Posts by Drwiddly

    .... and there's the rub (and why the KPA is so good) - we all like different things so whilst a good profile is going to be liked by a lot of people, several good profiles will divide opinions. Some times a change of cab or eq can alter things dramatically and bring a rig to life. I found this with the TAF Rivera Knucklehead profiles which I was a bit unimpressed by. I tried a few different cabs and really like them now.

    It's all good. :thumbup:

    I bought the TAF Rivera Knucklehead pack a couple of weeks ago. I was a bit disappointed as it sounded a bit distant and 'boxy' but the inherent tone seemed good. I had some time today so I swapped the cab for some of Till's cabs. To say that the profiles came to life would be an understatement. It might not be an accurate representation of the amp but I really don't care :thumbup:

    As with any audio problem, you need to check your entire signal chain to eliminate each part. Unless you've tried different cables (including guitar leads and usb cable), a different audio interface and a different digital source, you can't be sure what's causing the problem.

    I'd try swapping out all the cables one at a time first then cleaning all contacts with switch cleaner and a microfibre cloth. If it's still there, can you borrow a different audio interface from a friend or local dealer? Do you have an alternative digital source (other than the kpa) you can try?

    One of these changes will eliminate the problem. Let's hope it's not the kpa!


    I'm using my KPA rack with a Matrix power amp into two 2x12 cabs and it sounds huge. I've not used a powered KPA but yours shouldn't sound like you described. There's a setting 'wrong' somewhere!

    How does the preamp to poweramp routing work in the powered version? I note you have cabs off in monitor out but are you sure that the monitor out is feeding the poweramp rather than the main outs?

    I was just about to post that info! :D

    Forum member Browndogsounds has posted a zip file containing all the free stuff from the rig exchange on the free profiles section of the forum so ypu can get it all in one go if you want. The Amp Factory have quite a few free profiles for download on their site too.

    Oh, and welcome!

    Whilst I don't profess to understand your current set up, I do own a KPA and an Ultra but I don't use them together (yet!).

    I think that, because of the much greater flexibility in the Ultra's internal routing, I'd be looking to incorporate the KPA into the Ultra's loop rather than vice versa. This would give the option of using the KPA's amps as a block and combining fx and even amp models from the Ultra. It would be much easier to map it all out in Axe Edit too. This may not work in your set up but it seems like the right starting point to me.

    There's some detailed advice elsewhere on the forum but, as you can only delete one file at a time on the kpa, the easiest way to delete all is to create a blank backup file. To do this you'll need to create a backup on the usb stick using the backup functipn. Transfer the stick to your computer and use a utility such as 7zip to open the file and delete all the files in the shared folder. Save the file to a folder named 'blank backup' or similar. If you copy this file to yourusb stick and use the restore function in the kpa, it will delete all your rigs.

    Make sure you back everything up before you do this. There are instructions for backing up your factory rigs elsewhere on the forum and I've found the tag editor invaluable in organising my rigs and profiles.

    As there's no editor or librarian (yet) I find it easier to organise everything on my pc and just have the profiles I need or want to audition, on the kpa

    I've used an fcb1010 with a 'standard' uno chip for years. Used it with all sorts of gear from Pods to a jmp-1, a gsp1101 and an Axe Ultra. Great unit and dead easy to program with the pc editor.

    I bought a kpa rack a few months back and have only just started to set it up for live work. I've settled on a good selection of profiles and have assigned pc#'s and am setting up wah and pitch fx. I'm finding that most of the set up is actually within the kpa so I have my wah touch activated and my tuner heel down on the vol. pedal, etc. I'm now wondering what the benefits are of the uno4kemper chip. Is it purely that it's already set up so no (or very little) programming is required or am I missing something?

    It's both the wonder and the downside of the KPA that we have so much choice. Most of us go mad downloading loads of profiles from the Rig Exchange and elsewhere when we first get the box and then just feel completely overwhelmed. Add cabs into the equation and it can become too much!

    There's good advice in this thread. Pick 3 or 4 profiles that you really like and set them up for your live work. Try using the same base cab that provides some consistency for your tones. If you don't have Tills cabs then download them (plenty of links here if you search) as they're really good. If you tend to go for Marshall tones, try a V30 cab or maybe try greenbacks to work with Vox tones as well. Don't keep switching just find a cab you like and stick with it. If you get used to your rigs sounding a particular way, when you make a change the difference will be more obvious.

    Finally, download the Bogner Goldfinger pack from TAF. That will cover nearly everything and it sounds stellar :)