Posts by Ale

    You use the line out at the loadbox and go into the Kemper return. That type of profile would be a DI profile and then you would add a cab or IR that you like. The connection detail is shown in the manual but that is what you would do. Guitar into Kemper>>Send on back of Kemper to Amp>> Line out back to Kemper. Profile, refine, save, play.

    and the sound interface? I would use the torpedo plugin WOS for the cabs..


    I'm considering buying an amp and a torpedo captor in order to use it in conjunction with torpedo plugin (..and in future torpedo cab) to make my own profiles. I really like the Kemper but I would like to play with my profiles made with an amp and pedals (maybe a vox with some ths or Friedman od). Do you think it's worth? how do I make profiles this way? in the manual I haven't found a method for this..thanks

    both solutions are good for different reasons...the dsl1 combo was used, cheap and attractive so i bought it. Anyway i just want to hear how it sounds with kemper fx and cabs


    i have recently bought a marshall dsl1 little amp. Now, i was wondering if i can you use it in conjunction with the has a line out. So can i plug it into the kemper and use only the cabs and the efx? is there a way to do it safely?


    Hi @AleSorry to hear you missed with that one. Can't you get your money back if the items are like in "new" condition?
    I am using 5" powered studio monitors - Neumann KH120A, they punch out even 130dB but I have also Yamaha DXR10 sitting on the floor as a wedge.
    I mix the signals so my DXR10 adds more body and bottom end but it doesn't take over 5" monitors in overall volume.
    I really like this setup and would prefer it over 2x8" speakers.
    But I got DXR10 rather hell cheap ~200Euro.
    Now I think that even 5" Yamaha HS5 would do the job here (instead of Neumanns)...

    Actually i bought the cab used for 150 euro and the caliber new. I think i will sell both

    Ok.. I got the caliber and the cab and afrer 30 minutes of playing i can say that i wasted money. The volume is too low to drive the speaker so it sounds a little fizzy.. It's not totally bad because some profiles are still enjoyable but the overall impression is that it doesn't due to the apartment volume levels. So the only chance to play is through HP. I don't go crazy for them but that's it. One more thing i might consider in the future is an 8 inch monitor for more bass response..

    thank you all! i think i will try every own (they are a lot) with cabs off and then start experimenting...i am a little nervous because i don't how the caliber will work and how the Kemper will sound through a cab give the constant volume issue of living in an apartment. At the end of the weekend i will have a clearer might be money wasting but hope it works. I will keep you updated

    i have bought a 1912 marshall cab and a caliber 22. The latter it's not powerful but for bedroom purposes it should di the job well. I will let you know my impressions.. I expect the amp in the room feel. In the meantime, could you tell me how should i connect the kpa to the cab and poweramp/ internal settings? Is there something not covered by the manual? Thanks

    Hi,i am considering a cab and a power amp for my Kpa. I think something like a caliber or a magnum and a 1x12 marshall would serve me well. I would like that amp in the room. The problem is the volume i can get to have fun. I can hardly do it with one 5 inch yamaha monitor so i don't know if a 1x12 is an improvement or not in terms of apartment volume/ fun. What do you think? is there a way to move some air at bedroom volume ( i think that's the problem)? if so, which is the best way to do it?

    Guys, i think i am off the crisis with my kpa. I found some great high gain that sound spectacular with my new les paul cranking the headphone space. Thank you all. Now, i was considering a cab...i would like to play a regular cabinet like a 1x12 marshal with a magnum or similar as power amp. I would like that amp in the room. The problem is the volume i can get to have fun. I can hardly do it with one 5 inch yamaha monitor so i don't know if a 1x12 is an improvement or not in terms of apartment volume/ fun or not. What do you think?