Posts by mb

    Hi, it's been ages since I last posted on the forum, and I always seem to end up in the middle of these Fractal vs KPA threads!

    Anyway I've spent the better part of the evening reading sciency research paper stuff so I thought I'd weigh in with my 2 cents;

    The biggest issue in science and in life when making a rational decision is bias.
    Now anyone whose bought and Axe is naturally biased towards it.
    Likewise, anyone who own's a KPA is similarly biased.
    You cannot dispute this fact - none of us can.

    So how do we try to eliminate bias?

    Logically, the person who doesn't own either unit should have the least bias - so this means you.

    Then we need to eliminate other forms of bias:

    1. The bias of choosing a unit based on cost;
    Make sure you can afford either unit so that cost doesn't become a deciding factor (obviously, you can let cost be a factor but then the conclusion wouldn't be as scientifically valid ;) )

    2. The bias of different locations;
    You might try an Axe at a friend's place, and a KPA at a store, but the environment and speakers etc will influence how you perceive each one, so to eliminate bias you need to test both units through the exact same equipment.

    3. The bias of perceived value;
    Lets say for example I use my phone for messaging and the internet and calls.
    A new model comes along that can move the screen according to my eye position - I think this is a must have and I get the new phone.
    From personal experience, eventually I will go back to just messaging, internet and calls on the new phone and the new feature will not be used.
    In order to limit this bias you need to be honest with yourself as to what you need and want from the unit your buying.
    Do you want flexible effect routing?
    Do you want better amp sounds?
    Only when you are honest with yourself, and are not making decisions based on what you think you might use in the future, possibly maybe etc and instead write down what you need right now, will you reduce this bias.

    You will never eliminate all bias, but at least by doing these simple things you may find a way to compare the 2 units more fairly and make a better choice..

    The bottom line is that you should try them both for yourself - any replies on both forums are too unreliable to use as your decision making process

    Please, read it from the beginning to understand what happened. One guy comes to the forum, asks about the possibility of combining two profiles and, in his opinion, one of the answers was not so nice so his reaction was an aggression. That is what started this war that goes nowhere and has nothing to do with the product. It's a problem between two people.

    I did read it from the beginning.
    Any rational, reasonable person wouldn't take offence the way he did.
    His subsequent replies were rude and uncalled for and in my opinion the idiot is trolling for attention.
    If he doesn't want to be a part of the community he should leave, and if he can't hold an intelligent conversation without resorting to sarcasm then he has no business engaging the good people on this forum any longer.

    Regarding the KPA - I want dual delays - I've been wanting them since I bought mines nearly a year ago. That doesn't give me the right to get rude with ANYONE because I cant have them.

    My personal opinion regarding all this dual amp nonsense is that people today want to replace good old fashioned practice and playing ability with quick fixes to sound better. Alot of highly regarded players weren't born with '59 les pauls in their cots. They learnt to play on crappy equipment and they can still sound great on that crappy equipment.
    They added things like dual amps and multiple effects to enhance their already great sound. And they problem solved - if a manufacturer didn't offer the specific function they wanted they adapted other products to suit their needs.
    Today we have the good fortune of being able to directly engage the manufacturer or product designer through the internet to add functionality to a product which we've already bought, but I think we are forgetting that it's not their responsibility to cater to every tom, dick and harry's needs.
    You don't go crying to the dealership when the car you want to buy doesnt offer xxx feature, and get snarky with the salesman.
    So I feel we should engage each other as if we were standing face to face in real life - with some courtesy.

    I don't care what else that idiot posts - I have no time for fools like him.

    I'll chalk your arrogance up to the language barrier.

    I don't care how much time you spend here...I don't own a KPA...if you're going to be condescending to me (yes, coming into a thread and saying "this has been discussed ad nauseam" is condescending; it's the forum equivalent of an eyeroll) i am probably not going to like it. neither would anyone else.

    If you want to start making blanket statements about my "problems" (LOL what?) and my "attitude" based on some posts in a forum, and calling you out for being condescending...I think you might need to take a step back and look at yourself and your own attitude.

    So no, I'm not taking your advice and "changing my attitude towards you." You want people to respect you by default because you post here a lot? Like I said, I dont own the amp, so I don't really care how much you post or help people, but thanks for the work you do here anyway

    Listen mate, let me break it down for you;
    I speak english at a postgraduate level and as a first language so let me assure you there will be no 'language barrier' to worry about.

    You wanted information about the KPA. You couldn't bother to use the search function. You asked a commonly-asked question and were told to go look it up by yourself. Your little internet ego got hurt and swelled up to 10 times it's size and now you want all and sundry to hear about how the folks on this forum "ill-treated' you.

    Here are the facts:
    You don't own the product.
    The product doesn't offer the specific functionality you want.
    The community who use the product offend you.

    Logically then, you should deregister your account, F&*K off and forget about the KPA.

    Happy trails loser.

    (I'm not CK, and have no financial affiliation with Kemper, but I hate assholes like you spoiling my light reading after a hard day's work with this tripe - go pedal your shit somewhere else)


    excellent profiles, one request though;

    Please but a "forgot password" button on your login page - I sometimes forget my password and it takes a million tries to finally get it...

    Ok, maybe I'm just being 'picky' ;)

    Can you please clarify two conditions:

    1. While amp is in focus, can you please confirm that you are using selective browse (not browsing presets, but rigs)
    2. Is the Autoload flag ticked or are you in manual load mode?

    Hey Burkhard,
    It's definitely selective browse - the amps have brackets around the names
    And yes, the autoload was enabled

    When you use the browse knob (Right knob) to change the Amp type while you are on the Amplifier page, after a certain number of amps the sound stops working.
    Even if you exit and change the whole rig or change to a favourite there's still no sound.
    You have to physically reboot the KPA to get back the sound.

    Is this a beta FW bug?