Posts by dougjackson

    [quote='HappyKemper',index.php?page=Thread&postID=60703#post60703]Developing a full functioning editor is difficult and time consuming. I assume a rig/library management tool is easier to develop. Line 6 have had many problems through the years with their editors and it took fractal years before they even had an editor. Their current editor has not been working properly at all for months and not keeping

    Thanks for the explanation. It sounds like once the Kemper folks come out with an editor or librarian, it could still be long time before they work out the bugs.

    Mhhh... since the chapter you're referring is now on page 75, I'd advice you to download the latest version of the wiKPA :)

    The above-mentioned chapter just refers to a hint from a user, related to putting any sign (he uses a "-") in front of a profile's name just to remember it has been modified. And yes, it's referred to using the KPA, not a PC.

    As for your "goofy questions", I personally see nothing wrong in ignorance, as long as it's in good faith and not used as an alibi. I'd suggest you to download and read both the manuals from the Kemper site, and the wiKPA as well, from page 1. Even tho you could miss something, at the end of your reading you will have a different perspective, and a different attitude. And will enjoy your KPA much more, I'm sure :)

    Thanks, I didn't realize there was an updated version. But, I downloaded it again (wiKPA 2012 12 10.pdf) and the
    MANAGING MODIFIED RIGS is on page 73. Maybe we're talking about different things.

    I've read the manual a couple times and will need to go over it a few more times. Some of it I got right away and some not so much. The one thing I know I need to figure out is how to name, save and organize the profiled rigs and seperate them from the rest so I can find them easily. Otherwise, it could be a nightmare finding the rigs I've adjusted to my liking. Thats why I was hoping there was some kind of PC interface to make it easier.

    Hey dougjackson,

    this is the kind of feedback I usually am after and ask readers for.
    What are your difficulties with the wiKPA, and how you'd like it to be?


    My difficulties with following the wiKPA is more my problem than the wiKPA. I was referring to "Managing Modified Rigs" on page 67. I was under the impression it was done on a PC, not the KPA. I have a hard time following it because I'm not technically oriented. It's just hard for me to follow. I don't follow the technical terms and get lost very easy. I'm an old player that's use to real amps. The Digital stuff is like learning a new language. I think I need to look at the KPA as a computer. I may not understand how it works or understand the terminology, but I can learn how to use the different functions. I hope you guys are patient with my goofy questions. What is very obvious to you, can be a total nightmare to me. One thing for sure, i'm loving what I'm hearing from the KPA and I know I haven't even scratched the surface.

    Reading different post on this, and other sites, I'm a bit confused on what functions you can do through a PC. It looks like you can edit, organize and save rigs/presets, but I found the wiKPA doc's hard to follow on this. I've seen other devices that have great functionality with a computer interface. The Eleven Rack looks great and even the Fender Fuse looks like a nice user friendly interface. Is there something similar for the KPA?

    Are there any decent instructional videos of the KPA out there? Maybe "How To" youtube videos? I have to use my Android phone Hot Spot while I'm waiting for new internet service to be installed in our area and if I surf youtube videos, my data usage goes through the roof. Otherwise, I'd surf all the KPA Videos myself. I get more out of video demos than the printed documentation.

    Show me there is something better and Ill look. Dont think so though! ;)

    Doesn't have anything to do with "Something Better". It's going to be if I like it that much more than just staying with my Princeton Reverb and a half dozen pedals. I think there's a good shot I'll keep the KPA, but I'm not there yet. There's a learning curve I need to overcome. Not being computer savvy and coming from plug and play with tube amps, it's not quit as easy for me as some have said.

    Sorry, I haven't had experience with a mixer. I was thinking a mixer between the KPA and studio monitors would degrade the signal and may take away from the overall sound. Although there are so many good reasons to use a mixer like backing tracks, drum machines and such, it probably doesn't change the sound enough to make a difference.

    Thanks for responding. It took a couple minutes to figure out what "RTFM" meant. Although it shouldn't have since my wife tells me this all the time.

    For those who have tried both studio monitors and a power amp with a cab, which do you prefer? I would think going through a power amp and cab would kind of defeat the idea of using different amp profiles. Maybe I just not understanding how a profile works.

    Hi all, new member and a new Kemper on the way. I would appreciate advice on how to get off to a good start and help with settings, and dialing the Kemper in. I'm coming from amps (mostly Fenders) and this is my first attempt at anything like this. I'm not a high gain player. I don't see myself actually profiling amps. I intend to use the profiles that are available already. I need to make sure I have it right before my trial period is up. I don't want to make bad decision and send it back because I've got something set up wrong. I'm going to be using studio monitors which belong to a friend.

    Thanks, Doug