Best way to delete 1250 rigs ?

  • I've backed up my rigs. Need to sort them out. Not easy to manage on the Kemper though.
    Rather disappointed there's no proper interface whereby the Kemper would show like another disc drive on the computer enabling one to drag & drop rigs into different folders. Why didn't they make this possible for heaven's sake!
    In the light of this failing on Kemper's part (Acoustic geniuses but haven't set up file management properly) I guess the best way is to manage them by backing up to USB which I've done, then organising them into groups there. If that's possible.

    Anyway how do I 'delete all' on my Kemper ?

  • There's some detailed advice elsewhere on the forum but, as you can only delete one file at a time on the kpa, the easiest way to delete all is to create a blank backup file. To do this you'll need to create a backup on the usb stick using the backup functipn. Transfer the stick to your computer and use a utility such as 7zip to open the file and delete all the files in the shared folder. Save the file to a folder named 'blank backup' or similar. If you copy this file to yourusb stick and use the restore function in the kpa, it will delete all your rigs.

    Make sure you back everything up before you do this. There are instructions for backing up your factory rigs elsewhere on the forum and I've found the tag editor invaluable in organising my rigs and profiles.

    As there's no editor or librarian (yet) I find it easier to organise everything on my pc and just have the profiles I need or want to audition, on the kpa

  • another way of doing :

    1.change your owner name in the KPA for anything different "delete all but favourites" (there's no more favourites since they're tagged with the original owner name)
    3.reset your original owner name

  • Sorry to be thick but where is 'delete all but favourites' command ?

    I searched the basic manual for delete but can't find how to bring up the command you mention.

    I still can't believe the lack of Computer interface on the Kemper. A brilliant bit of kit, but for managing presets it's like something from the 70's !!!!!
    What where they thinking. I'm astonished.
    It's the one area where Line 6 are ahead of them. Not that I'd go back to line 6.