the stack cabinet section would be isolated to the main outs for FOH with all cabinet adjustments on the kemper only applying to the main outs. The monitor out then just sending direct profile with no association to the cabinet section of the stack on kemper. Provided the Monitor Cab Off is checked in master section. So as of now I have to keep the cabinet section off and monitor cab off in master which means no running FOH or reference speakers on the mains at the same time as real cab via monitor out. Thank you for your time.

    If I remember correctly, I thought that with cab off in the master section for the monitor out but leaving CAB on in the stack section did cause some differences in sound coming from cabinet. Like a oversaturated sound. One of two things I would assume and need to confirm today.

    1. It was not a merged profile

    2. The master section Monitor cab off is not completely isolating the stack Cab section for a merged profile

    I will try this again today and confirm it was indeed a merged profile. Unless I missed something, please advise if so. I would think you need the stack section Cab on for mains and then check the master section Monitor cab off for camplifier monitor out to cab. Thanks again for your time.

    I have the Camplifier 290 on my Kemper toaster. I run a Pro Tone Deadhorse deluxe on the front end of the Kemper . The Camplifier 290 runs to a Randall RV412 loaded with X pattern of Celestion GT-75 and V30s. It sounds completely undeniably Awesome!!!!. Metal is the word for this application and it has plenty of juice. I run it monitor out of the Kemper and the cab is 16 ohm so I believe I get 90 watt mono. It is plenty . Although I do not play gigs, I could easily. With all that being said, I do have a question that may have been answered somewhere on the forum.

    Am I correct in saying that I can run monitor out (Camplifier to Cab) with Monitor cab off and then run the mains to foh , powered monitors or pas, etc? Simutaneously
    with the full cab emulation studio sound out of the mains and then the monitor out everything but the cab?

    Furthermore, the merged profiles.... Do you have to use a merged profile in order to do what I previously described above? Or how is that different? What type of loadbox would work for taking a direct profile?
    I have a Torpedo Live. Could I run my Randall satan head to that and use the thru put on the Torpedo live to return to kemper?

    Thank you for your time.

    I received my camplifier 290 and it is so damn awesome so far. If i would have had this prior to buying my last two tube heads, I might not have gotten them. Very nice compliment to the kemper. Running a Randall RV 412 with v30s and g75 t's. Sound is very impressive. Time will tell how stable the setup is. So far very well built

    I received my Camplifier 290 today . This thing is awesome!!! Easy to install and rocks loud. Sounds amazing! I am so glad I went with this one. I run it thru a Randall RV412 that is loaded with x pattern of Vintage 30s and G12 T-75s. I am a metal rhythm player. So I am running profiles like that of SinMix producer pack. Turn off the cab emulation and get blown away. This is definitely worth the money. Thanks to Tillman and Kemper staff for all the information leading up to my purchase. This is one bad ass combination!! \m/

    I received my Camlifier 290 at the beginning of the week. I'm using it with an Avatar stereo 2x12 w/ Celestion G12K-100. They are a fairly neutral speaker with good bass reproduction. I have to say that I am really happy. Room shakingly loud when needed. It's a heavy metal wet dream. I was using a pair of Yamaha DXR8 before. The 2x12 cuts through on stage a lot more, so is much easier to hear with the band. I'm really impressed with the fit and build of the Camplifier.

    I am waiting for my Camplifier 290 to get here. Hoping next week! I will be sure to post my thoughts.

    I would have thought that the main outs made more sense to use. Versus trying to run direct out and monitor out. However, all of the other pictures I've seen so far utilize the direct out in Monitor out as a stereo option.

    Just to add to the discussion, please keep in mind that when using monitor out and direct out as a stereo monitor output solution you cannot disable cabs on both and run to FOH with cab on simultaneously. That's because cabdriver only works on monitor out, not on direct out.

    So the Camplifier utilizes the Direct Out and Monitor Out . How does this affect the other outputs of the Kemper?

    1. Does the Camplifier affect the headphone output? Meaning would the Camplifier have to be off in order to use the headphone output? I do not know why one would have it on when using headphones output but I did not find any documentation on this

    2. Kemper Master section for Direct Out and Monitor Out would be set to Master Mono when using the Camplifier? If not what is the preferred method to utilize full stereo effects on a stereo cab?

    3. When Camplifier is hooked up and on, What becomes of the Main Outs? Are they sending master stereo minus the cab section too?

    4. To utilize just the Kemper as if it had no Camplifier, would the user just not turn on the Camplifier and turn Cab Emulation back on ? Obviously one would not run your Kemper outputs to the Camplifier inputs in this situation. Maybe dumb question but again, have not found documentation and do not care to fry a $2000 product.

    Thank you for your time

    Thank you everyone for the direction. It sounds like the Camplifier would best suite what I am looking to do. After looking at my cab some more, when running in stereo the left and right inputs are 8 ohm vs the 16 ohm mono. Should have caught that. So now I am do not know if the 290 might be a better fit being that the cab only handles 135watt rms / channel when run in stereo. I do not want to overpower by running the 360's 180watt / channel. Looking at the 290 though it only runs 50 watt x 2 when running stereo @ 8 ohms. Mr. Tilman, any suggestions as to which one would better fit?

    I will not be worried about mixing FOH and cabs . I just wanted to be able to power my cab with the kemper to achieve a larger sound than thru the monitors when practicing or jamming with others. As long as it sounds good, is loud enough, and can utilize stereo effects effectively, I am happy.

    Thanks to everyone

    I currently have the Kemper non- powered toaster head. I run it through JBL studio monitors but would like to run my Randall RV4x12 loaded with Vintage 30s and G75s. The cab can be run in stereo 135watt rms / ch. I was looking at the Camplifier 360 so I can get the stereo effect when running the effects section. The speakers in the cab are 16 ohm so I assume that running the Camplifier 360 in stereo given this configuration would output only 90wattx2 instead of the 180wattx2 @ 8 ohm as advertised by Ritter Amplification. I am really wondering if anyone has any experience running a 4x12 of similar specs as I have mentioned , with a Camplifier ? I understand disable the cab section on the kemper but how transparent is the Camplifier? If I run a ENGL Savage profile that was profiled on a similar cabinet as the one I have, will it still sound as awesome as it does thru monitors, except a much larger sound? Also, what effect does the fact that profiles have a power amp aspect to them already and then add the Camplifier as a power amp. How transparent is the Camplifier? . Monitors are not going to have the punch in my opinion as a 4x12. I guess I like moving air . Given the price of the Camplifier 360 and that it comes over from overseas, I would hate to get this and then have it not be what I thought it was. Any direction is much appreciated. Thank you.

    Regarding the Kemper Powered Rack - I see only single output to hook a cab to . Is there a way to get stereo effects into a cab that can be run stereo with the Kemper Power Rack? Maybe I missed something

    Thanks again!

    Thank you for the prompt response. I will take a look into the FCB manual and Uno documentation. Forgot to ask the questions below.

    Does the chip in the FCB Behringer need to have a soldering iron to remove and install the new Uno chip or do these chips snap in and out?

    Does the chip upgrade void out any Behringer warranty?

    Thanks again for your time.