Posts by Fcerha

    I use the coaxial connection since that is what I have on my KPA. I connect the KPA to a Motu Audio Express.
    It works fine (most of the time) with Firewire connected to a Macbook pro.

    There are cheap S/PDIF coaxial to S/PDIF optical converters but I don´t know if they work properly.

    I found this thread because I have similar considerations. I am moving to PC and I fear that Motu Audio Express won´t work.
    It has a USB connection as well (not only firewire), but it often crashes.

    I think this looks promising:

    I am planning to add a lot of guitar tracks on a project during the holidays. I will bring the KPA, a laptop and an Apogee duet to the X-mas-and-beyond location. When I get back home I´ll transfer the project to my mixing rig. Hopefully, by then the keyboard player will bring a bunch of keyboard tracks, recorded elsewhere.
    I would like to work with re-amping to find what guitar sounds really fit in the mix, but the Apogee duet only has 2 inputs and 2 outputs.
    Is there a way I can set up the KPA to deliver a) 1 mono signal containing the amp+cab but no fx,
    and b)1 dry mono signal with no processing at all? Obviously b) would be for re-amping and a) to
    make me want to play at all...
    It seems the KPA is very flexible with routing and I noticed a lot of options in the master section that I don´t really understand. Some feedback would be really helpful.


    From the aspect of the FCB1010:
    This pedal is able to send 5 PrgChg simultaneously over several midi channels...just like I hoped the KPA pedal would.
    I set the KPA to listen to channel2(and switched off omni). I programmed the FCB1010 to send PrgChg to the KPA On channel2(naturally) and to the Variax on Channel1, which is the channel it listens to. I don't think I would have figured out the programming procedures without The Idiots guide to FCB1010(Google is your friend)

    From the aspect of the Variax, the catch is how you send midi to it without the limitations of the supplied Variax cable.
    It turns out that the proprietary aspect of Variax control is the cable only. Or so it seems. A year ago I just imagined "what if it is good old midi running through that bastard cable?" Some googling led me to a post on a line6 forum where somebody had supplied a list of program change numbers and a small sheet for some soldering work. So I took an old ethernet cable and attached a 5pin midi plug at the other end.
    I have the guidelines at home and could post them later if anybody wants them .When I looked a week ago that post was still in the Line6 forum.

    Just to clarify: the Camper is the Extended Range powered speaker (also available in 212 stereo config) that you've tried as well, the 212FR-A is the active FRFR-in-a-guitar-cab that I've just got. 2 different things...and yes I love it!

    The 212 is stereo But not FRFR, right? And the 212FR-A is FRFR up to 15000, but mono.

    I am running a cold at the moment , which may influence the math 8| Anyway 44100 samples per second should give 44.1 samples per millisecond. So 128 samples should be a little less than 3 ms.

    Thanks for your responses!

    Sometimes it is great to be wrong. I managed to find something I got from Kemper on the issue:


    Head: 5.32 kg (11.73 pounds) Rack: 5.00 kg (11.02 pounds)

    PowerHead: 6.5 kg (14.33 pounds) PowerRack: 6.18 kg (13.62 pounds)

    I suppose this means that the power amp weighs a little more than 0.3 kg, which is really OK. But it in stereo and what will they charge for the ugrade?

    5ms...hard to say if that matters. I have played a lot through the sound card an Apogee Duet to use native FX of my DAW. I use a buffer of 128 samples and have the standard frequency 44,1k
    I think that means a little less than 3ms. Anyway that is no problem at all.

    I am carrying the KPA in a flight case to the studio and home, back and forth all the time. I may have got it wrong, but I got the impression that an amp upgrade by Kemper would add 5 extra kilos.
    So I think I´ll try to go for active monitors instead, and leave them in the studio of course. At my local music store the guitar fellow told me that the Qse K10 would be the best way to go. He sort of indicated that it was consensus among KPA users, but I find little evidence of that when I look around here. Has there any polls on the subject of active monitors in this forum?

    Yes I know that there are pedals that do this, but I just hope that the KPA-pedal will be so much better, and I hope that this aspect won´t be forgotten. In my case it is a Variax guitar that I want to switch models on, so that I could for example pair a Lester neck mic (on the Variax) with a high gain profile(on the KPA) and one of the Chime 12-string simulations (on the Variax) with A Roland JC(on the KPA). This requires that the pedal "knows" that a certain program should send not only PrgCh #1 for the KPA high gain profile but also PrgCh #16 to the Variax...on a separate channel.

    This may take some extra explanation. In case some people don´t know about the Variax, it emulates 25 different guitars and does a good job, comes close enough at least to my ear. But switching around on the model selection pot on the guitar takes too much time, so most of the time I am in the area where you find the Gibsons and the Strats. Those of you who do know about the Variax may be aware of Line6´s own solution, that allows you to control the Variax from one of those Line6 pedals. They use their own cable for that......and it is basically a bastard cable. It has the shield of an XLR and contains an RJ-45 plug from a UTP ethernet cable. And it simply handles midi. Apart from a little bit of extra physical support where the shield goes into the guitar I can imagine no other purpose for the non-standard cable than making people stick to Line6.

    I did a bit of searching and found out about the PrgCh numbers for the guitar models and how to do the wiring from the UTP to a midiplug. Ironically the fellow who gave all this advice had done it in order to make the Variax cooperate with a Vetta(which is also Line6). So I made my own ethernet-midi adapter :D If I could only control the guitar and the KPA from the same pedal I would be in control Nirvana!

    As you understand, the capacity to control an extra midi unit adds endless possibilities to the KPA system. You could for example control external effects in correspondence with the rigs of the KPA.